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- Financial Stability Plan Updates
Financial Stability Plan Updates
Learn more about our efforts to ensure the financial stability of SUNY Plattsburgh
2024 Financial Stability Plan
On November 21, 2024, Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance Magen Renadette, presented an update on multiple campus topics. The update was held in Yokum 200.
Highlights from the presentation include:
- Financial stability plan update
- Capital planning update
- Space management
We encourage you to review the Fall 2024 Presentation and to contact us with any questions.
Past Updates by Year
- 2022 Financial Stability Plans
May 11, 2022
On May 11, 2022, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle, presented an update on the college’s fiscal position. The update was held via Zoom. Highlights from the presentation include:
- NYS Budget Update
- Federal Stimulus Funding Update
- FY21/22 Update
- FY22/23 Update
- eProcurement Update
- A&F Divisional Accomplishments
We encourage you to review the Spring 2022 Budget Update and to contact us with any questions.
College Budget Development Ahead
Campus leadership is continuing our progress on our Financial Stability Plan. As previously communicated to campus, FY2022/23 will include a 7% reduction of our State Operating Fund. Vice Presidents will work within their divisions on how best to achieve these reductions. Additionally, college leadership will be discussing how to align our emerging Plattsburgh Next Strategic Plan with our budget development process. As enrollment projections are critical to our budget process, below find our initial Fall 2022 projections. Keep in mind that these projections are based upon information available today and as we gain more information regarding our in-coming class, the projections may be adjusted.
Feb. 1, 2022 Update
Campus Community,
I am writing to provide an update on the New York State’s Executive Budget and the college’s budget process for this upcoming fiscal year 2022/23 (“FY2022/2023”). NYS Executive Budget The Governor’s Executive Budget advances a once-in-a-generation investment to rebuild New York and is very supportive of Higher Education and SUNY’s importance to the State’s future. Governor Hochul released the New York State Executive Budget on January 18, 2022.
Highlights from the Executive Budget that have a direct impact on SUNY and SUNY Plattsburgh are as follows:
- Full support of all funding provided in the FY2021/22 Enacted Budget.
- Support for the hiring of additionally full-time faculty at State-operated campuses and community colleges ($53M)
- Elimination of the “TAP Gap” effective FY2022/23. This accelerates the previous TAP Gap elimination program.
- $10.8M in new, one-time support for the expansion of Child Care Centers across SUNY
- Approximately 10% increase in Opportunity Programs
- Continued investment of Capital funding for SUNY ($550M critical maintenance) and $425M in new flexible capital funding
While the Executive Budget provided good news for higher education in New York and SUNY Plattsburgh, it is important to highlight that the Executive Budget is step one of many steps to get to a finalized budget by April 1, 2022.
College Budget Development Ahead
Campus leadership is continuing our progress on our Financial Stability Plan. As previously communicated to campus, FY2022/23 will include a 7% reduction of our State Operating Fund. Vice Presidents will work within their divisions on how best to achieve these reductions. Additionally, college leadership will be discussing how to align our emerging Plattsburgh Next Strategic Plan with our budget development process. As enrollment projections are critical to our budget process, below find our initial Fall 2022 projections. Keep in mind that these projections are based upon information available today and as we gain more information regarding our in-coming class, the projections may be adjusted.
- 2021 Financial Stability Plans
Nov. 3, 2021 Update
In response to the questions that were posed during the Fall 2021 Campus Budget Open Forum, as well as, the questions posed during the Faculty Senate Resources and Planning Committee meetings we are providing you with details from FY17/18 through FY21/22 regarding employee FTE and student billed headcounts. This can be viewed here. The PDF includes the Employee FTE by negotiating unit, employee type and division as well as the Fall Billed Student Headcount vs. the Employee FTE by year.
Thank you for your valued questions.
Oct. 7, 2021 Update
On Oct. 7, 2021, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle, presented an update on the college’s fiscal position. The update was held in the Cardinal Lounge and via Zoom. Highlights from the presentations include:
- NYS Budget Update
- Federal Stimulus Funding Overview
- FY21/22 Update
- FY22/23 Update
- Next Steps
We encourage you to review the Fall 2021 Budget Update and to contact us with any questions.
