Trouble-Reporting Procedures for Computer Labs & Classrooms
Please help us to keep things running smoothly by following the procedures outlined below, and report any malfunctions or problems that you discover with our facilities.
Non-Urgent Problems
When you are able to continue your class in spite of the hardware/software failure.
Take advantage of our easy-to-use Report a Problem icon. This icon is on the desktop of every teaching station in every computer and smart classroom.
- Double click the icon and select the room (e.g., 109 Redcay Hall) from the drop down list.
- In the next box, enter the number of the machine that is not working (e.g.,14H). The number of each machine is located on both the computer and the monitor.
- If the problem is with the teaching station, type TS instead of a number. In the next box, type a detailed description of the problem. For instance, “disk drive does not seem to read disks, tried 3 different disks,” or “machine cannot print to the laser, gets an error saying ‘printer not available.’” The problem description does not need to be long or elaborate; just be sure to include the information that you feel is pertinent.
Urgent Problems
When hardware/software your class depends upon fails to work properly.
You’ll find phones in all of the computer and smart classrooms for your convenience. If there is an emergency and you cannot continue your class, please dial our emergency contact number (x2230). This number is listed on every phone. Please call from the room rather than your office. Technicians are available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with student support until 8 p.m. Monday through Friday.
If you have questions about getting additional resources in the classroom, have difficulty with hardware/software, or other concerns about the teaching facility feel free to contact us: [email protected]