Choose 6 courses (18 or 19 credits), taking at least 2 courses (6–7) credits) from
each track (A and B) and the remaining 2 courses from either track.
Food & Farming Tracks
Track A: Farming Track |
Track B: Food Track |
SCI207 — Organic Farming (3 cr.) Prerequisite: Sophomore Standing |
ANT368 — Anthropology of Food (3 cr.) Prerequisite: Ant 102 or POI |
ENV332 — Plant Ecology (3 cr.) Prerequisite: BIO304/ENV304 |
CHE325 — Culinary Chemistry: Molecular Gastronomy (3 cr.) Prerequisite: CHE112, and
CHE240 or CHE241 or POI |
ENV370 — Soil Science (4 cr.) Prerequisite: BIO102; ENV304 or BIO304; GEL101; CHE101
or CHE111 (Taught at Miner Institute) |
FNI191 — Nutrition and Well-Being (3 cr.) Prerequisite: None Or: FNI 211 — Human Nutrition
(3 cr.) Prerequisite: CHE101 or equivalent |
ENV440 — Agriculture and the Environment (3 cr.) Prerequisite: ENV304; CHE101 or CHE111/CHE112
or POI. (Taught at Miner Institute) |
FNI241 — Nutrition in the Life Cycle (3 cr.) Prerequisite: FNI211 (or FNI191 for non-majors) |
ENV481 — Sustainability (3 cr.) Prerequisite: Junior standing and either ENV304 or
GEL310 or PSC311 or GEG332 or ECO392 or POI |
HIS319 — U.S. Environmental History (3 cr.) Prerequisites: three credits in history. |
GEG485 — Sustainable Communities (3 cr.) Prerequisite: GEG121 or ENV201 and junior
standing |
INT305 — Food Security and Emergency Interventions (3 cr.) Prerequisite: NG101 or
HIS132 or SOC101 or LAS111 or PSC120 or POI |
ANT359 — Ecology, Systems, & Culture (3 cr.) Prerequisite: ANT101 or ANT102 |
PHI365 — Food Justice (3 cr.) Prerequisites: three philosophy credits or sophomore
standing or POI. |
HIS342 — History of Ecology and Environmentalism (3 cr.) Prerequisites: 3 credits
in history; sophomore standing. |
CHE308 — Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.) Prerequisite: CHE240 or CHE241 |
MGM280 — Principles of Management (3 cr.) Prerequisite: ENG101, ECO101 or ECO110 or
ECO111 Or MKE336 — Small Business Management (3 cr.) Prerequisite: ACC202, MGM280,
MKE290. |
SCI208 — Organic Farming Practical Lab/Lectures (summer) 6 cr. Prerequisite: POI |