Peer Review Groups may be either elected committees or committees of the whole. For
elected committees, organizational units with nine or more academic employees eligible
for service on a PRG, the PRG will have five members. In organizational units with
fewer than nine academic employees eligible for service, the PRG will have three members.
Regardless of the size of a given PRG, one member must be assigned from the External
Review Panel (ERP). In addition, there must be an alternate member who will vote in
place of a member who is ineligible to participate in a particular case or who has
excused him or herself.
For committees of the whole, the PRG will consist of all academic employees holding
continuing appointment at the academic rank of associate professor/associate librarian
or higher except for the chairperson, center director or immediate academic supervisor.
If the committee has six or fewer members, one additional member must be assigned
from the ERP; if the committee has seven or more members, then two additional members
must be assigned from the ERP.
For both elected committees and committees of the whole, all PRG members must hold
continuing appointment at the academic rank of associate professor/associate librarian
or higher. Department chairpersons, center directors, and academic supervisors may
not serve on any PRG. For more information, see Article III. 2. 1. of the Performance
Reviews of Academic Employees: Policies and Procedures (Third Edition, July 2005).