Travel How-To Guides
The following how-to guides have been created to assist our campus community with completing various travel-related tasks.
Current How-to Guides
Jump To:
- Completing a Travel Authorization
- Requesting a Travel Advance
- Selecting a Transportation Method
- Getting A Rental Vehicle from Enterprise / Hertz
- Determining Per Diem Rates for Lodging and Meals
- Paying for Conference and other Registration Fees
- Getting a State Travel or NET Card
- Completing a Travel Voucher
- Certifying Travel Card Charges
- Certifying NET Card Charges
Completing a Travel Authorization
How to enter, route & approve the online travel authorization form
- Overview
Travelers are required to submit a Travel Authorization and Advance Form before going on travel. Forms should be completed at least two weeks in advance of the travel unless a Travel Advance is being requested (see the how-to-guide for Requesting a Travel Advance below).
The Travel Authorization and Advance Form has been created to be flexible and to meet the various needs of our campus community. Different areas of the college have different rules related to approving travel so users need to understand the approval requirements in their areas.
- Step 1 — Enter Travel Information
- Login to the Online Travel Authorization and Advance Form
- Enter information on the first page of the form about the traveler and the trip. Specific
things to bear in mind:
- Purpose of Travel: Please include enough information to document how the trip is for state business.
- Number of Destination: Enter the number of destinations the traveler will be going to during the trip. For overnight trips, each location that you will be staying overnight is considered a separate destination.
- Destination Information: For each destination, enter country, city state, and county. For travel abroad, no state or county are required.
- Depart – Return Information: Enter the anticipated time and date of departure and the anticipated time and date of return. These times are important as they determine eligibility for extra meals and rental vehicle charges.
- Registration Fee: If there is a registration fee, indicate “Yes”. If “Yes” enter the amount of the registration fee and how it will be paid in the fields that appear.
- Mode of Transportation: Indicate the methods of transportation being used along with how you intend to pay
for them and the costs.
- Rental vs. Personal Vehicle Calculator: If you indicate the use of a rental or a personal vehicle, a calculator will appear to help you select the most cost effective method. Enter the number of days and the miles and the calculator will tell you the most cost effective method. Enter the calculated amount into the “Amount” field corresponding to the method recommended. If the traveler is not taking the most cost effective method (such as for personal convenience) enter the method you are taking and make a note in the notes section.
- Meals and Lodging: The nature of the trip, the location traveled to, and the times of departure and return
all drive lodging rates and meal eligibility. Follow this process to complete this
- Determine if the traveler is staying overnight or whether it will be a day-trip.
- If a day trip, the traveler is not eligible for lodging and meals unless they qualify for an extra meal (See Extra Meals below)
- For overnight accommodations, determine if the traveler is going to be staying with
friends or family or other unpaid accommodations (Method 1) or in a hotel or other
paid accommodations (Method 2). As these determine the appropriate rates to use. The
rates that are entered in this section include dinner, lodging, and breakfast.
- Method 1: Check the OSC per diem rates for the location and enter the number of nights and OSC per diem rate in the Method 1 Section. The form will calculate the total.
- Method 2: Check GSA per diem rates to see the meals and lodging maximum rates for the location. Do this by:
- Click on the state that the traveler is going to.
- Using the city and county, determine the maximum lodging rate.
- Using the city and county, determine the maximum meals and incidental expense rate (M&IE)
- Add the maximum lodging rate and M&IE rate together to come to a combined per-diem rate.
- Enter the number of nights and combined per-diem rate in the Method 2 Section. The form will calculate the total.
- Note: If the travel is outside the United States, rates are governed by the US Department of State’s rates not the GSA rates. See our detailed per diem how-to guide below for more information.
- Extra Meals: If the traveler is departing before 7 a.m. on the first day of the travel or returning
after 7 p.m. on the last day of the travel, they are eligible for extra meals. Meals
rates determined as follows:
- If Using Method 1 or on a day trip without itemized meal receipts, the maximum meals will be $5 for breakfast and $12 for dinner.
- If using Method 2 or on a day trip with itemized meal receipts, meals are eligible to be reimbursed up
to the maximum amount of the meal per-diem allowance specified by the GSA and OSC.
Determining breakfast and dinner rates
- Follow the first three steps listed under Method 2 above. Once you have determined the maximum M&IE per diem rate, you need to convert it to the OSC rates.