May 4, 2021 Update
On May 4, 2021, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle, presented an update on the college’s fiscal position. The update was held via Zoom. Highlights from the presentations include:
- NYS Budget Update
- Federal Stimulus Funding Overview
- COVID-19 Financial Impacts
- FY20/21 Update
- FY21/22 Update
- Next Steps
We encourage you to review the Spring 2021 Budget Update and to contact us with any questions.
April 14, 2021 Update
On April 14, 2021, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle, sent the following message to the campus community:
Campus Community,
I am writing to provide an update on the New York State Budget and the impacts to the college. The NYS FY2021/22 budget was passed on April 8, 2021. Please keep in mind that SUNY is having further discussion and analysis with NYS Division of Budget and further information will be forthcoming. Key highlights from the budget and what it means for SUNY Plattsburgh are as follows:
- Direct State Support for FY2020/21 was reduced by $46.4M or 5% for SUNY. This is a one-time reduction in State funding and the SUNY Board of Trustees is currently working on how this reduction will be allocated among the campuses. Additionally, SUNY System Administration is looking into being permitted to leverage federal stimulus funding to offset this reduction.
- Direct State Support for FY2021/22 was not reduced and was restored to the FY2019/2020 levels.
- No tuition increases - The predictable funding plan for SUNY State-operated campuses allowing a $200 annual tuition increase for resident undergraduate tuition was not included in the final budget.
- Legislation was approved to completely eliminate the TAP Gap by FY2024/25. The TAP Gap budget prior to this legislation is detailed in the below table. We are working on calculating the annual impact of this legislation to the college.
Fiscal Year FY2021/22 FY2022/23 FY2023/24 FY2024/25 Tap Gap Budget $2.8M $3.0M $3.2M $3.4M - Excelsior Tuition Rates are held flat at the FY2016/2017 levels through FY2023/2024.
- Investment in EOP increased by 20% or $6.4M - No information about individual funding levels for the campuses has been released yet.
- $500k increase in the University-wide Mental Health Services Program - No information about individual funding levels for the campuses has been released yet.
- $2M increase in State Education Department grant funding for Support for Students with Disabilities - No information about individual funding levels for the campuses has been released yet.
- Early Retirement Incentive – No retirement incentive for SUNY employees.
- The contractual salary increases that the Governor froze on April 2020 were approved to be paid however, no funding was identified for the contractual salary obligations with the exception of one-time funding for the recently settled university police union contract. SUNY System Administration is working on the timeline of when the retro payments will be made.
- Capital funding will be $650M an increase of $100M – SUNY Plattsburgh’s critical maintenance funding was reduced by $91k.
- Academic Program review reforms were not included however, both houses are committed to work with SUNY System Administration to develop legislation outside of the budget process.
- Procurement flexibility provisions enacted in 2011 are extended through 2026.
I will be hosting the Spring 2021 Campus Budget Open Forum on May 4, 2021 from 2pm – 3:30pm. During the Forum, I will provide further details regarding the college’s current and future financial status as well as provide an opportunity for each of you to ask questions regarding the college’s finances.
March 16, 2021 Update
On March 16, 2021, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle, sent the following message to the campus community:
Campus Community,
I am writing today to provide the campus with an update on the college’s fiscal year 2021/22 budget development progress, The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and the NYS budget.
SUNY Plattsburgh FY21/22 Budget Development
While the college has not received guidance from SUNY on the FY21/22 budget submission requirements, the college has been diligently working on the FY21/22 budget. The college has four funds in which we operate our daily activities from: State Operating, IFR, DIFR and SUTRA and each fund’s budget development process is currently underway.
State Operating Fund
On February 19, 2021 President Enyedi sent a campus wide communication indicating that he has charged each Vice President to reduce their State Operating Fund budgets by 7% for a combined total of approximately $3.6M. There is currently $4.7M in vacant State Operating Fund positions and each Vice President is charged to focus on reducing these vacant positions to accomplish their division’s reduction targets. The Vice President’s budget reduction plans are due by May 1st to the Budget and Financial Reporting Office.
The DIFR Committee held its’ FY21/22 budget development kick-off meeting on January 6, 2021. The DIFR Committee changed the budget development process to a zero-based budgeting process in which all account managers were required to justify all expenditures (both salary and non-salary). All DIFR Fund budgets have been submitted to the Budget and Financial Reporting Office and are currently under review.
