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No Contact Order Policy

Expresses the campus policies to institute a no contact order to the parties involved in a report of sexual violence, if they are students.

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
8023.2 Title IX & University Police


  • 4.0 Policy

    A No Contact Order (NCO) is a temporary administrative protection and accommodation that prohibits intentional contact between parties, available for consideration when the accused or respondent is a student. 

    NCO’s may be requested by a reporting individual of sexual violence, stalking, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, domestic violence, dating violence, or by any person reporting related violent behaviors including acts or threats of physical violence, and other conduct determined by campus officials to be necessary for the health and safety of any members of the campus community or the maintenance of public order. 

    University Police sworn members, the Director of Student Conduct (designee), and Title IX Coordinator (or designee) have the administrative authority to issue No Contact Orders if deemed appropriate. 

    This policy addresses administrative action leading up to a determination being made by the Conduct System. No Contact Orders that are the outcome of the University's Conduct System are not governed by this policy.  

    The campus will promptly review existing No Contact Orders at a party’s request, including requests to modify the terms of or discontinue the order. The parties can submit evidence to support their requests. 

For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.

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