Extra Service Policy & Procedures for Academic & Professional Staff
Provides information to professional staff seeking and/or performing extra service.
Policy Information
Policy Number | Policy Owner |
4015.1 | Human Resource Services |
- 1.0 Purpose
- 2.0 Revision History
- 3.0 Units and Persons Affected
- 4.0 Policy
The following policy is applicable to performance of service beyond that normally required by the professional obligation as defined by the individual's performance program.
Extra service for professional staff of the State University of New York is defined in two ways:
- Work performed by academic and professional staff in a payroll agency other than the payroll agency to which the employee is regularly assigned. (A campus is a payroll agency, an individual academic unit is not.)
- Special assignments performed by academic and professional staff at their own campus which are substantially different from or in addition to an individual's professional responsibilities.
Authority for approval of such service has been granted to the Chancellor by the Board of Trustees. Responsibility for action on individual requests for other than M/C employees has been delegated by the Chancellor to the Chief Administrative Officer of each campus. Extra service for M/C employees requires approval of the Chancellor or his designee.
These special assignments may be performed on the home campus but must not interfere with the individual's regular professional responsibilities. Such assignments may include service by those holding positions of other than academic rank (i.e., administrators and other professionals) and outside of regularly assigned working hours. These assignments may involve but are not limited to teaching, research, and public service. It must be clearly demonstrated that such research or other service exceeds that which is normally performed under the regular obligation. Additional compensation for research activities must be consistent with any policies of the Grant Sponsor.
Compensation for extra service may not exceed an amount equal to 20% of base annual salary in any academic or calendar year beginning July 1 or September 1, as appropriate. For example, a professional staff member earning a salary of $25,000 may not be paid more than $5,000 for extra service during the course of his or her annual professional obligation. Summer employment of persons having academic year obligations does not constitute extra service. Compensation for such summer employment is covered by other policies and procedures.
No employee may engage in other employment, which interferes with the performance of the employee's professional obligation. No full-time employee of the State University may assume another full-time position or obligation either within or without the University while receiving compensation from the University. Additionally, all extra service activities must conform to the ethical Standards mandated by Section 74 of the Public Officer's Law.
Extra service compensation is not to be used in lieu of overtime for a professional employee deemed eligible under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Written approval for extra service assignments must be obtained prior to the commencement of the service. Service performed in advance of such approval will not be compensated.
Extra Service forms (UP-8 for UUP and UP-6 for M/C) are available in the Human Resource Services Office.
- 5.0 Definitions
- 6.0 Responsibilities
- 7.0 Procedures
- 8.0 Forms
- 9.0 Appendix
- 10.0 Distribution and Training
For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.