Broad-Based Fees
The Broad-Based Fee (athletic, recreation, health center, career and technology fees) kicked-off FY21/22 budget development on December 16, 2020. Account managers were required to develop two budgets: 1) flat budget with no increase to the student fee levels 2) a HEPI increase to the fee levels. The FY21/22 Broad-Based Fee budgets are being presented to President’s Cabinet and the Student Association during the month of March.
IFR and SUTRA Fund account managers will be sent guidance on the FY21/22 budget development process on March 17, 2021. Similar to last fiscal year, members of the Budget and Financial Reporting Office will work with account managers throughout the month of April to develop the college’s IFR and SUTRA fund budgets.
Federal Stimulus and NYS Budget
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (The Act). Included in this new bill is $39.6B in funding for Postsecondary Education and $350.0B in aid to States and Localities. The $39.6B in funding for Postsecondary Education will provide SUNY Plattsburgh with $14.8M of which, $7.5M must go directly to our students in the form of an emergency student grant and $7.3M is designated for institutional support. Guidance from NYS and SUNY will be forthcoming on how the college is permitted to utilize the $7.3M in institutional support.
A comparison chart outlining the differences between the CARES Act, CRRSA Act and the American Rescue Plan Act can be found below.
The $350.0B in aid to States and Localities has the potential for New York State to receive funding in excess of the $6.0B that was outlined in the Governor’s Executive Budget. However, the ultimate impact of The Act on the final State Budget and what it means for SUNY and SUNY Plattsburgh will be decided in the next few weeks when the final NYS budget is enacted on April 1st.
Balancing Today and Tomorrow
In summary, the infusion of one-time federal stimulus funding is so important to Higher Education and SUNY Plattsburgh. The recognition that Higher Education is a critical element to the success of our Country, our Region, and our State is very much welcomed. However, we must recognize that these funds are one-time and have a specific use identified by the federal government and the State of NY. As we look forward to years (beginning 2021/22) the college continues to have a structural deficit. This structural deficit is the driving force behind the 7% reduction for the operating budget.
Within the next few weeks, the State will be enacting the budget for our coming year and stay tuned for a Budget Open Forum later in April that will highlight our financial position.
Learn more about the college’s FY21/22 budget development.
Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) Comparison Chart — SUNY Plattsburgh March 2021
Item HEERF I Funds The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) HEERF II Funds The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act) HEERF III Funds The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Total SUNY Plattsburgh HEERF Funding Amount $5,520,982 $8,423,236 $14,831,601 Student Funding $2,629,085 $2,629,084 $7,504,593 Student Funding Utilization - 2,978 Students received funding averaging $883 per student
- The 2,978 total students included 1,714 High Need Students, 75 High Need First Year EOP & SSS Students and 1,189 Other Students
- High Need Students average $1,259, High Need First Year EOP & SSS Students averaged $1,194 Other Students averaged $321
Awaiting SUNY & NYS Guidance Awaiting SUNY & NYS Guidance Institutional Funding $2,891,897 $5,794,152 $7,327,008 Institutional Funding Utilization - Reimbursed the college for the $5M in Spring 2020 refunds issued to students for housing and mandatory fees
- Room Rent $2,218,146
- Athletic Fee $492,766
- Recreation $180,985
Awaiting SUNY & NYS Guidance Awaiting SUNY & NYS Guidance January 27, 2021 Update
On January 27, 2021, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle, sent the following message to the campus community:
I am writing to provide an update on the New York State’s Executive Budget proposal and the potential impacts to the college. The Governor’s Executive Budget contains some positive news. The New York State (NYS) financial deficit has improved from a $16 billion deficit to $15 billion and the reduction imposed to all State Agencies has been identified as a 5% cut for FY 2021/22.
There are three (3) main take-aways that we need to keep in mind:
- The Governor’s NYS Executive Budget is the first step towards an adopted NY State budget scheduled for April 1st.
- The Governor presented the Executive Budget with a stipulation that New York State MUST receive a minimum of $6Billion in Federal support from the next round of stimulus funding.
- As communicated on January 4th (Campus Context for Federal Stimulus and State Budget), SUNY Plattsburgh will be receiving $8.7million from the Federal government. This funding is broken down into two categories, $2.6million for student grants and $5.7million for institutional costs.
