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Exercise & Nutrition Labs & Facilities

The Department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences facilities promote hands-on learning and experimentation. In addition, we have a unique learning space in Sibley Hall with computers and workspaces dedicated to our students.

Hands-On Learning & Top-Notch Facilities

Gain In-Depth Experience

Our fitness and personal training lab is well equipped, including with a Monark ergometer, a BIOPAC EEG system, and devices such as goniometers and body composition tools. 

The Personal Training Laboratory allows you to:

  • Analyze health/medical questionnaire forms and determine the implementation of the American College of Sports Medicine® (ACSM) risk stratification process for potential new clients/members.
  • Develop individualized and group exercise programs for normal to special populations of all ages and become an educator/teacher of exercise movements and biomechanical analysis.
  • Discuss the components, sequencing and timing of year-round physical training systems using a variety of movements with conventional commercial equipment, free weights and other forms and applications of exercise programming.
  • Analyze posture and body alignment and evaluate the anatomical structures of the vertebral column and other extremities using a posture and body alignment grid and client evaluation sheet.
  • Measure, record and analyze testing assessments for the musculoskeletal, joint and cardiovascular systems.
  • Experience and practice consultation and communication skills with clients and students in the fitness and health environment.

Other fitness-related campus resources include the fitness center, athletic facilities and the recreational sports program.

Personal trainer helping a male client with his weightlifting form

Experiment with Food & Science

Our food lab is a great place to learn about culinary arts and healthy cooking, as well as for conducting food science experiments and socializing during our Student Nutrition Association’s potlucks. 

Other nutrition-related campus resources include the campus dietitian and the school garden, which is located next to Sibley. 

Female students in the nutrition lab using a computer

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