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Tips & Guidelines for Preparing Proposals

  • 12 Steps of Proposal Development

    Step 1: Brainstorm

    Identify the project idea, what you wish to do.

    Step 2: Discuss Your Idea

    Discuss project idea with colleagues, chairperson/center director, dean and the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP) to evaluate your ideas and assess capabilities to conduct the project.

    Step 3: Identify Possible Sources of Support

    These sources can include public or private sources of support, program interest, funding levels and range of awards, requirements of support, etc. Learn more here.

    Step 4: Review Specific Application Guidelines and Forms

    Establish contact with sponsor as may be indicated.

    Step 5: Begin “Needs” Assessment

    This includes conducting a recent literature review.

    Step 6: Identify and Collect Data to Support Need

    Elaborate & details.

    Step 7: Develop Implementation Design

    Elaborate & details.

    Step: 8: Write Concept Drafts of Proposal

    Review it with colleagues and OSRP (Elaborate & details)

    Step 9: Identify Project Costs and Develop Preliminary Budget

    With assistance from OSRP (Elaborate & details)

    Step 10: Revise Proposal as Needed

    Elaborate & details.

    Step 11: Prepare Application and Budget

    With assistance from OSRP (Elaborate & details)

    Step 12: Submit and receive commitment and approval of Chairperson/Center Director and Dean

    Elaborate & details.

    Bring final copy to OSRP for institutional clearance and endorsement, AT LEAST 5 WORKING DAYS before sponsor deadline. Proposal Is Submitted by OSRP.

    If you would like to study the grant application development process in more detail, there are several books available in the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs and in Feinberg Library which discuss this process in great detail.


    • Affirmative Action Plan for Handicapped Persons
    • Affirmative Action Policy
    • Benefits:
      1. Health
      2. Dental
      3. Vision
      4. Worker’s Comp
      5. Worker’s Disability
      6. Retirement Plan
      7. Life Insurance
      8. Unemployment
    • Drug-Free Workplace Policy
    • Policy for Employment of Disabled Veterans
    • Procedure for Resolving Employee Workplace
    • Complaints
    • RF Computer Software Policy
    • RF Conflict of Interest Statement
    • Sexual Harassment Policy
    • Worker’s Compensation Claim (see RF campus benefits office for claims process and detailed information)
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