NYS Executive Budget
Governor Cuomo released the New York State Executive Budget on January 19, 2021. Highlights from the Executive Budget that have a direct impact on SUNY Plattsburgh are as follows:
- FY2019/20 Direct State Support funded at 100%
- Direct State Support permanently reduced to 95% beginning FY2020/21
- >EOP fully funded for FY2020/21
- TAP & Excelsior fully funded for FY2020/21
- NYS Resident Undergraduate tuition rates increase $200/academic year beginning FY2021/22 through 2025
While the Executive Budget provided good news for higher education in New York and SUNY Plattsburgh, there are elements within the plan that require caution as we strive to develop a balanced budget for FY2021/22 and beyond.
- Embedded in the Governor’s Executive Budget proposal, is the requirement for the State to receive $6B in Federal support. The current estimated NY State deficit is $15B which would require greater reductions to state agencies should the State not receive the minimum of $6B in Federal support. As you are aware, the current $1.9T Federal Stimulus package that is under discussion has hurdles to cross before States are provided any relief due to the pandemic. If Federal funding provided to NYS exceeds $6B, State Tax withholdings could be partially or fully restored; if Federal funding provided to NYS is less than $6B, reductions in State Tax support could revert to prior expected levels or greater.
- The predictable tuition plan, which authorizes up to $200 per year increase in resident undergraduate tuition, effective 2021/22 through 2025, included in the Executive Budget is one specific area that may have difficulty receiving approval by the legislation. The cost of education is a concern of both legislators and SUNY Board of Trustees and is likely to be the first item removed.
It is important to highlight that the Executive Budget is step one of many steps to get to a finalized budget by April 1, 2021, as shown in the timeline below:
Strategic College Budget Development
Ahead Campus leadership is continuing to discuss how to align our emerging strategic planning efforts and our budget development process. As discussions continue and the college gains greater insight from SUNY on the NYS budget, we will share more updates.
At this point, it is abundantly clear that the level of Federal Stimulus Funding that NYS receives will have a substantial impact on the level of funding reductions experienced by SUNY Plattsburgh.
January 4, 2021 Update
On January 4, 2021, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle, sent the following message to the campus community:
Campus Community,
I am writing to put into context recent developments in federal spending, SUNY’s state budget request and what they mean for the college.
Federal Stimulus to Assist
The recently passed federal stimulus provides $23 billion for higher education, with funding broken into categories similar to the CARES Act: direct grants to students and institutional support for the college.
From this, SUNY Plattsburgh will be receiving $8.7 million. This will be divided between $2.6 million grants given to students and $5.7 million can be used for institutional costs. Under the legislation, these can include lost revenue, technology associated with distance education, faculty and staff training, payroll, and student support activities related to COVID-19.
The infusion of this key federal funding is much welcomed and will help SUNY Plattsburgh through this difficult year.
Level State Budget Request
The SUNY Board of Trustees proposed budget included a request for level state funding, authority for the board to set tuition, and $10 million in COVID-19 funding.
The impact to SUNY Plattsburgh of this proposed budget is that our state funding will not change. Keep in mind that this is only the first step in the state budget process. The next step is for the governor to release his proposed budget mid- to late-January.
Limits on State Funding
As you might recall from my September 2020 budget forum, we received only 85 percent of our New York State funding for the last fiscal year, 2019-2020 and had not yet received any state funding for the current fiscal year, 2020-2021. Accordingly, the college was proceeding with the following assumptions;
- We will receive 70 percent of the current fiscal year state funding.
- We will not receive the remaining 15 percent of last fiscal year’s state funding.
- We were projecting a $1.3 million surplus at the end of this fiscal year. That’s down from nearly $8.4 million at the beginning of fiscal year 2019-2020.
Additionally, the state is only providing 80 percent of all Tuition Assistance Program and Excelsior Scholarship funding. And there is no additional guidance from SUNY or the state on when funding will be provided or how much will ultimately be allocated for higher education.
Strategic College Budget Development
Ahead As we enter the second half of 2020-2021 and embark on budget development for 2021-2022, this all means we have few specific answers but know we must work together to prepare well for our financial future.
