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  • Practical Training & Hands-On Experience

    Want to break a big story, run a celebrity’s social media or shoot photos for a magazine? Want to help a corporate giant navigate a crisis or influence social justice? Our programs prepare you for the rapidly changing media environment with academic and real-world experience.

  • Practical Training & Hands-On Experience

    Want to break a big story, run a celebrity’s social media or shoot photos for a magazine? Want to help a corporate giant navigate a crisis or influence social justice? Our programs prepare you for the rapidly changing media environment with academic and real-world experience.

Journalism & Public Relations Department

The worlds of journalism and public relations overlap naturally — journalists seek truth and report it while PR professionals advance causes and support clients. In the journalism and public relations department, you will learn from dedicated faculty who are experts in our fields, through student-run practicums and in exciting internships. You will be prepared to launch into your career! 

Tell the Story

Courses, student publications and internships prepare you for a media career.

Explore the Journalism Major

Build Relationships, Communicate Strategically

Learn crisis communication, plan events with NASA and master social media.

Explore the PR Major

Jump-Start Your Career

Classroom Skills Balanced with Hands-On Practical Experience

You will be encouraged to gain practical experience in the journalism and public relations field from day one. Students in the Department of Journalism and Public Relations run several award-winning publications, learning and practicing news writing, advertising, reporting and web design. Gain real-life experience in public relations when you join our student-led public relations firm that has carried out campaigns for local and national events. 

A message from our chair, Michelle Ouellette:

Thanks for stopping by to check out our department!

Here, you will find professors who truly care about our students. They will get to know you by your first name.  And they know their industries — many are still working within them. 

What’s more, with our practical experiences and student-run publications, you won’t have to wait until your junior or senior year to get hands-on experience and start building your portfolio. We have amazing internship placements and a strong alumni network, with professionals who are always happy to talk with you. 

We even encourage study abroad opportunities to help you excel in this field as part of a global community. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to chat with a current student. 

Curious About Study Abroad?

Expand both your practical knowledge and educational experience by immersing yourself in new cultures. Through study abroad, you will learn communication strategies with diverse populations — something that will help you in future career. Opportunities can range from a few weeks to an entire academic year in national or international settings. 

Visit study abroad to learn more

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