- Go to this table on the College’s Travel Policy. Using the M&IE per diem rate, get the breakdown for meals and dinner. These are the amounts New York state recognizes for meal breakdowns.
- Enter the number of breakfast and dinners and the corresponding rates into the form.
- Total Estimated Costs: This field calculates the total estimated cost associated with the trip.
- Adjustments: There may be circumstances in which the total costs calculated may need to be adjusted. Adjustments may include deductions for meals provided by hotel, registration or conference fees, third party support for travel expenses, waived charges, or because the Traveler is not claiming the total amount. Enter the adjusted total if any of these circumstances apply.
- Accounts: Enter the account number that will be paying for this travel. If there are multiple accounts, list all account numbers and amounts, separated by commas.
- Travel Advance: This section should only be completed if there is a travel advance being requested. For more information, see the college’s travel policy.
- Supporting Documentation: Any supporting documentation such as airfare quotes or conference agenda should be uploaded using this form.
- Traveler / Preparer Signature: Enter your role (either traveler or preparer) and click the certification checkbox.
- Travel Approval Notes: Add any special notes about the travel.
- Enter Next Approver: Enter the email address for the next person who needs to approve it (See Step 2). Click on “Send Back or For Another Approval.” This will send a secure link to the next person who needs to review it.
- Step 2 — Route for Approval
- Know the rules governing travel approval for your division or department. When in doubt, consult your supervisor.
- If you are a preparer, you should route the form to the traveler.
- Travelers should approve (see next Step 3) and then route to their supervisor or someone else authorized in their division to approve travel requests. For example, in facilities the director of facilities approves all travel requests.
- If funding is supporting this travel from another department, the form needs to be approved by a person with authority over that account.
- The form should be routed in accordance with department or division’s specific travel rules. In some cases, these rules may require approval by a vice president/dean or designee.
- Once the last person has approved the form, they should submit the form. This will send it to Procurement Services for filing (Proceed to Step 3).
See our Travel Authorization Flowcharts
- Step 3 — Approving & Submitting Travel Authorizations
- Approvers will receive an email with the subject line of “You have Received a Travel Authorization and Advance Form for approval” when a form has been routed to you.
- Login to the Online Travel Authorization and Advance form using the link listed.
- On Page 1 of the form, review the information that is being submitted and confirm that it is accurate.
- Click “Continue to Approval” at the bottom of Page 1.
- In the first available “Role” section, enter your role (e.g. Traveler, Supervisor, Account Supervisor)
- Record your approval decision (either approved, not approved, or approved with changes).
- If there’s a change to the accounts or amount listed make that change on this page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page. Determine if additional approvals are necessary.
- If additional approvals are necessary, click “Send this form to next approver, or
previous step”
- Enter the email address of the next approver.
- If the form is fully approved, click “Continue to Final Submission.”
- You will have one final opportunity to review the completed form. Scroll down and click “Submit” to send to Procurement Services.
- An email notification will be sent to the Traveler and Preparer notifying them that the authorization has been received.
This concludes the Travel Authorization and Advance Form Process.
- Troubleshooting Problems
I don’t know where to find the online Travel Authorization Form
You can access it on our travel forms webpage. A direct link can be found in Step 1 Above.
The Travel Authorization Form lists several roles (preparer, traveler, approver, etc.). I don’t know my role.
- If you are the one traveling, you are the traveler.
- If you are preparing the form for someone else, you are a preparer.
- If you are someone who needs to approve a form, you are an approver.
I don’t know who needs to approve a Travel Authorization.
At minimum, all traveler authorizations need to be approved by the traveler and by someone with supervisory authority over that traveler and authority over the accounts. In many cases, this will be the same person.
Many divisions and departments have specific rules for travel approval. It is the preparer and traveler’s responsibility to know their areas rules and to route it accordingly. To help you we have developed flowcharts (See Step 2 above).
I don’t know how to send the form.
If you are the person initiating the form, click the checkbox at the bottom of Page 1 to send form to next approver, input their email address (using their Net ID) and click “Send for Approval.” The next person will receive an email that they have a form waiting their review.
I don’t know the status of my travel authorization.
One of the many improvements to the travel authorization process is that we have created a console in the Employees Tab in MyPlattsburgh where you can see any of the following:
- Any travel authorization for which you are the traveler or the approver, including whether the request is complete or incomplete. If incomplete, the last person it was routed to.
- Any travel authorization that has been routed to you and is pending action.