Campus leadership is discussing how to align our emerging strategic planning efforts and our budget development processes. As discussions continue and deeper examination of the state’s financial position provides more insights, we will share more updates.
At this point, it is clear state reductions will persist and the reductions will apply to all state funding including higher education scholarships such as TAP and Excelsior.
While this update does not provide great detail, it is important that we all understand the impacts of both federal funding and the state’s funding as they develop.
Stay tuned for more updates later this month.
- 2020 Financial Stability Plans
September 2020 Update
On September 30, 2020, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle presented an update on the college’s fiscal position. The update was held via zoom and a recording of the presentation can be found here. Highlights from the presentation include:
- Update on the NYS Budget
- Fiscal Year 2019/20 Update
- Fiscal Year 2020/21 Update
- The College’s Next Steps
For additional details, we encourage you to review the Fall 2020 Budget Update and to contact us with any questions.
July 2020 Update
On Jul. 28, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle presented updates on SUNY Plattsburgh’s financial situation and outlined a plan to allow the college to strategically navigate these challenging and uncertain times. Highlights of the plan are:
- SUNY System Administration has directed campuses to submit a FY 2020/21 budget for 6 months of operating expenditures for the State Operating Fund, IFR Fund and SUTRA Fund.
- Submitted FY 2020-2021 budgets have been revised and are now available.
- Expenditure restrictions are in place.
April 2020 Update
On Apr. 22 and 23, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle presented updates of the Financial Stability Plan. This year, the two campus wide sessions were presented through Zoom. Highlights from the presentation include:
- COVID-19 Financial Impacts
- Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Budget Update
- Fiscal Year 2020/21 Budget Update
- The college’s next steps in fiscal planning
For additional details, we encourage you to review the 2020 Financial Stability Plan Update Presentation and to contact us with any questions.
- 2019 Financial Stability Plans
October 2019 Update
On Oct. 2 and 3, Administrative Officer-in-Charge and Vice President for Administration and Finance, Josee Larochelle presented to updates of the Financial Stability Plan to the campus in Cardinal Lounge. Different than in years past, the presentations were not split by division/department but brought the campus together as one. This provided an opportunity for great discussion about where we are currently and ways in which we will continue to work together to ensure financial stability in the coming years.
Highlights from the presentation include:
- Fiscal Year 2018/19 we collected nearly $2.3 million in tuition revenue than originally anticipated due to higher enrollments and the collection of prior year’s Excelsior/Excelsior Credit and TAP.
- In Fiscal Year 2018/19 we also received a one-time payment of $1.6 million from NYS to reimburse the UUP retro salary payments.
- With the additional tuition revenue, the reimbursement from NYS for the UUP retro payments, and the divisional unspent budgets we were able to close Fiscal Year 2018/19 by increasing our unrestricted operating reserve balance by $4.9 million.
- The official enrollment census has not been completed, but as of Sept. 26 the Fall 2019 headcount was 5,258 – 129 students below our target.
- Fiscal Year 2019/20 adopted budget results in a structural deficit of nearly $6.5 million, where short term strategies and reserves will be utilized to balance the budget.
For additional details, we encourage you to review the Fall 2019 Financial Stability Plan Update Presentation and to contact us with any questions.
April 2019 Update
As the college continues to plan for the 2019/20 fiscal year budget, we are finalizing our projections for this fiscal year, identifying planned budget reductions (based on the financial stability plan), as well as evaluating our enrollment targets for new incoming students and continuing students.
Enrollments for 2018/19 fiscal year have exceeded our projections for Fall 2018 by 1% or 43 students and we are just short of our Spring 2019 projection by 17 students (less than 1%). This increase in enrollment has resulted in approximately $1 million more in tuition revenue than originally planned. This is great news and a success to our marketing and recruitment program. All in all, our financial projections look promising with the college using less reserves than originally planned for.
Regarding the 2019/20 fiscal year, each division has identified all targeted budget permanent reductions. Budget plans are in process, are being reviewed by the vice presidents, and are anticipated for finalization late May. The New York state budget includes one-time funding for SUNY colleges related to the UUP retro payments that were paid in 2018/19. This one-time funding will be allocated in late June to the college and discussions are being held at SUNY regarding the allocation methodology.
