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Acquisition & Receiving

Outlines the steps for purchasing and receiving RAMI Assets.

Procedure Information

For more information on this procedure, contact Regional Procurement Services.


  • 6.0 Process

    RAM Assets

    Please note: This procedure outlines the steps for purchasing and receiving RAM Assets. For RAM Assets being donated or fabricated, see the relevant sections below.


    1. Department completes a Purchase Requisition for New Equipment, obtains necessary approvals, and forwards with supporting documentation to the Purchasing Department.
      1. Note: Research Foundation Purchases should be sent to the Office of Sponsored Research, which will perform the steps listed instead of Purchasing.


    1. Upon receipt, Purchasing will process the Purchase Requisition to convert to a Purchase Order.
    2. Purchasing will complete the P101 form and will email to the Warehouse and the PCC.
      1. Note: If the Asset is going to be delivered to the branch campus, the form should be also be sent to the Branch Campus Equipment Coordinator, which will complete most P101 Steps and forwarded P101 to the Warehouse and PCC. Warehouse will send RAM Asset Tag.


    1. Upon receipt of the P101 form, the Warehouse will add all information from the P101 to Inventory Log regardless of where the equipment is going to be delivered.
    2. When the item is received, the Warehouse will put a RAM Asset Tag on the item. If the Item is received at the Branch Campus the Branch Campus Equipment Coordinator will fill out electronic P101 form and make arrangements with Warehouse Receiving to provide a tag to be placed on equipment
    3. After tagging the RAM Asset, the Warehouse will complete its Section of the P101 form and will email it to the PCC.

    Accounts Payable

    1. Upon entry into RAM, PCC will file a copy of the P101 form.
    2. Maintain a copy of the completed P101 form for Research Foundation and Gift/Donations to the college.


    9. The PCC will review the completed P101 form.

    High-Risk Assets

    Department identifies need and purchases High-Risk Asset using Jaggaer.

    1. When received, the Equipment Coordinator must tag the High-Risk Asset with a red tag.
    2. The Equipment Coordinator should log the new High-Risk Asset on their departmental High-Risk Asset Log.


    Property that is being donated to the campus must be approved by the Vice President for Administration and Finance in accordance with the college’s Acceptance of Gifts in Kind Policy (See Appendix). Donated property must be tagged and reported to the PCC, for inclusion in RAM if the fair market value at the time of donation is $5,000 or more.

    The department receiving the donation/gift is to coordinate with the PCC as soon as possible. The PCC needs specific information from the department to create a P101 form. 


    Fabricated property must be tagged and reported to the PCC for inclusion in RAM if valued at $5,000 or more.

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