The travel authorization I completed has a error. I don’t know what to do.
If the travel form has not been finalized (e.g. submitted to Procurement Services) yet, you can login to the form and make the adjustment on Page 1. Make a note that you have made a correction and re-route it.
The travel authorization I am approving has a error. I don’t know what to do.
If someone else completed the form and you are reviewing it, you have three options
- If the error is minor, on Page 2 of the form note that you are approving it with changes and then make a note of what that change is and then route it on to the next approver.
- If the error is major, on Page 2 of the form you should route it back to the person who initially completed it and make a note in the notes section of the error. That person should then make a correction and re-route it back to you.
- You can not approve the travel on Page 2. The traveler will then need to submit a new travel authorization.
The total expenses calculated does not look right.
Review all dollar amounts and make sure there is an amount populated in the Mode of Transportation section and the Total Miscellaneous section, if appropriate.
One common issue is the cost of transportation when using the rental vs. personal vehicle calculator. This is meant to be an advisory tool and does not automatically get calculated into the total on the form. You need to list the amount in the calculator into the total field under either rental or personal.
I don’t know what to do with supporting documentation (e.g. agendas)
You can upload them into the online form.
Multiple accounts are paying for this travel. What should be listed in the travel authorization?
List all account numbers and amounts, separated by commas.
I don’t know the person’s NetID.
You can look up NetIDs using the college’s online directory. For example, for Sean Dermody, the Net ID is dermodsb and the email that should be entered is [email protected].
Requesting a Travel Advance
How to Request a Travel Advance
- Overview
Only travelers without a travel card or traveling abroad are eligible for a travel advance, which is limited to $400.
- Step 1 — Plan Ahead
Travel authorizations require sufficient notice in order to give time for processing at the local and state level. If the traveler is eligible and anticipates needing a travel advance, plan to submit the completed request with all approvals to Procurement Services 30 days in advance of the travel.
- Step 2 — Complete a Travel Authorization & Advance Form
- Follow the process outlined in the Travel Authorization and Advance Form How-To-Guide.
- Be sure to indicate the amount of the advance the traveler is requesting on the applicable section of the form.
- Be sure to include supporting documentation such as event agendas.
- Follow the process outlined in the Travel Authorization and Advance Form How-To-Guide.
- Step 3 — Respond to Requests for Additional Information
- Once received, Procurement Services will process the travel advance request.
- If additional information is needed, you will be contacted. Be sure to respond in a timely manner to any requests.
- Step 4 — Receive Payment
- The advance will be paid as follows:
- Employees that receive part or all of their pay in a check will continue to receive a check for their travel/expense reimbursements.
- Employees that have their full paycheck direct deposited to one bank account will have their travel/expense reimbursements deposited to that same account.
- Employees that have their direct deposit split across more than one account will have their travel/expense reimbursements deposited into the account where the balance of their pay is deposited.
This concludes the Process for Requesting a Travel Advance
- The advance will be paid as follows:
- Troubleshooting Problems
I don’t know if my Travel Advance has been approved.
You can check the status of your travel advance by logging into your MyPlattsburgh Portal and clicking on the “Employees” Tab. If you are the traveler, all traveler authorizations will be listed under “Completed” or “Incomplete.” If the status is incomplete, the advance has not been approved yet.
I have not received payment of my travel advance.
It generally takes about two weeks from the completion of a travel authorization to receive payment. If it has been more than two weeks, contact Procurement Services.
Selecting a Transportation Method
How to select a method of transportation for travel
- Overview
Travelers should use the most efficient and cost-effective method of transportation available. Some of the options include:
- Common Carriers
- Airfare
- Bus
- Train
- Taxi
- Uber/Lyft
- Vehicles
- Rental Vehicles
- State Vehicles
- Personal Vehicles
Many times, the most efficient and cost effective method of transportation is using a common carrier such as a train, bus, taxicab or airplane. If a common carrier is not being used, the traveler should select a vehicle that is at the least cost to the institution.
If a you decide to select a more expensive transportation method for personal convenience your reimbursement will be limited to the lower amount.
- Common Carriers
- Step 1 — Consider Factors
- Review transportation options and consider the following factors:
- Distance being traveled
- Travel Time
- Number of Travelers
- Number of Locations to be Visited
- Type of Transportation Available
- Review transportation options and consider the following factors:
- Step 2 — Evaluate Common Carriers
- Review and determine what common carrier options (e.g. airfare, bus, train, taxi, Uber/Lyft) are available for the trip.
