Directory of Campus Buildings & Conference Rooms
Alphabetical listing of campus buildings and phone numbers. For general inquiries and assistance, please call the main campus phone at 518-564-2000
Directory of Conference Rooms
Due to COVID-19 social distancing requirements, some room occupancies may be reduced. Please confirm with the contact listed.
Building/Room Location | Occupancy | For Reservation (Ext.) |
ACC — Alumni Conf. Room | 100 | College Center, Ext. 4321 |
ACC — Amnesty Room | 30 | College Center, Ext. 4321 |
ACC — Cardinal Lounge | 100 | College Center, Ext. 4321 |
ACC — Meeting Rooms 1 & 8 | 20 | College Center, Ext. 4321 |
ACC — Meeting Rooms 2–7 | 10 | College Center, Ext. 4321 |
ACC — Warren Ballrooms | 300 each | College Center, Ext. 4321 |
Au Sable Hall — Hermes Conf. Room (Room 114) | 19* | SBE, Ext. 4186 |
Au Sable Hall — SBE Conf. Room (Room 320) | 5* | SBE, Ext. 4186 |
Feinberg Library — Faculty & Staff Lounge (Room 335) | 50 | Kristie Stanton, Ext. 4233 |
Kehoe — 6th Floor Conf. Room | 25 | Student Affairs, Ext. 2280 |
Kehoe — 7th Floor Conf. Room | 5* | Accounts Payable, Ext. 3606 |
Myers Fine Arts (Room 232) — Fishbowl | 0* | Art Museum, Ext. 2474 |
Redcay Hall (Room 130) — Mowry Room | 62 | Leanne Macey, Ext. 3000 |
Sibley (403A) — Hospitality Management Conf. Room | 16 | Exercise & Nutrition Sciences Dept., Ext. 4355 |
Student Health Center — Room 148 | 0* | Student Health Center, Ext. 3086 |
Twin Valleys Outdoor Education Center | 98 | College Auxiliary Services, Ext. 3054 |
Valcour Educational Center — Bedrooms | 17 | College Auxiliary Services, Ext. 3054 |
Valcour Educational Center — Boat House | 170 | College Auxiliary Services, Ext. 3054 |
Valcour Educational Center — Main House | 100* | College Auxiliary Services, Ext. 3054 |
Ward Hall — Room 103 | 6* | Arts & Sciences Office, Ext. 3150 |
Yokum Lecture Hall — Room 200 | 435 | [email protected] |
*reduced occupancy due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions