STUDENT RIGHTS (from Section II of the Student Conduct Manual)
The right to be presumed Not Responsible until responsibility is established. Responsibility
is determined either by an admission of responsibility or by the presentation of information
and evidence at a hearing, upon which the Director of Student Conduct or designee
or a hearing board bases a decision of responsibility. Determinations made at Student Conduct Board, or Administrative Hearings, will be determined by a preponderance of the evidence presented.
The right to be given written notice of the nature of the charges and to be informed
of one’s rights. Notice will be sent by the Student Conduct Office via campus email.
The right to offer a plea of Not Responsible and request either:
An Administrative Hearing before the Director of Student Conduct or designee or
A hearing before the Student Conduct Board.
The right to remain silent during any portion of the Student Conduct Process. An adverse
inference from the Respondent’s silence is prohibited.
The right to bring witnesses (as outlined in Section I of the Student Conduct Manual)
and/or up to two Advisors (as outlined in Section I of the Student Conduct Manual) to any meeting/hearing
that is part of the adjudication process. State University policy permits the presence
of Advisors for privately advising the student at the hearing. Advisors are not, however,
eligible to participate in the hearing, e.g., by presenting the student’s case or
cross-examining witnesses.
All requests to review evidence/case documents or reschedule meetings/hearings, must
be made by the student themselves (not by others on their behalf).
The right to question the Reporting Individual (when applicable) and anyone serving
as a witness at a hearing.
The right, prior to the hearing and upon request, of supervised access of all evidence
that will be utilized in the hearing and the right of supervised access to the recorded
proceedings of the hearing for a period of 6 months from the date of the hearing.
Note: Access is limited to a supervised review of the evidence as coordinated between
the Respondent and the Student Conduct Office.
The right to request a Student Conduct Appeal for cases that qualify as outlined in
Section V. F.
Reporting Individuals:
The right to be given written notice of the nature of the charges and to be informed
of one’s rights. Notice will be sent via campus email by the Student Conduct Office.
The right to remain silent during any portion of the Student Conduct Process. An adverse
inference from the Reporting Individual’s silence is prohibited.
The right to bring witnesses (as outlined in Section I of the Student Conduct Manual)
and/or up to two Advisors (as outlined in Section I of the Student Conduct Manual) to any meeting/hearing
that is part of the adjudication process. State University policy permits the presence
of Advisors for privately advising the student at the hearing. Advisors are not, however,
eligible to participate in the hearing, e.g., by presenting the student’s case or
cross-examining witnesses.
All requests to review evidence/case documents or reschedule meetings/hearings, must
be made by the student themselves (not by others on their behalf).
The right to question the Respondent and anyone serving as a witness at a hearing.
The right, prior to the hearing and upon request, of supervised access of all evidence
that will be utilized in the hearing and the right of supervised access to the recorded
proceedings of the hearing for a period of 6 months from the date of the hearing.
Note: Access is limited to a supervised review of the evidence as coordinated between
the Reporting Individual and the Student Conduct Office.
The right to request a Student Conduct Appeal for cases that qualify as outlined in
Section V. F.
This general guideline of standards serves as the likely minimum sanction for first-time
violations of the Sections outlined in Section II of the Student Conduct Manual. It
is imperative to understand that when looking at these standards that educational
needs related to the behavior, previous conduct violations, and any extenuating circumstances
are taken into account when determining a sanction and therefore, the sanctioning
process is malleable in nature as appropriate.
The Student Conduct Office (SCO) seeks applications from people interested in serving
as a board member for conduct and appeal board hearings.
SCO Board Member Position Description and Expectations
Student Conduct Office (SCO) Board Members are responsible for hearing cases of students
alleged to have violated the Student or Group Conduct Manual. They also review the
outcomes of cases when serving on an appeal board. Each board consists of at least
three trained members drawn from a pool of students, faculty, and staff members. Upon
review of a case, the board makes a determination (via consensus) as to whether or
not a student violated college policy and, when appropriate, determines sanctions
for those found to be responsible. This is a volunteer position where the time commitment
may vary.
Please note: This is a rolling application process and we will take on new board members
as they apply and are accepted to the position.
Eligibility requirements
Board members must not currently be on disciplinary probation or suspension held in
A general willingness to serve on any scheduled board hearing, regardless of the nature
of the incident or the specific charges filed.
A strict adherence to impartiality, objectivity, punctuality, civility, and confidentiality.
Must possess a high attention to detail, effective communication skills, and critical
thinking skills.
Time Commitment
Service on any particular board is voluntary and based on one’s availability.
People selected as board members will be appointed to a one-year term with the option
for re-appointment at the end of each academic year.
Members will be required to satisfy all training requirements outlined by the SCO
and the SUNY Student Conduct Institute prior to serving on any Board.
Most hearings typically last between 2 to 4 hours.
Please contact Larry Allen ([email protected]) with any questions. We are pleased to speak to anyone upon invitation. We thank
you in advance for your interest!
We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you
are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power
to shape your day and your future.Steve Maraboli