Nana was born and raised in Ghana and moved to the United States for graduate school.
He received his Ph.D. in Microbiology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
working with Dr. Alison Buchan and performed postdoctoral research at Cornell University
with Dr. Angela Douglas. For research, Nana is primarily interested in interactions
between microbes and viruses and understanding how microbe-virus interactions impact
natural environments and animal health.
Nana enjoys teaching and mentoring students and participating in science outreach
programs targeted at underrepresented groups in science. Outside of lab, Nana enjoys
traveling, trying new foods, meeting people from different cultures and learning about
their unique background and stories.
Ankrah NYD, Bernstein DB, Biggs M, Carey M, Engevik M, García-Jiménez B, Lakshmanan M, Pacheco
AR, Sulheim S, Medlock GL. (2021). Enhancing Microbiome Research through Genome-Scale
Metabolic Modeling. mSystems.
Ankrah NYD, Barker EB, Song J, Wu C, McMullen II JG, Douglas AE. (2021). Predicted Metabolic
Function of the Gut Microbiota of Drosophila melanogaster. mSystems.
Zhang FQ, McMullen II JG, Douglas AE, Ankrah NYD. (2021). Succinate: a microbial product that modulates Drosophila nutritional physiology.
Insect Sci.
Blow F, Ankrah NYD, Clark N, Koo I, Allman E, Liu Q, Anitha M, Patterson A, Douglas AE. (2020). Impact
of facultative bacteria on the metabolic function of an obligate insect-bacterial
symbiosis. mBio.
Ankrah NYD, Wilkes RA, Zhang FQ , Zhu DT, Kaweesi T, Aristilde L, Douglas AE. (2020). Syntrophic
splitting of central carbon metabolism in host cells bearing functionally-different
symbiotic bacteria. ISMEJ.
Basso J, Ankrah NYD, Tuttle M, Grossman A, Sandaa RA, Buchan A. (2020). Genetically similar temperate
phages differentially affect the physiology of their shared host. ISMEJ.
Ankrah NYD, Wilkes RA, Zhang FQ , Aristilde L, Douglas AE. (2019). The metabolome of associations
between xylem-feeding insects and their bacterial symbionts. J Chem Ecol.
Ankrah NYD, Chouaia B, Douglas AE. (2018). The cost of metabolic interactions in symbioses between
insects and bacteria with reduced genomes. mBio.9:e01433-18.
Ankrah NYD, Douglas AE. (2018). Nutrient factories: metabolic function of beneficial microorganisms
associated with insects. Environ Microbiol.20:2002–2011.
Ankrah NYD, Luan J, Douglas AE. (2017). Cooperative metabolism in a three-partner insect-bacterial
symbiosis revealed by metabolic modeling. J Bacteriol.199:e00872-16.
Ankrah NYD, May AL, Middleton JL, Jones DR , Hadden MK, Gooding JR, LeCleir G, Wilhelm SW, Campagna
SR, Buchan A. (2014). Phage infection of an environmentally relevant marine bacterium
alters host metabolism and lysate composition. ISMEJ. 8:1089–1100.