Interested in a career in a healthcare profession?
Get help planning your path to med school and a career in healthcare.
Pre-Med, Pre-Dental, Pre-Pharmacy, Pre-Veterinary & Pre-Health Paths
PHPAC provides pre-health advisement for students interested in medical, dental, veterinary, optometry, and other postgraduate professional schools.
Admission to these schools can be a complicated process. PHPAC will help you with career choices and help to prepare you for the challenge through discussions with you and by making available up-to-date literature on postgraduate schools.
Entrance into medical or other professional schools does not usually require a strict premedical major; instead it mandates a set of core science requirements. You will be advised by a member of the PHPAC in how to prepare for post-graduate school in a manner that best meets your academic needs. The committee will maintain your file and will ultimately evaluate your school record in order to form a recommendation to the applicant school.