Sandra M. Latourelle
Adjunct Professor & Lecturer Emerita of Biological Sciences
- Education
- M.S.T. in Biology Education, SUNY Plattsburgh
- B.S. in Biology Education, SUNY Plattsburgh
- Miner Institute in vitro Cell Biology and Biotechnology, SUNY Plattsburgh, Spring 1988
- Teaching Areas
- BIO 101 General Biology Labs
- BIO 286 Reel Science or Real Science – Can We Tell The Difference
- BIO 305 General Genetics Labs
- BIO 340 Bioethics
- BIO 344 The Exposome: Environmental Influences
- BIO 386 Impacts of the Human Genome Project (Web)
- SCI 330 Science Teaching Methods
- EDU 512 Creating A Standards-Based Learning Experience (Web1 & 2)
- Research Areas
- Population genetics with the local coyote population
- Strategies for Education
- Isolation and analysis of ancient DNA extracted from 588 ancient Maya skeletons from
Tipu, Belize to study their:
- Migration routes
- Mitochondrial DNA sequences
- Presence of certain diseases
- Androgen receptor gene and the DRD4 gene (also known as the ’thrill seeking’ gene) in humans
- Selected Publications
- Latourelle, S. M., Elwess, N. L., and Ryan, A. B. (2019). “Tried and true but something new: analyzing the enzymatic activity of catalase.” Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, Taylor & Francis Online. Published May 23, 2019.
- Elwess, N. L., Latourelle, S., and Meyers, L. (2017). DNA Barcoding of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a General Genetics Course. Journal of Biological Education. Published online: 27 Nov 2017.
- Elwess, N. L., Latourelle, S., and Murphy, M. (2017). Developing Scientists: Authentic Research in Genetics using Paramecia. The American Biology Teacher, 79(4), 270-277.
- Elwess, N. L., Latourelle, S. M., and Myers, L. (2016). DNA Barcoding of Stoneflies (Plecoptera) in a General Genetics Course. Submitted to Journal of Biological Education (pending acceptance).
- Latourelle, S. M. (2015) Editor: Monograph-Innovative Teaching Approaches, Society of College Science Teachers, published digitally on the Society of College Science Teachers website. 199 pages.
- Latourelle, S. M., Case K., (2015) Using a Trade Book to Show How Change Influences Society of College Science Teachers published digitally on the Society of College Science Teachers website. Pages 152-167.
- Latourelle, S. M. (2013) Editor: Monograph-Promoting Social Constructivism: Collaboration, cooperation, Teams and Peer Instruction published digitally on the Society of College Science Teachers Website, October, 2013.
- Elwess, N. L., Latourelle, S. M., & Couthorn, O. (2004). Visualizing “Junk” DNA through bioinformatics. Journal of Biological Education. Accepted with revisions, August 2004.
- Elwess, N. L. & Latourelle, S. M. (2004). Inducing mutations in Paramecium: An inquiry based approach. BioScene 30(1), 25–34.
- Latourelle, S. M., et al. (2004) Biology: Review handbook for Regents Exam, living environment, Glencoe McGraw Hill.
- Latourelle, S. M. (2002). Student study guide to accompany life. New York. McGraw-Hill.
- Latourelle, S. M., & Seidel-Rogol, B. (1998). A demonstration of automated DNA sequencing. The American Biology Teacher, 60(3), 206–211.
- Grants
- Elwess, N.L. and Latourelle, S.M. State University of New York Campus Technology Grant, August 2011, awarded
- Elwess, N.L. and Latourelle, S.M. State University of New York Campus Technology Grant, August 2011.
- Elwess, NL and Latourelle, S.M. “Engaging girls in STEM through genetic testing of trout populations with the Lake Champlain Basin”. Campus Presidential grant. Awarded June 2011.
- Elwess, NL and Latourelle, S.M. State University of New York Campus Technology Grant, awarded November 2009
- Elwess, NL and Latourelle, S.M. State University of New York Campus Technology Grant, awarded December 2008
- Elwess, NL and Latourelle, S.M. Awarded the 2008 NABT/AD Instruments Technology Grant.
- College Service
- Member of Dean’s Advisory Board for Science and Education 2003-present
- Member of Plattsburgh State University of New York Professional Educators Development Council (PEDC) 2003-present
- Clinton, Essex, Warren, Washington BOCES Science Facilitator (1993-present)
- Awards & Honors
- Recipient of National Association of Biology Teachers Four Year College Teaching Award, 2010, Minneapolis, MN
- Recipient of Delta Kappa Gamma’s 2008 Frederica Hollister Professional Educator’s Award for the State of New York.
- Co-recipient of the National Association of Biology Teachers National Biotechnology Teaching Award 2007, Atlanta, GA.
- Recipient of Plattsburgh State University Teaching Excellence Award for Adjunct Faculty, 2000
- Member of the National Master Educators Network (NMEN). Select group of 100 science educators from across the country (1997)
- Recipient of National Association of Biology Teachers’ New York State Outstanding Biology Teacher Award, 1995
- Sigma Xi The International Scientific Research Society’s Northeastern Science Teacher of the Year Award 1991