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Review Process for Campus Technology Projects

In an effort to provide the best possible technology support to the campus community, Information Technology Services has developed a review process for technology projects. This process has been approved by Executive Council. Major projects are reviewed by the vice presidents on a quarterly cycle.

Why a Review Process for Tech Projects?

The campus community is continually involved in developing proposals for improving or creating new technology initiatives, accompanied by the purchase of software, computer, and media systems. These activities typically require careful coordination among ITS technology units.

The tech review process is meant to help you achieve your tech project goals as efficiently as possible. It’s designed to…

  • Improve planning, coordination, and workflow related to all campus technology projects — whether they be small or large;
  • Assist ITS staff by providing advance notice for projects, programs, and services that require the involvement of our technology units; this allows the units to review potential impacts of the initiatives at critical stages of development;
  • Ensure that initiatives requiring system integration, network expansion, site licensing for software, and implementation of videoconferencing capabilities, all proceed with informed consent and reasonable timeline expectations; and
  • Allow ITS units to review potential impacts of the initiatives at critical stages of development in order to provide you with important information about what is required and provide a realistic timeline for implementation.

Technology Project Origination Form

Complete the Technology Project Origination Form to begin the approval process. If you are embarking on a technology-related project and are not sure whether you need to submit the form, please call TJ Myers at 518-564-2449 to discuss your project. 

Once a completed form is received, ITS will make every effort to review your requests in a timely manner and provide you with realistic feedback on implementation requirements. You can expect a follow-up from an ITS staff member within one week.

Types of Projects Covered

Submit the Technology Project Origination Form for any new computer systems or media equipment project (including grant-funded operations) that involves one or more of the following components:

  • Integration with Banner systems or data, excluding Banner programming requests;
  • Integration with other campus systems or services such as email, Moodle, Resource 25, or other administrative systems;
  • Software or systems that capture, process, or distribute personal data for students, faculty, staff, or alumni;
  • Setting up videoconferencing facilities, public webcams, and voice over IP;
  • Development of new software programs, including web applications (not simple web pages);
  • New software or hardware that requires the use of the campus network;
  • Hardware operation of new third party system;
  • Development of facilities that involve placement of computer or media equipment.

Types of Projects Not Covered

  • Day-to-day Banner programming requests;
  • Purchase of stand-alone software for an individual’s computer (unless student/personnel data will be entered in the software);
  • Purchase of media items that are coordinated by departments (e.g., digital cameras).
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