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Voter Registration & Voting

Consider this page your one-stop resource for voting information as a SUNY Plattsburgh student. Learn about registration, candidates, voting by mail and absentee voting, polling places, and setting up your own voter registration drive.

Happy voting!

Plattsburgh Votes Guide

Plattsburgh Votes is the non-partisan voter engagement organization run by students, faculty and staff at SUNY Plattsburgh that leads the voter engagement efforts at the university.

Please note: Plattsburgh Votes does not advocate for you to vote for any particular candidate and does not take a particular stance on any political issue. It is an organization that is simply dedicated to helping students make their voices heard by participating in our democracy.

Think of the process as having three steps:

  • Register — Learn where to register or where you are already registered
  • Plan — Request an early mail ballot, research candidates and issues, and pledge to vote
  • Vote — Be aware of important deadlines and know your polling locations

Voting Resources

Additional Information

If you have further questions, or if you want to access resources to set up your own voter registration or voting information drive, please contact Dr. Daniel Lake, associate professor of political science at [email protected] or Dr. Ben Medeiros, assistant professor of communication studies at [email protected].

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