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Disposition of Property

Outlines the steps for property disposition.

Procedure Information

For more information on this procedure, contact Regional Procurement Services.


  • 5.0 Process

    New York state only permits the disposition of property through four pathways:

    1. trade-in,
    2. transfer to other state agencies,
    3. sold through the Office of General Services, or
    4. by being discarded.

    A summary of disposition procedures is outlined below.

    1. Departments that no longer have the need for property should first determine the classification (Item of Supply, Low-Risk Asset, High-Risk Asset, and RAM Asset) and the condition of the property (excellent, good, fair, poor, scrap)
    2. Property that is no longer needed by a department and in excellent, good, or fair condition, should be offered to other campus departments through the Cardinal Swap Program by following this process:
      1. Department posts pictures of property on shared Google Drive.
      2. Each item is given seven days of advertisement on the page.
      3. Upon the seven-day deadline, the property control surplus coordinator will ask that the item be removed from the page and discarded appropriately by the posting department.
      4. Exceptions to the deadline can be made should the requesting department change their mind, from which point the item could then be posted for an additional seven days.
      5. Items posted should be able to be obtained without the assistance of the campus moving crew. If help is needed the decision will be made based on the availability of the moving crew.
    3. If there is no interest in the property or the property is in poor or scrap condition, the following steps should be taken:
      1. For Items of Supply and Low-Risk Assets, discard the items.
      2. For High-Risk Assets and RAM Assets, the Equipment Coordinator must complete an RAM Asset Disposal Form (see Forms) and forward to [email protected].
        1. The property control surplus coordinator in consultation with the PCC shall determine whether the property should be discarded, transferred to another SUNY campus, or sold by the Office of General Services and will process the appropriate paperwork through SUNY Central Administration to dispose of this equipment in accordance with the existing state policies and procedures.
      3. The property control surplus coordinator will be responsible for removing assets from RAM and disposing of the asset in the proper OSC prescribed procedure.

    Please note: Property containing hazardous materials must be disposed of in accordance with federal and state requirements and specific campus policies. Departments needing to dispose of property that includes hazardous materials should contact the Environmental Health and Safety Department for more information.

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