As we all know, tuition revenue is the largest share of SUNY Plattsburgh revenue. In January 2019, the cabinet approved an enrollment projection that targeted 5,595 for Fall 2019. This included 1,879 new students and 3,716 continuing students. Strategic Enrollment Management has provided a worst-case scenario that indicates our new student projection is 1,684. This is a significant decrease from our original planned enrollment. We are now adjusting our enrollment projections for Fall 2019 as well as our tuition revenue downward to 5,387 fall enrollments. This reduction will have an impact on our revenue by approximately $1.5 million.
The cabinet and college leadership will be addressing the impacts of this reduced revenue as we finalize our budget plans for next year. As such, we are in the process of revising our revenue projections as we work towards finalizing the budget plan for next year.
April Budget Update Presentation
March 2019 Spring Update
In a continued effort to provide timely and transparent communications about our Financial Stability Plan, this update services to provide the campus with some key highlights on our current fiscal year as well as the upcoming 2019/20 fiscal year.
It is important to note the fiscal year 2019/20 New York state budget is anticipated to be passed April 1, 2019 and our college fiscal year 2019/20 budget has not yet been finalized. For further details regarding our campus FY19/20 budget preparation process and timeline, please visit our budget website.
Fiscal Year 2018/19 Enrollment & Budget Updates
- Billed $1M more in tuition revenue than originally anticipated due to higher enrollments in the fall and winter terms.
- Implemented and achieved $1.7M in permanent budget reductions.
- Anticipated use of $1.5M less in cash reserves to cover the deficit at the end of the fiscal year.
Fiscal Year 2019/20 Enrollment & Budget Updates
- Enrollments projected to decline due to an increase in separation rates for continuing students.
- State funding anticipated to stay flat.
- Permanent reductions need to be effectuated in FY 19/20 through FY21/22 by Academic Affairs.
For further details, we encourage you to review the Spring 2019 Financial Stability Plan Update Presentation and to contact us with any questions.
- 2018 Financial Stability Plans
Oct. 16, 2018 – Fall 2018 Update
Over the course of the past month, Vice President for Administration and Finance Josee Larochelle has been presenting updates on the Financial Stability Plan at ten community gatherings. Overall, the campus has made significant progress on achieving the goals in the financial stability plan thanks in large part to the significant support from the campus community. While our first year achievements have been impressive, there is still much more work ahead of us. We must continue the progress that has been made if we wish to achieve the financial goals outlined in the plan.
Notable highlights from the presentation include:
- Fiscal Year 2017/18 billed tuition revenue exceeded budget by over $1 million.
- Fiscal Year 2017/18 total campus spending was $6.1M less than budgeted.
- Permanent expenditure reductions of $1.7M in fiscal year 2018/19 were achieved.
- The targeted permanent expenditure reductions for FY19/20, 20/21, & 21/22 are $1.4M, $600,000, & $450,000 respectively.
- Revenue Generation and Cost Savings and Efficiencies ideas are being implemented. If fully implemented, the total value of the ideas that have already been identified would be an additional $76,822 annually.
If you were unable to attend the presentation, you can learn more about it here.
Aug. 21, 2018 – Budget Initiatives Being Implemented & Fall Gatherings Planned
Throughout the summer, the Revenue Generation and Cost Management and Business Process Improvement Budget Response Teams have been meeting regularly to review campus budget ideas. To date, six initiatives have been been reviewed, recommended for implementation, and have been, or are in the process of, being implemented. Together, these six initiates will result in almost $25,000.00 of additional revenue or cost savings on an annual basis. Highlights can be found below.
The teams are continuing to review existing and newly submitted ideas and will continue to report on their progress quarterly.
