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All the information you need to know about traveling for state business.


Traveling to collaborate and share with colleagues is critical to SUNY Plattsburgh’s mission. The college offers payment options and will reimburse individuals for reasonable, necessary and appropriate expenses incurred in the performance of state business.

What’s New?

Date Update
Jan. 1, 2025

The IRS mileage rate has been updated. Effective January 1, 2025, the new rate is $0.70 per mile driven for business use. The online travel authorization, travel voucher, and non-employee travel expense form have been updated to reflect this mileage rate.

Jan. 1, 2024

The IRS mileage rate has been updated. Effective January 1, 2024, the new rate is $0.67 per mile driven for business use. The online travel authorization, travel voucher, and non-employee travel expense form have been updated to reflect this mileage rate.

Jan. 1, 2023

The IRS mileage rate has been updated. Effective January 1, 2023, the new rate is $0.655 per mile driven for business use. The online travel authorization, travel voucher, and non-employee travel expense form have been updated to reflect this mileage rate.

Jan. 4, 2022

The IRS mileage rate has been updated. Effective January 1, 2022, the new rate is $0.585 per mile driven for business use, up 2.5 cents from the rate in 2021.

Dec. 6, 2021

All COVID-19 travel bans have been lifted. The NYS travel ban remains in effect for Mississippi only. State-funded or state-sponsored travel to Mississippi is banned unless an exemption is approved in advance.

Nov. 10, 2021

All COVID-19 travel restrictions are lifted. Please note that state travel bans remain in effect for North Carolina and Mississippi. State-funded or state-sponsored travel to these states is banned unless an exemption is approved in advance.

Oct. 1, 2021

Travel restrictions within the United States and Canada are lifted. All other international travel remains restricted. Please note that state travel bans remain in effect for North Carolina and Mississippi. State-funded or state-sponsored travel to these states is banned unless an exemption is approved in advance.

Effective October 1, 2021, new travel per diem rates are in effect. Please note that the standard lodging rate for New York state (which includes Plattsburgh) remains at $96. The standard meal rate remains $59 per day ($12 for breakfast and $47 for dinner).

Current Rate Guidelines

Sep. 23, 2021

All campus sponsored or funded travel is restricted to critical operational travel with the United States only. Critical operational travel includes travel falling into one of the following two categories.

Category 1 Travel (Eligible for State Funding)

  1. Health and safety
  2. Course instruction
  3. To meet contractual or legal obligations
  4. Athletic practices and competitions
  5. Student recruitment
  6. Tenure-track faculty travel for presentations at professional conferences or related directly to faculty research
  7. Tenured or untenured faculty travel for participation in required accreditation meetings or required in-person meetings where the individual holds a leadership positions within their professional organization
  8. Travel to in-person SUNY Meetings

Category 2 Travel (Not Eligible for State Funding — Must be Fully Funded by Non-State Funds)

  1. Other research and/or professional development
  2. Institutional Advancement

Travelers must submit an electronic travel authorization with a justification of the need and receive approval by their respective Vice President before going on any state‐funded or sponsored travel


Jun. 1, 2021

All campus sponsored or funded travel is restricted to critical operational travel with the United States only. Critical operational travel includes travel falling into one of the following two categories.

Category 1 Travel (Eligible for State Funding)

  1. Health and safety
  2. Course instruction
  3. To meet contractual or legal obligation
  4. Intercollegiate athletic SUNYAC team events
  5. Admissions or athletic student recruitment

Category 2 Travel (Not Eligible for State Funding — Must be Fully Funded by Non-State Funds)

  1. Research and/or professional development
  2. Institutional Advancement

Category 2 Travel must be fully funded from non-state funds and cannot be paid for using a
state travel card or state purchase order.

Travelers must submit an electronic travel authorization with a justification of the need and
receive approval by their respective Vice President before going on any state‐funded or
sponsored travel.


Apr. 21, 2021

All campus-sponsored or funded travel is restricted through Spring 2021. No international travel is permitted at this time. Domestic travel is restricted to critical operational travel only. Critical operational travel includes travel for:

  • Course instruction
  • Health and safety
  • To meet contractual or legal obligations, or
  • Intercollegiate athletic SUNYAC team events.

Travelers must submit a travel authorization with a justification of the need and receive approval by their respective vice president or designee before going on any state-funded or sponsored travel.

No determination has been made on travel after Spring 2021 at this time and no travel authorizations should be submitted at this time.


Mar. 3, 2021

All campus-sponsored or funded travel is restricted through Spring 2021. No out-of-state travel is permitted at this time. In-state travel is restricted to critical operational travel only. Critical operational travel includes travel for:

  • Course instruction
  • Health and safety
  • To meet contractual or legal obligations, or
  • Intercollegiate athletic SUNYAC team events.

Travelers must submit a travel authorization with a justification of the need and receive approval by their respective vice president or designee before going on any state-funded or sponsored travel.

No determination has been made on travel after Spring 2021 at this time and no travel authorizations should be submitted at this time.


Jan. 4, 2021

The IRS mileage rate has been updated. Effective January 1, 2021, the new rate is $0.56 per mile driven for business use, down $0.015 from the rate in 2020.


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