- Review the available options to determine if there are state contracts for common
carriers that could be used. There are state contracts for:
- airfare
- rental vehicles
- Using the factors listed in Step 1, determine if these available options are the most effective and cost efficient method.
- If a common carrier cannot meet all transportation requirements, proceed to Step 3.
Consistent with OSC Travel Guidelines, the college encourages travelers to use common carriers where feasible.
- Step 3 — Evaluate State Vehicles
- If a common carrier does not meet the your transportation needs, determine if a state
vehicle can/should be used as follows:
- If you are assigned a state vehicle as part of your responsibilities, discuss with your supervisor whether that vehicle should be taken on travel.
- If the travel involves more than 4–5 people traveling to the same location, reserve a 12-passenger state van. All drivers must be LENS Certified and complete van training.
- If a state vehicle is not available or appropriate, proceed to Step 4.
- If a common carrier does not meet the your transportation needs, determine if a state
vehicle can/should be used as follows:
- Step 4 — Evaluate Personal/Rental Vehicles
- Determine if you want to take a personal vehicle.
- If so, evaluate the costs of taking a personal or rental vehicle using the cost calculator available in the online travel authorization and advance form (See How-To Guide Above)
- If it is more cost effective to take a rental vehicle, reserve a rental vehicle through Enterprise or Hertz (See How-To Guide Below) unless taking for personal convenience. If taking for personal convenience, you are only eligible for reimbursement up to the rate
- If it is more cost effective to take a personal vehicle and you are willing to do so, submit that on your Travel Authorization and Advance Form
- If taking a personal vehicle, complete log your mileage on the Statement of Automobile Mileage
This concludes the Vehicle Selection Process.
- Determine if you want to take a personal vehicle.
- Troubleshooting Problems
Use of a personal vehicle is less expensive than a rental, but I don’t want to use my personal vehicle.
You are not required to use your personal vehicle for state travel. However, you may choose to do so if the cost is equal to or less than a rental.
Multiple people are traveling to the same location.
Where feasible, employees traveling to the same location should carpool. If traveler’s do not wish to do so for personal convenience, then traveler funding may be restricted.
Getting a Rental Vehicle from Enterprise/Hertz
How to reserve a rental vehicle from Enterprise Rent-a-Car/Hertz & minimize unnecessary charges.
- Overview
A common form of transportation for state travel is the rental of vehicles. To facilitate state travel, New York state has contracts with Enterprise Rent-a-Car and Hertz. It is important travelers understand how to reserve vehicles and what they can do to minimize unnecessary charges.
- Step 1 — Get LENS Clearance
The college requires all travelers to be cleared through the License Event Notification (LENS) System before driving any state owned or rented vehicle.
- Complete the LENS Release Form
- Send Completed Form to University Police along with a copy of your Driver’s License Number.
- University Police will conduct the LENS Clearance
- Step 2 — Make Reservations
After travel has been approved through the submission of a Travel Authorization and Advance Form, the Traveler should reserve their vehicle at least 24 hours in advance of their departure.
Reservations can be made with Enterprise Rent-a-Car or Hertz by phone or online. When making reservations, be sure to include the corporate code or discount code to ensure the rates charged are the New York state rates.
Reserving Enterprise Rent-a-Car Vehicles Online
- Log into SUNY Plattsburgh’s Reservation Page on the Enterprise Website
- Do not add extras to reservation without approval from Procurement Services.
- You will receive an email when the reservation is confirmed.
Reserving Enterprise Rent-a-Car Vehicles by Phone
- Call 855-266-9289
Reserving Hertz Vehicles Online
- Log into New York State’s Reservation Page on the Hertz Website
- You will receive an email when the reservation is confirmed.
Reserving Hertz Vehicles by Phone
- Call 800-654-3131
Important Things to Remember When Reserving Your Vehicle with Enterprise
- For a trip starting the next day, vehicles should be reserved for pickup after 5 p.m. to avoid incurring charges for that day.
- Do not purchase additional insurance.
- Step 3 — Pickup & Return Vehicle to Avoid Unnecessary Charges
When picking up or dropping off vehicles at Enterprise or Hertz, Travelers should be mindful that charges are calculated on a continuous 24-hour period from the beginning to end of the rental, not by calendar day.
