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Campus Handbook Section I: Academics & Research

The College Catalog is the primarily repository of Academic Policies. However, some policies and procedures are listed in this section due to their length or due to the fact that they are not specifically targeted at student academics. Examples of policies and procedures found in this section include Graduate Assistants, GEO Faculty Led Study Abroad Programs, and International Agreements. Approved policies are listed in alphabetical order below.

Please note the content in this section is primarily related to academic procedures or those academic policies affecting faculty, rather than students.

For assistance finding a particular policy, please consult our keyword searchable Table of Contents.

Still can't find a policy? Please check our Subject Index.

Academics & Research Policies, Procedures & Guidelines

Below, please find a list of the policies for this section of the Campus Handbook.

Policy No. Policy Title
1000.1.P Assessment Procedure for All College Units
1002.1 Commencement/Attendance of Faculty and Professional Staff
1003.1.P Course and Program Change Procedure
1004.1 Faculty Workload Memo
1005.1 GEO Faculty Led Study Abroad Programs
1006.1 GEO Resident Director Handbook
1008.3 Graduate Assistantships
1009.1.P International Agreements (Ad-Hoc), Procedures for Review
1010.1 Internship Programs
1011.2 Involuntary Leave of Absence for Students
1012.1 Non-Credit Programming/Courses/Classes
1013.1 Private Instruction and Tutoring
1014.1 Sabbatical Leaves
1015.3 Scholarly Misconduct
1018.3 Student Grade Grievances
1019.2 Summer and Winter Session Employment and Compensation
1022.1 Temporary Travel Restriction Study Abroad in Mexico
1023.1 Textbook Information HEOA


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