In addition, Vice President for Administration and Finance Josee Larochelle will be holding community gatherings in September 2018 to provide an update on the Financial Stability Plan presented to the campus during 2017-18. The schedule for the community gatherings is as follows:
Division / Department Date Time Location School of Business and Economics Friday, 9/7/2018 9 a.m. Hermes Room Branch Campus at Queensbury Friday, 9/7/2018 9 a.m. via ZOOM School of Arts & Sciences Friday, 9/7/2018 11 a.m. Cardinal Lounge School of Education, Health & Human Services Monday, 9/10/2018 9 a.m. Cardinal Lounge Student Affairs Division Monday, 9/10/2018 1 p.m. Cardinal Lounge Institutional Advancement Division Wednesday, 9/12/2018 9 a.m. Hawkins 025 Information Technology Services Wednesday, 9/12/2018 2:30 p.m. Cardinal Lounge President’s & Provost’s Office Monday, 9/24/2018 2 p.m. Cardinal Lounge For the Administration and Finance Division, budget updates will be provided at the Divisional Meetings scheduled at the following times:
Date Time Location Wednesday, 10/10/2018 9 a.m. Alumni Room Thursday, 10/11/2018 2 p.m. Alumni Room March 9, 2018 – Spring 2018 Community Gatherings
Over the past weeks, members of the campus community had the opportunity to attend a Financial Stability Plan Update presentation. For those present, thank you for attending. The level of engagement and inquiry was outstanding. Our plan for attaining financial stability is a collaborative effort and we are confident that our campus community has the ability and stamina to achieve the plan.
Highlights from the presentation include the following:
- Fall 2017 enrollment exceeded the goal by 3%, which results in increase tuition revenue.
- There was no change in the expected temporary salary reductions, however cuts in permanent salaries will extend into FY 2021-22.
- Permanent Salary and Expense reductions totaled $662,000 in FY 2017-18 and $1.5 million in FY 2018-19.
- The structural deficit in FY 2021-22 increases from $2 million to $4.2 million due to the elimination of the expected 10% reduction in scholarship offerings. We are working towards a balanced budget by FY 2021-22 through cost savings and efficiency and revenue generations committees.
The New York state budget was passed on March 30, 2018. The highlights as related to SUNY Plattsburgh are as follows:
- No increase in state funding.
- EOP and SBDC funding is kept at the current FY 2017-18 level with no reductions.
- $18 million for Performance Improvement Plan is kept at the current FY 2017-18 level
- $4 million for OER SUNY funding.
If you were unable to attend the presentation, you can learn more about it here.
Feb. 28, 2018 – Budget Response Teams Moving Forward
In consultation with President’s Cabinet,Vice President Larochelle formed two budget response teams, each one focused on a critical area of our Financial Stability Plan.
- The Cost Management and Business Process Improvement Team will be examining opportunities within Business Affairs to generate cost savings and reviewing ways to make our business processes more efficient and effective. As the focus is internal, membership in this team will come from the Business Affairs Division.
- The Revenue Generation (Capitalizing on our Assets) Team will be reviewing opportunities to leverage the college’s assets (such as facilities and intellectual property to name a few) to generate additional revenue to support the college. As this team is focused on a broader review of revenue opportunities, membership will come from across campus.
The teams will begin with the budget suggestions submitted by our community but also engage with departments on additional opportunities. It is important to note that these initiatives are long-term. We anticipate some quick wins for each of these teams, but many changes will take time. Stay tuned for updates on each teams activities.
- 2017 Financial Stability Plans
Fall 2017 Financial Stability Plan Highlights
In September 2017, the President’s Cabinet approved a budget plan for FY 2017-18 through 2021-22. The goal of this plan is to ensure that the college reaches a stable financial position by FY 2021-22. Details of this plan can be found below.
- Like many other institutions of higher education, SUNY Plattsburgh’s enrollment has been declining in recent years. Between FY 2013-14 and FY 2016-17, the college saw an 8.6% decrease in the number of students enrolled.
- The amount of funding from state appropriations continues to decrease. Student tuition and fees remains our primary source of revenue.
- Enrollment is not projected to grow for the next five years. We plan to enroll approximately, 5,500 students annually through FY 2021-22.
- Declining revenue means that the college has a structural deficit (the difference
between revenue and expenses). The deficit has grown significant in the past two years
at a rate that cannot be sustained. For FY 2017-2018, the deficit is $8.4 million
dollars. The following have contributed to this growth:
- Unfunded contractual salary increases
- Increases in scholarship offerings
- Increases in utility costs
- Our Financial Stability Plan will help us to close this gap by cutting expenditures in a way that aligns with our values as a community and adheres to certain guiding principles.
- Expenditures will be cut through a combination of permanent and temporary salary savings, reducing institutional scholarships, and decreasing OTPS (non-personnel) expenditures.