For Enterprise Rentals — Follow these steps:
- For a trip starting the next day, pick the vehicle up after 5 p.m. to avoid incurring charges for that day. Confirm that the Enterprise representative has manually changed the reservation to start on the following day.
- If a vehicle is returned after hours on Saturday, the rental charges may be closed out as of the return time on Monday. Where possible, try to return vehicles on Saturday before Enterprise closes.
- If a vehicle is picked up on a Saturday for a rental starting on Monday, the rental charges may start on Sunday. If possible, pick the vehicle up on Monday.
- Be mindful of returning the vehicle promptly upon arriving back in Plattsburgh especially when delay may cause an additional day of charges to be incurred.
For Hertz Rentals — Follow these steps:
- For a trip starting early the next day (prior to Hertz opening), rental charges start when the vehicle is picked up. Pick up vehicle within the last hour of Hertz’s hours of operations.
- If a vehicle is returned after hours on Saturday, the rental charges may be closed out as of the return time on Monday. Where possible, try to return vehicles on Saturday before Hertz closes.
- If a vehicle is picked up on a Saturday for a rental starting on Monday, the rental charges may start on Sunday. If possible, pick up the vehicle on Monday.
This concludes the process for renting a vehicle.
- Troubleshooting Problems
The rental company is not charging me the state rate.
Make sure you use the SUNY Plattsburgh account number when you rent from either Enterprise or Hertz so they know you are under the state contract. If you are not being charged the State Rate, contact Enterprise or Hertz and ask that they adjust the rate and send you a new receipt.
The rental company has a different vehicle than the model I requested.
If its a larger vehicle, the rental company should only charge the smaller vehicle rate and adjust the gas charges accordingly.
I arrived back from a trip as scheduled but kept the vehicle longer for personal reasons.
When you return from your trip, you should immediately return it to the rental vehicle. On occasion, a renter may not immediately return the vehicle. When this happens, this is considered personal usage and you are responsible for any additional rental charges or fuel costs incurred. You will be expected to reimburse the college for any costs.
Drivers should be aware that any use of vehicles for non-state business potentially has serious liability risks.
I arrived at a rental company and they do not have a vehicle for me.
Be sure that you are picking up at the time specified on your reservation. Notify your supervisor and Procurement Services that the vehicle you planned to use is not available and discuss alternate arrangements. If you are willing to do so, you can drive your personal vehicle and be reimbursed up to the PCM rate.
Tax is appearing on my reservation
All reservations will have tax listed. Tax is removed at the time of rental.
Determining Per Diem Rates for Lodging & Meals
How to determine the appropriate per diem rates for meals & lodging on state travel
- Overview
In accordance with guidelines from the Office of State Comptroller (OSC), state employees are expected to adhere to established per diem rates covering lodging and meals. The nature of the travel and location determines the rates used.
- Step 1 — Know What the Per Diem Is
A per diem is the allowance for lodging (excluding taxes), meals and incidental expense. For each day the traveler is in overnight travel status, the traveler is eligible for reimbursement for lodging up to a maximum lodging per diem and meals at a per diem fixed allowance. The meal per diem is for dinner one night and breakfast the following day.
Employees departing early on their first day of travel or returning late on their last day of travel may be eligible for extra meals which have rates established. For more information, see our Travel Authorization and Advance Form How-to-Guide.
- Step 2 — Determine the Rates to Use
- If traveling outside the continental United States, use the US Department of State’s Per Diem Rates and proceed to Step 3.
- If traveling inside the continental United States:
- If the trip is a day-trip with no overnight, no reimbursement is generally permissible unless there are extra meals.
- If the trip is an overnight and the traveler decides to use Method 1 use the Method 1 Reimbursement Rates established by OSC.
- If the trip is an overnight and the traveler decides to use Method 2 use the US General Services Administration (GSA) Per Diem Rates.
- Step 3 — Determine the Applicable Per Diem for the Destination.
Using the websites listed in Step 2, locate the appropriate per diem amount for the travel destinations and date of travel (where applicable).
For example, consider a state employee is traveling to Albany, N.Y. in 2019 and staying overnight. The per diems using Method 1 and Method 2 are as follows:
Date Daily Max. Per Diem Description Method 1 (unreceipted lodging & meals) $40 Flat rate that includes lodging, meals & incidentals Method 2 (receipted lodging, unreceipted meals) $174 $113 for Lodging + $61 for meals & incidental expenses) Consider a state employee who is traveling to Rome, Italy in 2019. The per diem rate would be $504, which would be $367 for lodging + $137 for meals and incidental expenses.
