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Employee Performance Evaluations

The evaluation process is based on the collective bargaining agreement that represents each employee. Please see the appropriate section below and direct any questions to Human Resource Services.

CSEA — Civil Service Employees’ Association (Clerical/Maintenance/Service Positions)

The CSEA evaluation process is as follows:

  1. At the start of the evaluation period, the supervisor completes Sections 1 and 2A of the CSEA Annual Performance Evaluation Form. These sections include the employee's name, department, title, supervisor, and evaluation period (one year), along with the Performance Program (a list of the important tasks of the job and a brief description of how each is expected to be performed). Classification standards (job descriptions) for each position are available on the NYS Civil Service website, or on request from Human Resource Services. The employee initials and dates the form and the supervisor scans/emails it to Human Resource Services via [email protected] and maintains the original.
  2. At the midpoint of the evaluation period, the supervisor can complete Section 3, the optional six-month recertification.
  3. On or about the day the evaluation period ends, the supervisor completes the narrative portion of the evaluation (Section 2B), and meets with the Reviewer (supervisor’s supervisor), to discuss the evaluation, performance program and to agree on an overall rating for Section 5. The supervisor and reviewer must both sign and date the evaluation form in Sections 4 and 6, respectively.
  4. The supervisor then conducts the appraisal interview with the employee, discusses the previous year’s performance program, and compares his/her performance with the standard. Other work related issues such as attendance and any areas in need of improvement are also reviewed. The employee is then given an opportunity to share his/her views, record comments on the form, and sign the evaluation in Section 7. The completed form is then scanned/emailed to Human Resource Services at [email protected] within two weeks of the end of the evaluation period and the supervisor maintains the original.
  5. The performance program for the next year is discussed, along with the expected performance standards (See Step 1 above). The employee is then given a copy of the performance evaluation and new performance program.

PEF — Professional Employees’ Federation

The PEF evaluation process is as follows:

  1. At the start of the evaluation period, the supervisor completes Sections 1 and 2 of Part I: Performance Program. These sections include the employee's name, department, title, supervisor, reviewer, and evaluation period (one year), along with the Performance Program (Parts A & B). Additional instructions are on page two of the form. Classification standards (job descriptions) for each position are available on the NYS Civil Service website, or on request from Human Resource Services.
  2. Upon approval from the reviewer (supervisor’s supervisor), the supervisor will discuss the performance program with the employee and both will complete Section 3 – Certification. The supervisor scans/emails it to Human Resource Services via [email protected] and maintains the original.
  3. At the midpoint of the evaluation period, the supervisor and employee meet and they complete Section 4 – Six-month Recertification. The supervisor scans/emails it to Human Resource Services via [email protected] and maintains the original.
  4. On or about the day the evaluation period ends, the supervisor completes Part II: Performance Appraisal and Rating. The supervisor and reviewer must both sign and date the evaluation form in Section 4.
  5. The supervisor then conducts the appraisal interview with the employee, discusses the previous year’s performance program, and compares his/her performance with the standard. Other work related issues such as attendance and any areas in need of improvement are also reviewed. The employee is then given an opportunity to share his/her views, attach comments to the form, and sign the certification in Section 5. The completed form is then scanned/emailed to Human Resource Services at [email protected] within two weeks of the end of the evaluation period and the supervisor maintains the original.
  6. The performance program for the next year is discussed, along with the expected performance standards (See Step 1 above). The employee is then given a copy of the performance evaluation and new performance program.

University Police

Instructions for the Evaluation of NYS University Police Officers, Lieutenants, and Investigators:

  1. Carefully read and understand the purpose and guidelines for raters.
  2. Review the evaluation until each rating factor and all definitions are completely familiar to you.
  3. Review the actual rating of a factor until the employee-evaluator discussion is underway. Rate the employee by checking the appropriate box beside each factor only after careful thought and during the discussion period.
  4. The “comments” space is provided for either the employee or the rater. Comments are encouraged and welcomed.
  5. The employee and evaluator (supervisor) signs the evaluation.
  6. The evaluator forwards the evaluation to the Chief or Assistant Chief for review and signature.
  7. After the evaluation is signed and dated by the chief or assistant chief, forward it to Human Resource Management. Neither alterations nor comments are to be made on the evaluation after the employee, evaluator and chief or assistant chief have signed it.
  8. Copies will be distributed to the employee and evaluator by the University Police Department.

University Police Evaluation Forms

UUP — United University Professions

(Professional Employees)

Documents & Forms

UUP — United University Professions

(Academic Employees)

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