Senior History Projects
History majors at Plattsburgh cap their studies by writing a significant piece of historical scholarship. Students are assigned to work with faculty mentors in designing and carrying out this intensive research project. Registration for the Senior Project (HIS 485/486/490) requires departmental approval, and students must submit a formal project proposal. Proposal materials are available in the history department office.
Recent Senior Projects
Spring 2019
Mirelle Blair, “Australia’s Stolen Generations and the Realities of Aboriginal Schooling
Rocco Cipriano, “60 Minutes with Andrew Rube Foster”
Alexander Diaz, “Cultural Preservation & Resistance within Nazi Concentration Camps”
Sissy Kilburn, “Little Siberia: A Land of Mountains, Trees and Barbed Wire”
Jaykob Neddo, “All but the Chinese: Chinese Exclusion and Rhetoric in Plattsburgh, 1886-1904”
Julia Pergolizzi, “Cesar Chavez and Nonviolent Protest: How an Ordinary Mexican American Farm Worker Led an Iconic Movement for Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice”
Spring 2018
- Kristen Foland, “Looking for Hell? It’s Here and Now: How Robert Rauschenberg and Sandow Birk used Dante’s Inferno to Critique Modern American Society”
- Michael Colon, “How a Nickel Changed the System: Fare and Politics in New York City’s Subways”
- Jackie Mead, “Who Does History Remember?: Untold Stories of the Battle of Plattsburgh”
- James Demerse, “The Real Relationship between Sir William Johnson and the Native Americans”
- Benjamin Chapin, “Dr. Shock: Donald Ewen Cameron and MKUltra Subproject 68”