- Step 4 — Determining Breakdowns for Breakfast & Dinner
The State of New York does not pay for lunches, only dinner and breakfast are considered part of the per diems. The GSA and State Department per diem rates include lunch. So, in instances where there is a need to breakdown breakfast and dinners (such as when one is provided by a conference), the following additional steps need to be taken:
- If the GSA rates were used, take the total for meals and incidental expenses and apply the OSC Breakdown.
- If the State Department rates were used, take the total for the meals and incidental
expenses, and calculate the breakdown according to this formulate:
- 20% of the total is for breakfast
- 80% of the total is for dinner
Using the examples provided above, the breakdown would be as follows.
Date M&IE Breakfast Dinner Albany, N.Y. (Method 2) $61 $12 $49 Rome, Italy $137 $27.40 $109.60 This concludes the Process for Calculating Per Diem Rates
- Troubleshooting Problems
The location I am looking for is not listed on the GSA Per Diem Table
First, be sure that you are using the right table. Tables are listed by state. Second, click to see all entries as the GSA page only shows 10 at a time by default. If the destination is still not listed then you would use the standard rate for that state.
If the destination is outside the United States, you need to check the U.S. State Department Per Diems instead. See Step 2 above.
Paying for Conference & Other Registration Fees
How to pay conference & other event registration fees
- Overview
Attendance at conferences and other related events to share with and learn from colleagues is an important aspect of our mission as an educational institution.
- Step 1 — Discuss Plans with Supervisor
Given the limited travel funds available, many divisions and schools establish rules related to conference attendance. Employees should first discuss planned attendance at conferences and events with their supervisor or other authorized personnel before paying registration fees.
- Step 2 — Determine your Payment Method
- There are three ways to pay a registration fee:
- Option 1: State Card (Either P-Card or T-Card) (PREFERRED METHOD)
- Option 2: Paying Out of Pocket
- Option 3: Purchase Requisition or Expenditure Journal Transfer (if paying a NYS Agency)
- There are three ways to pay a registration fee:
- Step 3 — Make Payment
- Once approval has been granted and the payment method has been determined, go ahead
and make the payment.
- Note: If paying with Option 3, be aware of the following additional requirements:
- If the organization is already set up as a NYS vendor, the attendee must request an invoice from the organizer with event information included as well as their required NYS vendor information.
If the organization is not set up as a NYS vendor, the attendee should inquire if the organization is willing to complete a NYS substitute W-9 so this may occur. The attendee must request an invoice from the conference organizer with attendance information included
This invoice will then need a purchase requisition or expenditure transfer form, to be submitted to the purchasing office, in order to process payment.
- Note: If paying with Option 3, be aware of the following additional requirements:
This concludes the Conference Registration Fee Payment Process.
- Once approval has been granted and the payment method has been determined, go ahead
and make the payment.
- Troubleshooting Problems
The conference has no record of my registration when I go to check in.
Ideally, the conference will let you proceed with checking in, including registering on the spot. Either way, call your department to determine if the registration fee was submitted and paid and provide this information to the people at the check-in station.
Getting a State Travel or NET Card
How to get a Travel Card (T-Card) or Non-Employee Travel (NET) Card
- Overview
Travel cards may be issued to employees of the State of New York for their travel expenses. The NET card is issued to employees of the State of New York to pay for eligible non-employee state business travel expenses.
- Step 1 — Apply for a Card
- Complete a travel/net card application
- Submit form to supervisor for approval
- Forward authorized form to Procurement Services
- Procurement Services will submit application to Citibank
- Upon receipt of card, Procurement Services will notify cardholder.
- The cardholder will be requested to read and sign NYS Citibank Credit Card Acknowledgement.
- Step 2 — Complete Acknowledgement & Get Card
Meet with Procurement Services staff. At this meeting, the cardholder will be required to sign the New York state Citibank Credit Card Acknowledgement before being issued the card. Login instructions to online accounts will be provided.
- Step 3 — Get Online Access to Cardholder Account
Cardholder should go online and register for online access by selecting “Self Registration for Cardholders”.
This concludes the Getting a State Travel or Net Card Process.
- Troubleshooting Problems
Card is Declined: Call toll-free number on the back of the card and inquire why the card was declined. If Citibank cannot help you, call Procurement Services.