- The plan does not include retrenchments of current positions. However, some positions may be left vacant for a longer period, may not be filled (either permanently or on a temporary basis), and some term positions may not be renewed. All positions will be thoroughly reviewed by President’s Cabinet.
- The college encourages members of our community to share ideas for cutting costs and generating revenue. We know that there are many great ideas in our community and we want to hear from you!
- By FY 2021-22, the college can achieve financial stability!
There is no doubt that the path ahead will includes some challenges. We will need to engage with each and have hard conversations about our future. But, the college has been through challenging times before and we have risen to these challenge and forged a stronger future. Together, we can ensure that SUNY Plattsburgh’s future remains, in the words of Professor Emeritus Doug Skopp, "Bright with Promise" well into the future.
Nov. 6, 2017 - Suggestions Rolling In
As of Nov. 2017, the college has received more than 120 suggestions to cut costs or raise revenue from our campus community. To assist the college’s leadership with evaluating the many suggestions received, a budget reduction evaluation workgroup has been formed. This group is currently in the process of reviewing ideas and formulating recommendations to campus leadership for further consideration. We anticipate having more information to share later this semester.
The number and quality of the suggestions are a reflection of the shared commitment that our community has to its future. Thank you to the many individuals who have already submitted ideas and please continue to share new ideas with us.
Sept. 27, 2017 - "Coffee with Clark"
Coming in October, please join Clark Foster, Associate Vice President of Administration and Finance, for "Coffee with Clark", an opportunity to share your ideas for cutting costs or raising revenue. Do you see ways for the college to save money? Come enjoy a cup of coffee with Clark and share your ideas. All ideas are welcome and will be reviewed.
Sept. 8, 2017 - Community Gatherings
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Michael Morgan and Vice President for Administration Josee Larochelle are holding community gatherings in Sept. and Oct. 2017 to discuss achieving financial stability and initiatives to ensure the college’s success. If you have not had a chance, please attend one of the sessions to learn more about the college’s budget situation and our plan for financial stability.
Schedule for Community GatheringsGroup Date Time Location Arts and Sciences (Sciences and Social Sciences) Thursday, Sept. 14 1 - 2:30 p.m. 200 Yokum Hall Education, Health and Human Services Friday, Sept. 15 12:30 - 2 p.m. ACC Alumni Conference Room Business and Economics Friday, Sept. 15 3 - 4:30 p.m. Au Sable Hall Hermes Room Student Affairs Monday, Sept. 18 10 - 11:30 a.m. ACC Alumni Conference Room Business Affairs (except Operational Service Unit) Tuesday, Sept. 19 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. ACC Alumni Conference Room Arts and Sciences (Arts and Humanities) Tuesday, Sept. 19 2 - 3:30 p.m. 200 Yokum Hall Information Technology Services Wednesday, Sept. 20 1:30 - 3 p.m. ACC Cardinal Lounge Business Affairs (Operational Service Unit) Monday, Sept. 25 8 - 9 a.m. 200 Yokum Hall Room Business Affairs (Operational Service Unit) Monday, Sept. 25 2 - 3 p.m. 208 Yokum Hall Room Academic Affairs (Direct Reports)
and President’s OfficeTuesday, Oct. 3 10 - 11:30 a.m. ACC Cardinal Lounge Institutional Advancement Wednesday, Oct. 25 1:30 - 3 p.m. Kehoe 6th Floor Conference Room Branch Campus at Queensbury Thursday, Oct. 26 Noon - 1:30 p.m. RHEC SUNY Adirondack If you are unable to attend a presentation for your area, please consider attending on an alternate date. Additionally, employees in non-academic roles within Academic Affairs who don’t serve in a specific school are welcome to attend on a day and time that is best for them.
Past Financial Stability Plan Presentations
We encourage you to take the following steps:
- View the Spring 2022 Budget Update
- View the Financial Stability Plan Spring 2021 Update
- View the Financial Stability Plan Fall 2020 Update
- View the Financial Stability Plan Spring 2020 Update
- View the Financial Stability Plan Fall 2019 Updated
- View the Financial Stability Plan Spring 2019 Update
- View the Financial Stability Plan Fall 2018 Update
- View the Financial Stability Plan Spring 2018 Update
- View the Fall 2017 Financial Stability Plan Presentation