Academic Probation & Recovery
If your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, you could be subject to academic dismissal from the college. We want you to persist in your studies here, so it is important to carefully reflect on past practices, engage with the resources here to help you, and make immediate academic lifestyle adjustments.
Academic Recovery
A student whose cumulative grade point average (GPA) is below 2.0 falls under Academic Progress Review and is subject to academic dismissal from the college. Following the outcome of that review process, you may have been allowed to continue at SUNY Plattsburgh for a probationary semester of academic recovery for one of two reasons:
- Your cumulative GPA has fallen below a 2.0 (within reason), but you were granted leniency and the chance to improve in one semester’s time because it was your first (i.e., transitional) semester at SUNY Plattsburgh; or
- You were subject to academic dismissal, but your formal appeal of the dismissal was granted (with proof of extenuating circumstances) and therefore were allowed to return conditionally on academic recovery.
In either case, students returning on academic recovery must raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or higher by the end of their probationary semester or face dismissal at the end of the term.
Our professional advisors are here to help you with:
- questions about your academic recovery and probationary status;
- referrals for the academic or personal issues affecting your grades;
- reflecting on past obstacles and developing strategies to create future success;
- solving problems related to your courses, your choice of major, or college overall;
- any other matter pertaining to your academic progress and don’t know where else to turn.
How Did I End Up on Academic Probation?
Students find themselves in academic jeopardy for many reasons. Whether your main sources of poor academic performance were academic, personal, or some combination, it is vital that you reflect deeply on those factors and commit to reorganizing priorities in order to repair your academic record.
- Academic Habits — Not studying enough (quantity), not studying appropriately (quality), frequently missing classes, missing assignments or turning them in late, excessive socializing/partying to the sacrifice of academics, not checking Brightspace for course content and due dates, misusing free time, excessive napping or media binges or gaming.
- Academic Skills — Major and/or courses are not suited for you; academic skills such as reading, math, writing, abstract thought are not sufficiently strong; amount of work is overwhelming; planning, organizing, and time management is not strong; not seeking or utilizing help and resources when struggling; poor note taking or attention or test taking.
- Personal Issues — Medical or psychological issue affected your academic work, family or personal situation distracted your concentration, relationship involvement or drama became a focus, employment or extracurricular schedule was too heavy, substance use/abuse or other activities subtracted from your academic clarity, difficulty adjusting to a new place or a new culture, fears or uncertainties or discomfort.