Change in Cardholder Information or Card is no Longer Needed: Notify Procurement Services of any cardholder information changes or that the card is no longer needed. It is your responsibility to do so promptly.
Lost of Stolen Card: You must notify Citibank and Procurement Services immediately once you have determined the card has been lost or stolen.
Over Limit: Ask your supervisor (ideally, the one who approved your credit card) send an email to [email protected] with an amount that you need the credit amount increased to and either a temporary or permanent change.
Completing a Travel Voucher
How to prepare, complete & submit a travel voucher & expense reimbursement request
- Overview
In order to account for travel expenses and claim necessary reimbursement, travelers must complete a Travel Voucher Form with supporting documentation no later than 30 days after returning from travel.
- Step 1 — Fill Out The Travel Voucher
- Download the Travel Voucher Form and save to your computer.
- Open the file and Enter information on the first page of the form about the traveler
and the trip. Specific things to bear in mind:
- Payee Amount: Total out-of-pocket expenses due after deductions
- Purpose of Travel: Should be specific and consistent with purpose outlined in travel authorization.
- Official Station: Employee’s usual work location (i.e. SUNY Plattsburgh, home address (only if specifically designated by supervisor)
- Destination: City, State, Zip and County. To look up the county, visit
- Departure/Return Date & Time: Indicate AM/PM for the time.
- Travel Advance: Click “Yes” if a Travel Advance was requested.
- Paid by Direct Bill: Click “Yes” if expenses are paid by Purchase Order/Requisition.
- Corporate Card: Click “Yes” if a Travel Card was used.
- Lodging: Enter the daily rate, number of days, and total amount for lodging.
- Transportation: Indicate types of travel and amounts for each.
- If pre-payment of airfare was claimed on another travel voucher, indicate so in this section.
- Meals: Enter any extra meals owed due to early departure or late return and enter a total.
- Miscellaneous Expenses: List any incidental expenses and enter a total.
- Total Travel Expenses: The form will automatically calculate this for you based on the input above.
- Subtract Amount Billed: Enter the amount billed to a T-Card or P-Card (for registration fees).
- Other Direct Billed: Enter the amount directly billed via a Purchase Order/Requisition.
- Subtract Travel Advance: Deduct any travel advance already received.
- Other Adjustments: Enter any miscellaneous adjustments. Examples include:
- Traveler is not requesting all or a portion of their expenses be reimbursed (gratis) — Note: This is optional.
- If the traveler needs to pay back a portion of the charges, enter that amount here.
- Notes: Enter any notes needed to justify other adjustments.
- Total Amount to be Reimbursed: This is the amount that you will be reimbursed for your travel and is calculated based on your input.
- Expenditure Account No.: Enter accounts that will be paying for this travel.
- Payee Signature, Title and Date: Sign the form and enter the other information.
- Step 2 — Attach Supporting Documentation
- Attach receipts and other documentation necessary to account for your expenses. These
- Detailed schedule or agenda for the event.
- Original receipts for lodging and transportation;
- If meals were paid by a T-Card, you must submit itemized meal receipts.
- Receipts and other documentation for miscellaneous expenses
- If a personal vehicle was used, complete the Statement of Automobile Mileage.
- If the per-diem was exceeded and an Get an Over Per Diem Lodging Justification was not provided during the travel authorization process, complete and submit with travel voucher.
- Attach receipts and other documentation necessary to account for your expenses. These
- Step 3 — Obtain Approvals
- The completed travel voucher and any necessary supporting documentation must be approved
by the same individuals who approved the travel authorization (See How-To Guide Above for More Information).
- If there are any changes and/or corrections to the form, notice should be provided to the traveler and/or the person preparing the voucher on the traveler’s behalf.
- Once approved, the completed travel voucher must be sent to Procurement Services. This should be done with 30 days.
- The completed travel voucher and any necessary supporting documentation must be approved
by the same individuals who approved the travel authorization (See How-To Guide Above for More Information).
- Step 4 — Respond to Any Requests for More Information
- Procurement Services will review the completed form for compliance with the college’s policy and New York state travel guidelines.
- If there is further information needed or corrections made, Procurement Services will notify the traveler and/or preparer.
- Respond promptly to any requests from Procurement Services.
- Step 5 — Receive Payment
- Procurement Services will process payment. Payment will be made as follows:
- Employees that receive part or all of their pay in a check will continue to receive a check for their travel/expense reimbursements.
