Tobacco-Restricted Campus Policy
Expresses the campus' efforts to create a safe and healthy working, living, and educational environment by restricting the use of tobacco on campus.
Policy Information
Policy Number | Policy Owner |
8025.1 | Student Affairs |
- 1.0 Purpose
- 2.0 Revision History
- 3.0 Units and Persons Affected
- 4.0 Policy
In an effort to create a safe and healthy working, living, and educational environment for all members of the SUNY Plattsburgh campus community and its visitors, the college will become a tobacco-restricted campus effective August 15, 2015. This policy statement is intended to replace the current campus smoking policy (approved June 5, 2007 and revised on April 10, 2012).
Tobacco use is prohibited in all SUNY Plattsburgh buildings, vehicles and grounds except for a limited number of designated areas (i.e. parking lots) as follows:
- Lot #2 – Faculty/Staff
- Lot #4A – Off-Campus Students
- Lot #7 – Faculty/Staff
- Lot #8 – Off-Campus Students
- Lot #11 – Faculty/Staff
- Lot #12 – Off-Campus Students
- Lot #18 – On-Campus Students
- Lot #20 – On-Campus Students
- Lot #21 – Off-Campus Students
- Lot #26 – Faculty/Staff
- Lot #27 – Off-Campus Students
- Lot #28 – Faculty/Staff
These lots are referenced as designated on the official SUNY Plattsburgh Campus map. A web link to the SUNY Plattsburgh Campus map is available (see Appendix).
- Two (2) Field House Parking Lots (no official designation on map) – large parking lot in front of the building and the lot to the west of the Field House prior to going back to Chip Cummings Field.
These parking lots are identified on a campus map(see Appendix).
- Sidewalks along city streets are a public right-of-way though we request that individuals refrain from tobacco use on the sidewalks adjoining SUNY Plattsburgh Campus grounds.
Tobacco is defined as all tobacco and tobacco-derived products intended for human consumption, including, but not limited to: cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookah-smoked products, clove cigarettes, bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes or “vapes” (vapor), smokeless tobacco (“chew”), and snus. This definition does not include any cessation product specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in treating nicotine or tobacco dependence.
This policy applies to all members of the college community including faculty, staff, students, volunteers, trainees, consultants, contracted staff, vendors, guests and visitors.
Education and Cessation
This policy does not imply that individuals must quit using tobacco products: however, they must restrict the use of tobacco to the designated locations. That said, the college recognizes that tobacco is an addictive substance, that ceasing the use of tobacco is difficult, and that persons wanting to cease the use of tobacco often need support. The College is committed to providing information about cessations services for all members of the Campus community.
Students who wish to quit can contact the Student Health and Counseling Center for cessation techniques, support, and products to assist in the process.
Faculty and staff members who wish to quit can contact the New York State Smokers’ Quit line (1-866-697-8487) or contact the Employee Assistance Program at 564-4177.
The success of this policy relies on the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of all Campus community members and visitors. We can all play a role in promoting a healthy campus environment and encouraging adherence with this policy.
Anyone who observes a violation of the policy is encouraged to courteously and without confrontation inform the individual of the College’s Tobacco-Restricted Policy in an effort to educate our community.
Recognizing that success will depend upon adequate preparation and on-going education, a transition time for full implementation of one year is established. Promotion of this policy and education/outreach efforts will begin during the Fall 2015 semester.
For the first year, policy non-compliance will prompt an educational response which will include information regarding the existence of the policy, the rationale for the policy, and the availability of tobacco cessation support services both on and off Campus.
Starting August 15, 2016, individuals who violate this Policy on repeated occasions will be referred to the appropriate department for review and resolution (for employees – in accordance with their collective bargaining agreement):
- Employees – Human Resource Services (564-5062)
- Students – Office of Student Conduct (564-3282)
- Visitors/General Public – University Police (564-2022)
Employees and students will be treated respectfully in the consistent observance of the policy.
Tobacco use will be permitted on College grounds only in these situations:
- Peer-reviewed, approved scientific studies that require participants to use tobacco, require advance approval (see procedure.)
- Tobacco use as part of a traditional Native American spiritual or cultural ceremony is permitted without prior approval. To ensure that ceremonies held indoors do not inadvertently activate fire alarms or sprinkler systems, event organizers must follow the attached procedures.
- Theatrical productions where actors and actresses are permitted to use tobacco as part of the theatrical performance, theatre staff must meet the notification requirements (see procedure.)
Exception Requirements
Scientific Studies
For scientific studies that require participants to use tobacco, researchers must:
- obtain Committee on the Protection of Human Subjects approval; and
Traditional Native American spiritual or cultural ceremonies held indoors
Traditional Native American spiritual or cultural use of tobacco is permitted without prior approval.
- To ensure that traditional Native American spiritual or cultural ceremonies held indoors do not inadvertently activate fire alarms or sprinkler systems, event organizers must contact the Maintenance & Operations Office and apply for a "Hot Work Permit" a minimum of one week in advance of the use. M&O staff will work with the applicant to determine how to best accommodate the exception.
Theatrical Productions
For theatrical productions where actors and actresses use tobacco as part of the theatrical performance, theater staff must:
- provide notice of tobacco use in a performance to patrons in advance;
- include notice of tobacco use in performance programs; and
- contact the Maintenance & Operations Office and apply for a "Hot Work Permit" a minimum of one week in advance of the first performance.
Maintenance & Operations staff will work with the applicant to determine how to best accommodate the requested exception(s).
Policy Review
The Vice President for Student Affairs and his/her designees will review this policy on a regular basis to ensure that it is sustained, effective, and up to date. The policy shall be subject to future review and revision to ensure that its intent is attained and that SUNY Plattsburgh is in compliance with federal and state laws, as well as SUNY policies.
- 5.0 Definitions
- 6.0 Responsibilities
- 7.0 Procedures
- 8.0 Forms
- 9.0 Appendix
- 10.0 Distribution and Training
For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.