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Late Leave Record and Time Sheet Policy for All Employees

Expresses the campus’ expectations for employees regarding leave records and time sheets.

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
4024.2 Human Resource Services


  • 4.0 Policy

    Unclassified Attendance Records

    Employees shall be required to certify their presence and record any absences on a monthly basis via the online Time and Attendance System. Employees shall also be required to record on such forms any charges to or accruals of vacation or sick leave credits. Such record shall be submitted to the supervisor for review and approval on a monthly basis.

    Classified Attendance Records

    Employees must record daily time records of actual hours worked, including arrival and departure times both at the beginning and the end of the workday and meal period, leave credits used, and absences not charged to leave credits. This recordkeeping is submitted for review and approval, to the employee’s supervisor. Recordkeeping is done after the time has been worked. It is not acceptable to complete the time record prior to completing the work day.

    An email reminder is sent after 5 – 7 days (depending on bargaining unit) that a leave record is not submitted after the completion of the leave period.

    If leave records have not been received timely, the next available paycheck will be held in the Human Resource Services office until all outstanding leave records are processed. If employee has direct deposit, this privilege will be stopped and the actual check held until all the leave records are current. If the direct deposit privilege has to be cancelled, the employee must have two months of timely leave records before the direct deposit privilege will be reactivated. The respective Vice President will also be notified of the situation.

    Hourly time sheets not received by Payroll Services per the payroll schedule will result in payment not being generated.

For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.

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