- Employees that have their full paycheck direct deposited to one bank account will have their travel/expense reimbursements deposited to that same account.
- Employees that have their direct deposit split across more than one account will have their travel/expense reimbursements deposited into the account where the balance of their pay is deposited.
- Generally payment will be made within two weeks of processing a completing travel voucher.
- If you do not receive payment, contact Procurement Services.
This concludes the Travel Voucher and Expense Reimbursement Process
- Procurement Services will process payment. Payment will be made as follows:
- Troubleshooting Problems
I have some Travel Vouchers saved for quick completion, can I still use these old forms?
State requirements are always changing and the forms available on Procurement Services’s website are updated to reflect these changes. You should use the most recent Travel Voucher AC 132-A. Revision dates will always be included.
Where can I find the travel voucher and other requested travel forms?
All travel forms are available on our forms webpage.
Certifying Travel Card Charges
How to prepare, complete & submit a monthly certification of Travel Card charges
- Overview
Travel cards must be reconciled each month in which charges are incurred to ensure that all charges are properly accounted for.
It is the responsibility of the cardholder, as well as their supervisor, to review each statement and certify that those expenses are reasonable, actual and necessary.
The travel credit card reconciliation process must be completed before the next statement is issued. Failure to do so may result in the suspension of travel card holder privileges.
- Step 1 — Receive Notice of Need to Reconcile
- The travel credit card statement period ends on the 22nd of each month.
- Procurement Services will email each individual travel credit card statement to either the cardholder or departmental secretary/office assistant for review on or around the 23rd of each month, depending on the day of the week.
- Step 2 — Review Charges & Report Fraud
- The card holder and/or departmental secretary/office assistant must review the statement to ensure that all charges are legitimate business expenses incurred by the traveler.
- If anything appears fraudulent, a report should be made by contacting the Help Desk at Citibank (phone number on the back of the travel credit card) and the Procurement Services office. Be sure to complete any necessary forms to report the fraudulent charge(s).
- Step 3 — Complete Purchase Requisition
- Prepare a purchase requisition to pay the statement, stapling a copy of the statement to the purchase requisition. List ‘Citibank Travel’ in the vendor area of the requisition.
- The card holder’s supervisor must review and sign the purchase requisition.
- Submit the completed purchase requisition to the purchasing office (or dean’s office, if applicable).
- The original receipts are submitted with the travel voucher.
This concludes the Travel Card Reconciliation Process
- Troubleshooting Problems
What should I do with receipts?
Receipts should be submitted with a travel voucher, not the travel card reconciliation.
Certifying NET Card Charges
How to prepare, complete & submit a monthly certification of NET Card charges
- Overview
NET cards must be reconciled each month in which charges are incurred to ensure that all charges are properly accounted for.
It is the responsibility of the cardholder, as well as their supervisor, to review each statement and certify that those expenses are reasonable, actual and necessary.
The NET credit card reconciliation process must be completed before the next statement is issued. Failure to do so may result in the suspension of travel card holder privileges.
- Step 1 — Receive Notice of Need to Reconcile
- The NET credit card statement period ends on the 6th of each month.
- Procurement Services will email each individual NET credit card statement to either the cardholder or departmental secretary/office assistant for review on or around the 7th of each month, depending on the day of the week.
- Step 2 — Review Charges & Report Fraud
- The card holder and/or departmental secretary/office assistant must review the statement to ensure that all charges are legitimate business expenses incurred by the non-employee.
- If anything appears fraudulent, a report should be made by contacting the Help Desk at Citibank (phone number on the back of the travel credit card) and the Procurement Services office. Be sure to complete any necessary forms to report the fraudulent charge(s).
- Step 3 — Complete Purchase Requisition
- Prepare a purchase requisition to pay the statement, stapling a copy of the statement to the purchase requisition. List ‘Citibank NET’ in the vendor area of the requisition.
- The card holder’s supervisor must review and sign the purchase requisition.
- Submit the completed purchase requisition to the purchasing office (or dean’s office, if applicable).
- The original receipts are submitted with the either a non-employee travel expense report, a travel voucher if an employee led a student trip, or the purchase requisition noting who the non-employees are and their purpose of travel.
This concludes the NET Card Reconciliation Process
- Troubleshooting Problems
What should I do with receipts?
If requested to complete the Non-Employee Travel Expense Report, original receipts should be submitted with this report. Otherwise, original receipts should be submitted with the purchase requisition that pays the related NET credit card statement.