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Student Organization Fundraising Policy

This policy outlines the expectations that the College has for student organizations that seek to solicit support for their activities.

Policy Number Policy Owner

Center for Student Involvement
Institutional Advancement


  • 4.0 Policy

    Institutional Approval

    The College acknowledges that student organizations may wish to seek external support for organizational activities or to benefit an external charity.  It is important, however, that students understand that the College benefits greatly from the ongoing generosity of College alumni, parents, friends, and community members, including businesses.  Therefore, it is imperative that all fundraising activities are coordinated in order to avoid conflict with institutional priorities or other College or student activities.

    The Office of Institutional Advancement is responsible for coordinating all fundraising activity on behalf of the College. Solicitation of all charitable gifts, sponsorships and gifts-in-kind, including gifts of services and property, are to be conducted by the staff of Institutional Advancement or through the supervision and/or guidance of Institutional Advancement.  In order to ensure that fundraising maximally benefits the College, all fundraising activities are subject to Institutional Advancement approval.

    In order to facilitate the review of student organization fundraising that pose minimal conflict with institutional fundraising efforts, Institutional Advancement has delegated the authority to review these activities to the Center for Student Involvement.  

    All fundraising for student organizations must be approved by one of these two offices. 

    Purpose of Fundraising

    All fundraising must be consistent with the College’s educational mission; the purpose of the student organization; the Student Codes of Conduct; State University of New York and College policies; and applicable Federal, State and local laws, including tax laws.

    All funds raised must be used exclusively for the stated purpose as listed on the “Request to Fundraise or Accept Donations/Sponsorship/Underwriting/Advertising”.

    Under no circumstances will fundraising be allowed for purposes that benefit commercial interests.

    Accounting of Funds

    All funds raised by Student Organizations must be deposited in a State Income Fund Reimbursable (IFR) or College Auxiliary Services Agency Account.

    All cash collected must be deposited within five (5) business days.

    Conduct During Fundraising

    All solicitations for support must clearly identify the student organization, purpose, and beneficiary of the fundraising.

    Only members or advisors are permitted to fundraise for a student organization.

    Prohibited Activities

    Door-to-door fundraising on College owned, operated, or controlled property.

    Fundraising or solicitation activities in the residence halls without College approval.

    The advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit or debit cards.

    The use of mobile credit or debit card payment devices for the collection of payments that are not approved by the College.

    Sale or distribution of items that violate College trademark rights, existing contracts, or pose a health hazard (e.g. bake sales).


    Failure to obtain permission to engage in fundraising or failure to adhere to College policies may result in the cancellation of the activity by the College and may result in charges being brought against the organization in accordance with the Student Codes of Conduct.

For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.

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