Assistant Professor of Psychology, School Psychology
My research is in the area of bullying in childhood and adolescence (including relational
aggression and bullying of LGBTQ+ youth). More recently, my research interests have
also included applied research in the schools (e.g., examining the local prevalence
of bullying and the need for anti-bullying programs in our area; implementing scientifically
sound anti-bullying programs) and, more broadly, reducing barriers to adopting and
implementing with fidelity evidence-based interventions in the school setting.
Current Research Studies at Plattsburgh
Teacher, Parent & Child Adjustment to the COVID-19 Pandemic
(with Dr. Samudra and undergraduate research assistants) We are collecting online data to better understand how elementary school teachers
and students, as well as the parents of elementary-aged children are adapting to the
long-term changes associated with the pandemic. We are particularly interested in
academic, social, and emotional health.
College Bullying of Students With & Without Disabilities
(with undergraduate research assistants) We are using online surveys to better understand what factors (such as disability status) impact the amount of bullying
victimization or perpetration college students experience, engage in, or witness.
Chatlos, S. B., Hoeh, E., Bonati, M. L., & Squires, M.E. (2023). Interdisciplinary
pre-service professional preparation through video modeling In D.D. Slanda & L. Pike
(Eds.), Handbook of research on interdisciplinary preparation for equitable special education
(pp. 21-41). IGI Global. DOI:10.4018/978-1-6684-6438-0
Chatlos, S. B., Samudra, P.G., Magoon, J.M., & Lokossou, A.C. (2022). Rural parent
and elementary school student resilience to COVID-19: Disability status and parental
predictors of change. School Psychology International, 1-19. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1177/01430343221128195>
Wilcox, G., Chatlos, S. B., McClure, E., Flowers, J., & Makarenko, E. (2021). De-implementation:
A missing piece in bridging the research to practice gap in school psychology. Contemporary
School Psychology. Advance online publication.
Crothers, L. M., Kolbert, J. B., Wells, D. S., Berbary, C., Chatlos, S., Buzgon, J.,
Joseph, M., Schmitt, A. J., Lattanzio, L., Lipinski, J., & Wadsworth, J. (2021). Perceptions
of sexual and gender minorities and allied youth regarding bullying. Journal of School
Counseling, 19(16). Advance online publication.
Peterson, L. S., Chatlos, S. B., Payne, A., Weber, M., Swerdlik, M. E., Kaplan, J.
P., Waltman, C., & Struzziero, J. A. (2021). Training school psychologists during
the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from the faculty supervisor support group.
Communique, 49(7), 1-26.
Crothers, L. M., Kolbert, J. B., Schmitt, A. J., Wells, D. R., Meidl, C., Berbary,
C., Chatlos, S., Lattanzio, L., Simonds, R., Zebrowski, M., Wadsworth, J., Fidazzo,
A., & Lipinski, J. (2019). Cognitive predictors of relational and social bullying,
overt aggression, and interpersonal maturity in a late adolescent female sample. International Journal of Bullying Prevention, 1(2), 136–146. doi: 10.1007/s42380-018-0001-2
Crothers, L. M., Kolbert, J. B., Bundick, M. J., Berbary, C., Chatlos, S., Lattanzio,
L., Tiberi, A. E., Wadsworth, J., Wells, D. S., & Lipinski, J. (2018). Students’,
parents’, and teachers’ views regarding bullying of LGBTQ students in Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania Psychologist, 78, 17–18.
Kolbert, J.B., Crothers, L.M., Meidl, C., Berbary, C., Chatlos, S., Lattanzio, L.,
Tiberi, A.E., Wells, D.S., & Wadsworth, J. (June 2018). Bullying of LGBTQ students:
A problem recognized by students, parents, and teachers. NASP Communique, 46(8), 1, 27–28.
Crothers, L. M., Kolbert, J. B., Berbary, C., Chatlos, S., Lattanzio, L., Tiberi,
A., Wells, D. S., Bundick, M. J., Lipinski, J., & Meidl, C. (2017). Teachers’, LGBTQ
students’, and student allies’ perceptions of bullying of sexually-diverse youth.
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 26(9), 937–951. doi:10.1080/10926771.2017.1344344
Hoeh, E., Bonati, M., Squires, M., Countermine, B., & Chatlos, S. (2022, October 27-28).
A multidisciplinary faculty learning community developed to address gaps in pre-service
education about interdisciplinary collaboration [Roundtable presentation]. NYSATE/NYACTE
Annual Fall Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY. View Program
Reil, J., Blydenburgh, V., Ruest, M., Lohret, G., Weidel, N., Kelleher, L., Verdi,
P., Cammarata, K., Wu, J., & Chatlos, S. (2022, October 20-22). Training pre-service
school psychologists to implement a Repeated Reading intervention [Poster presentation].
NY Association of School Psychologists (NYASP) Annual Conference, Uniondale, NY. View Program.
Samudra, P., & Chatlos, S. (2022, April 21-26). Children’s academic, social, and emotional
functioning while learning in different modalities during COVID-19 [Poster presentation].
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA and virtual.
Hoeh, E., Bonati, M., Chatlos, S., Squires, M., & Countermine, B. (2021, October 13-December
1). Multidisciplinary faculty learning community project-based professional development:
A committee on special education video series [Asynchronous conference session]. NYSATE/NYACTE
Annual Fall Conference, virtual.
Chatlos, S., & Samudra, P. (2021, April 7-9). Rural parent and child functioning during
COVID-19: Before and after remote instruction [Poster presentation]. Society for Research
in Child Development Biennial Meeting, virtual.
Samudra, P., & Chatlos, S. (2021, April 7-9). Parent predictors of child academic
outcomes before and during COVID-19 [Poster presentation]. Society for Research in
Child Development Biennial Meeting, virtual.
Chatlos, S., & Samudra, P. (2020, October 24). Child adjustment to the COVID-19 pandemic:
Sex and disability status differences [Poster presentation]. New England Psychological
Association (NEPA) Annual Conference, virtual.
Samudra, P., & Chatlos, S. (2020, October 24). Parent maintenance of personal balance
and support as predictors of child adjustment through the COVID-19 pandemic [Poster
presentation]. New England Psychological Association (NEPA) Annual Conference, virtual.
Berbary, C., Chatlos, S., Wells, D.S., Buzgon, J., Crothers, L.M., & Bundick, M.J.
(2016). Social Experience Differences between Self-Described Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Students and Heterosexual Students in Southwestern
Pennsylvania. Poster presented at the National Association for School Psychologists
(NASP) annual convention, New Orleans, LA.
Crothers, L.M., Berbary, C., Chatlos, S., Wells, D., Buzgon, J., & Latanzio, L. (2015).
Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Bullying Victimization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender, and Questioning (LGBTQ) Students in Southwestern Pennsylvania. Poster
presented at the Association of School Psychologists of PA (ASPP) fall conference,
State College, PA.
Oakes, M., Landry, K., Caudle, M., Chatlos, S. (2010). Sex Differences in Implicit
Mate Preference. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology
(SPSP) conference, Las Vegas, NV.