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Workers’ Compensation Information

Work-Related Injury or Illness

Please find a brief summary of the process below. Additional information will be communicated directly to the employee who experienced the injury, as necessary.

If you experience a work-related injury or illness you should:

  1. Notify your supervisor.
  2. Complete an Accident Report.
  3. Call the Accident Reporting System at 888-800-0029 to obtain an incident number. The incident number must be recorded on the bottom of the Accident Report for it to be considered complete.
  4. Seek medical assistance, if necessary, and provide medical documentation to HRS.

Forward the completed accident report (including the incident number) and any medical documentation as soon as possible to Human Resource Services, 912 Kehoe (email [email protected] or fax 518-564-5060).

Anyone that seeks medical assistance due to a workers’ compensation injury or illness will be sent a Claimant Information Packet that includes all of the necessary forms and information required to proceed with your claim.

Please call 518-564-5062 for further assistance.

Additional Information

State Insurance Fund

The State Insurance Fund is the insurance carrier for NYS employees covered under workers’ compensation. For more information, contact:

The State Insurance Fund
1 Watervliet Avenue
Albany, NY 12206-1629
Phone: 888-875-5790

Payment Tracking

To see if your payment has been sent, go to Where's my check? You will need your NYSIF Claim Number, the last four digits of your Social Security number, and your date of birth.

Workers’ Compensation Board

If you need assistance with a hearing or a settlement with a past workers compensation case, please call the Workers Compensation Board at 866-750-5157. Have your case number and date of accident available.

Pharmacy Finder

Pharmacy Finder is a searchable database helps you to find pharmacies that can fill workers’ compensation prescriptions.


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