Director, Center for Earth & Environmental Science
Professor of Geology
The breadth of disciplines housed within the Center for Earth and Environmental Science
(CEES) at SUNY Plattsburgh is vast. Disciplines span between social sciences and the
natural sciences. I was attracted to CEES by this breadth. As a geologist, my research
interests have always been at the intersection of different disciplines. For much
of my professional career I researched geologic and hydrologic influences on wetlands.
I have studied hydrologic controls on methane fluxes in large boreal peatlands in
northern Minnesota and the Hudson Bay Lowlands in northern Ontario, Canada. In southern
Florida, I studied the effects of water management on the hydrology in the Everglades
and Big Cypress. While at SUNY Plattsburgh, I have worked with many undergraduate
students studying hydrology in a bedrock pine barren, effects of forest management
on Adirondack watersheds, and hydrologic controls on fish passage in streams. My current
research focuses on the intersection of structural geology and hydrology. I study
the effects of fractures and other structural features on groundwater flow. I am working
with the Vermont Geological Survey using advanced borehole geophysical techniques
and radar imaging of wells to study the effects of fractures on the transport and
distribution of PFAS in groundwater.
Romanowicz, E.A., D.I. Siegel and P.H. Glaser, 1993, Hydraulic reversals and episodic methane emissions
during drought cycles in mires, Geology, 21:3, pp. 231–234.
Romanowicz, E.A., D.I. Siegel, J. Chanton, P.H. Glaser, 1994, Seasonal Variations of Dissolved Methane
Profiles at Depth in the Lake Agassiz Peatlands, Minnesota (USA), Global Biogeochemistry Cycles 9:2, pp. 197–212.
Chanton, J.P., J.E. Bauer, P.H. Glaser, D.I. Siegel, C.A. Kelley, S.C. Tyler, E.A. Romanowicz and A. Lazrus, 1995, Radiocarbon evidence for the substrates supporting methane formation
within northern Minnesota peatlands, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 59:17, pp. 3663–3668.
Siegel, D.I., A. Reeve, P.H. Glaser and E.A. Romanowicz, 1995, Climate-driven flushing of pore water in peatlands, Nature, 374, pp. 531–533.
Effler, S.W., M.G. Perkins, K.A. Whitehead and E.A. Romanowicz, 1996, Ionic inputs to Onondaga Lake: Origins, character, and change, Lake and Reservoir Management, 12:1, pp. 15–23.
Perkins, M.G. and E.A. Romanowicz, 1996, Geology and Hydrogeology of Onondaga Lake, in Limnological and Engineering Analysis of a Polluted Lake: Prelude to the Environmental
Management of Onondaga Lake, New York, Steven Effler, Editor, Springer-Verlag: New York.
Glaser, P.H., Bennett, P.C., Siegel, D.I., and E.A. Romanowicz, 1996, Paleo-markers for reversals in groundwater flow and peatland development in
the Lost River peatland, northern Minnesota, USA. Holocene, 6:4, pp. 413–421.
Glaser, P.H., D.I. Siegel, E.A. Romanowicz, and Y.P. Shen, 1997, Regional Linkages between raised bogs and the climate, groundwater
and landscape of north-western Minnesota, Journal of Ecology, 85:1, pp. 3–16.
Kasischke, E.S., K.B. Smith, L.L. Bourgeau-Chavez, E.A. Romanowicz, S.M. Brunzell, C.J. Richardson, 2003, Effects of seasonal hydrologic pattern in south
Florida wetlands on radar backscatter measured from ERS-2 SAR imagery, Remote Sensing of the Environment, 88, pp. 423–441.
King, R., C.J. Richardson, D. Urban, E.A. Romanowicz, 2004, Spatial dependency of vegetation--Environmental linkages in an anthropogenically
influenced wetland ecosystem, Ecosystems, 7:1, pp. 75–97.
Bourgeau-Chavez, L., K.B. Smith, S.M. Brunzell, E.S. Kasischke, E.A. Romanowicz, C.J. Richardson, 2005, Remote monitoring of regional inundation patterns and hydroperiod
in the greater Everglades using synthetic aperture radar, Wetlands, 25:1, pp. 176–191.
Woodcock, T., T. Mihuc, E.A. Romanowicz and E. Allen, 2006, Land-use effects on catchment- and patch- scale habitat and macroinvertebrate
responses in the Adirondack Uplands, American Fisheries Society Symposium, 48, 395–411.
Mihuc, J.R., T.B. Mihuc, T. Woodcock, E.A. Romanowicz, T. Jackson, K. Spring, C. Tran, D. Welch and L. Myers, 2006, Composition of stream
benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in managed and preserve Adirondack (New York,
U.S.A.) headwater catchments, Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol, 29, 1921–1924.
Romanowicz, E.A. and C.J. Richardson, Geologic setting and hydrology gradients in the Everglades,
2008, in The Everglades Experiments: Lesson for Ecosystem Restoration, C.J. Richardson (editor), Ecological Studies 201, Springer Verlag: New York, p. 167–190.
Williams, J.H., R.J. Reynolds, D.A. Franzi, E.A. Romanowicz, and F.L. Paillet, 2010, Hydrogeology of the Potsdam Sandstone in northern New York,
Canadian Water Resources Journal, 35:4, p. 399–416.
Vitale, S.A., G.A. Robins and E. Romanowicz, 2019, Identifying cross-well fracture connections using the dissolved oxygen alteration
method, Journal of Hydrology, 572, p. 781–789.
Carling, GT, EA Romanowicz, L Jin, DP Fernandez, DG Tingey and TH Godsell, 2019, Redox conditions and pH control
trace element concentrations in a meandering stream and shallow groundwater of a semiarid
mountain watershed, Red Canyon, Wyoming, USA, Environmental Earth Science, 78:510
Maguire, H., C Mehrtnes, J Kim and E Romanowicz, 2019, Using gamma emissions to identify cycles in the Lower Cambrian Monkton Formation
(NW Vermont): Implications for identifying sea level variation on the Iapetus margin,
Open Journal of Geology, 9, 89–108.