Everything you'll need
Labs, gear, boats, specialized instruments and more will be available for your research projects.
Facilities & Equipment
The main Lake Champlain Research Institute facilities complex consists of research
laboratory, office and conference room spaces that are available to research affiliates
and students involves with LCRI.
This includes a modern water quality laboratory with extensive analytical capabilities located in the new Hudson Annex building on campus.
The Lake Champlain Research Institute’s docking facilities for research vessels are located at the college’s Valcour Educational Center, just south of the City of Plattsburgh. Affiliates have access to all analytical equipment and can check out portable equipment and gear, vehicles and boats.
LCRI Facilities & Equipment
- Analytical water chemistry lab
- Prep lab
- General research lab
- Wet lab/living stream lab
- Microscopy lab
- Mini-computer facilities for student research
- Conference room
- Offices for faculty and staff
LCRI Laboratory Equipment
The new analytical laboratory in the Hudson Annex building contains the following instruments. Contact Dr. Tim Mihuc if you are interested in the laboratory and its capabilities.
- Dionex ICS-2000 RFIC Ion Chromatograph
- Bran-Luebbe Auto Analyzer, (two channels; total N&P)
- Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 400 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
- Perkin Elmer Optima 7000DV Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer
- Thermo Flash 2000 Elemental Analyzer, NC sediments analyzer
- Thermo HiPerTOC, total organic carbon analyzer
LCRI Field Equipment
- Stream velocity meters, backpack electroshocker and other equipment
- Eureka Water Quality Multiprobe for pH, DO, conductivity and turbidity
- Free fall core sampler capable of operating at 120m depth (Eckmann Dredge)
- Various limnological sampling gear including plankton nets, water samplers, a tucker trawl and a bottom fish trawl
LCRI Boats
The research vessels consist of the “Gruendling,” a 32 foot aluminum vessel and a 19 foot research boat, the “Nauplii” and a 24 ft research boat the “Linnaeus.”