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Electric Mobility Scooter Accommodation Policy

Outlines the terms and conditions for the loan of electric mobility scooters provided by the SUNY Plattsburgh Accessibility Resources Office to its students.

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
2009.1 Accessibility Resources Office


  • 4.0 Policy

    All students who require the use of an electric mobility scooter as an accommodation to support a disability/temporary disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, should complete this form,  New Student Request Form, and submit it to the Accessibility Resources Office for review. Reasonable accommodations depend upon the student's unique needs, any barriers that exist in the campus environment, and the steps necessary to create equal access for the student's specific mobility support needs. Requested accommodations will not be granted if deemed unreasonable.

    Individuals with qualifying disabilities under Section 504/ADA who are approved for electric mobility scooter accommodations under this policy will not be charged for the scooter. The institution will cover the cost associated with providing the scooter and any maintenance and repair of the scooter.

    1.1. Only currently enrolled students of the SUNY Plattsburgh Accessibility Resources Office that have been deemed eligible for an accommodation for the use of an electric mobility scooter may loan this equipment.
    1.2. The User must provide a valid student ID and complete the necessary registration process. The process of requesting this accommodation requires the student to meet with an Accessibility Resources Office (ARO) representative that is designated to determine eligibility for this accommodation according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

    Loan Duration and Usage
    2.1. The loan period for the Scooter is determined through completion of the New Student Request Form and Waiver. 
    2.2. The Scooter must be used solely for personal, non-commercial purposes within the College/University campus and surrounding areas.
    2.3. The User  cannot lend, rent, or otherwise permit a third party to use the Scooter.

    Liability and Indemnification
    3.1. The User assumes all risks associated with the use of the Scooter and is responsible for any injuries that may occur during the loan period.
    3.2. The College/University is not liable for any injuries, damages, or losses incurred by the User or third parties resulting from the use of the Scooter.
    3.3. The User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the College/University, its officers, employees, and agents from any claims, damages, or expenses arising from the use of the Scooter.

    Return of Scooter
    4.1. The User must return the Scooter to the Accessibility Resources Office in Feinberg Library 127 by the end of the loan period.
    4.2. Late returns will be referred to student conduct for review of applicable charges.

    Termination and Breach
    5.1. Breach of any term of this Agreement may result in disciplinary action in accordance with College/University policies, including suspension or expulsion.

    6.1. The College/University reserves the right to amend the terms of this Agreement at any time. Users will be notified of any changes.

For additional information about this policy, please contact the policy owner listed above.

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