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Retirement Plans, Resources & Options

Information regarding retirement plans, voluntary savings plans and resources for retirement planning.

Full-Time Employees

Full-time (with appointments of 3 months or more), permanent employees are required to join a retirement system within 30 days of their appointment or hire date.

Part-Time Employees

Part-time employees and those with provisional or temporary appointments have the option to join a retirement system at any time. No retirement system membership will be established, nor any service credit or contributions reported until the appropriate retirement system election and membership applications have been received and processed.

Choosing a Plan

Your selection of a retirement system is an important decision, so please review your options very carefully.

Once your election is made, you will generally not be allowed to change retirement systems, unless you have a change in your employment title making you eligible for a different retirement system for the first time and you opt to change to that system within 30 days of your eligible appointment.

It is important to note that membership in a retirement system may not otherwise be changed or withdrawn during your current or any subsequent employment with any SUNY or community college campus.

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