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Sponsored Research & Programs

We work with faculty and staff to identify, prepare applications for and manage external grant and contract funding from government and private sponsors.

Our mission is to provide comprehensive and high quality support services to faculty and staff to develop and secure external grants and contracts to implement effective research educational and public service programs in support of the institutional mission. We are your full-service support office. The Office of Sponsored Research and Programs is the campus Office of the Research Foundation of SUNY which serves as the legal applicant and fiscal administrator for all grants and contracts awarded to SUNY institutions, faculty and staff.

Proposal Submission Policy

Sponsored research and programs must review and approve all proposals prior to submission to an outside funding agency. Proposals are due to OSRP five full business days in advance of the sponsor’s deadline. This applies to paper and electronic proposal submissions. 

Read the Proposal Submission Policy

Ethics Committees

Please use the following when working with human or animal subjects. 

To complete mandated training in human subjects, animal subjects or financial conflict of interest, visit the CITI Program website. Registration/login required. CITI is also used for research compliance training (RCR).

Post-Award Process

After receiving a grant, we assist project directors and staff in all aspects of grant and project management.

Following notification of a funding award, we assist you in the post-award process:

  • Implementation of the project
  • Budget modification
  • Personnel issues
  • Development and transmission of periodic progress, semi-annual and final project reports as required by the funding sponsor
  • Purchasing
  • Payroll
  • Travel expenses
  • Accounting

Programs & Research

The following units benefit from grants managed by sponsored programs and research.

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