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Campus Wide E-Lock System Policy

Expresses the campus' commitment to protect both people and property through an e-lock system.

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
8000.1 Information Technology Services
University Police


  • 4.0 Policy

    Assumptions Underlying the Policy Recommendations

    1. The Lenel e-lock system will be the designated system at SUNY Plattsburgh
    2. Protect people and property
    3. Reduce key distribution
    4. Keys will not be distributed for any e-lock doors
    5. University Police serves as the central point of access for electronic security on campus; they will
      1. Program all unexpected changes to regular e-lock schedules, (i.e., lost card; last minute scheduling change, etc.)
      2. Be responsible for initial contact with company for maintenance
      3. Be responsible for remote operations of e-locks (24/7)
    6. Video surveillance will be installed at selected sites; University Police will have sole access to video recordings
    7. E-lock doors will be equipped with back-up battery system
    8. Access to e-lock and video information will be governed by a formal request process for internal access and existing subpoena request process from external agencies.
    9. University Police, Central Heating Plant, and designated departmental and Executive Council personnel that need access to e-lock spaces will have programmed access to e-lock facilities.

    Policy Guidelines for Academic & Administrative Buildings

    1. Building
      1. All exterior public entrance doors will have e-locks and video cameras
      2. All exterior public entrance doors will remain unlocked during normal teaching times and remain locked at all other times
      3. All non-public exterior doors will be equipped with door contacts
      4. Access to academic buildings by students after hours will require an approval process (to be determined)
    2. Offices & Classrooms**
      1. The following facilities will have e-locks:
        1. Science instructional spaces: locked at all times
        2. Smart classrooms, seminar rooms, study rooms, studios, music rooms: unlocked during teaching times
        3. Computer classrooms (Plus a general alarm system wired to UP)=locked at all times
      2. The following facilities will have traditional keys:
        1. Faculty/staff offices
        2. Faculty research labs
        3. Conference Rooms assigned to offices or units

    **A web interface to Banner will allow departmental assignment of faculty to rooms based on teaching schedules and levels of access.

    1. Other Campus Rooms
      1. The following facilities will have e-locks:
        1. Large meeting rooms
        2. Switch rooms (network closets)
      2. The following facilities will have keys:
        1. Janitorial rooms
        2. Other rooms

    Policy Guidelines for Residence Halls

    1. All exterior doors will have e-locks
    2. Exterior doors are secured 24 hours a day (exceptions are opening weekend and special event days, e.g. Open House, etc.)
    3. Students will have access to their assigned residence hall 24 hours a day; access to other campus residence halls is available from 6:30 a.m. to midnight.
    4. Residence hall access is assigned by the Housing and Residence Life Office (for students, employees, visitors and vendors). University Police may assign emergency or temporary access to residence halls as necessary.
    5. Student access may be examined by the Director of Residence Life or Housing to support the mission of Housing and Residence Life and the College (e.g., to determine occupancy and/or withdrawal dates, when student welfare is at risk, evaluate access problems). 

For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.

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