The Remote Sensing/GIS Lab has been been producing a digital database of watersheds and wetlands in the
Adirondack Park since 1991. Undergraduate students help with all spectra of the research
from delineating watersheds to remote sensing of wetlands to building the detailed
Geographical Information System (GIS) databases. The lab is a focal point for research
and teaching both remote sensing and GIS skills. SUNY Plattsburgh also supports a
twenty station GIS computer lab.
The Remote Sensing Facility
The Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSL) contains a wide range of equipment including our
own aerial camera system. The twin Hasselblad EL-500 cameras and custom-fabricated
wing-mounted pod have been employed in several investigations where large-scale imagery
of a local area was needed.
Photo interpretation equipment includes zoom, mirror and dual stereoscopes, parallax
bars, stereo-zoom transfer scope, digital planimeters, and anaglphic and SIA stereoplotters.
In addition, the lab has a LICOR spectroradiometer (300-1100 mm) and a Datacolor image-enhancement
The lab’s local-area network consists of six PC’s. Four digitizing tablets, 9-track
and 8mm tape drives, two printers, and both ink-jet and pen plotters. GIS and digital
image processing systems include Arc/Info and ArcGIS (for both PC and Windows NT),
Erdas Imagine, and a Spectral Data Corporation Remote Image Processing System (RIPS).
Research Activity
The Remote Sensing Laboratory has been involved with local and regional research projects
including landslide and other geological research, acid precipitation research, sea-lamprey
control, and wetlands mapping and ecology.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
The projects have given many of our undergraduate students the opportunity to make
a significant contribution to an ongoing research project.