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Move your career forward

Human Resources Management Certificate

Gain the skills you'll need to work in the human resource field.

What Will I Learn?

We’ll provide you with a solid grounding in four key areas of human resource management — staffing, training, compensation and employment law.

You’ll learn how to recruit and select employees as well as understand compensation practices and employee benefits management. Through courses in labor law and designing and delivering employee training, you will gain a thorough training of how human resource management affects organizations’ competitive advantage. Our courses are designed to hone your skills in communication, ethics, global awareness, professionalism and using technology to make decisions.

What is Unique About Our Program?

If you intend to major in management, you can expand your career possibilities by adding the certificate — without taking any extra credits by choosing the certificate’s courses as your electives.

If you already have a bachelor’s or associate’s degree, the certificate only requires 18 credits to complete. If you do not have a college degree, you can be eligible to enroll with only two additional courses in English and economics.

What Are My Career Opportunities?

The human resources field includes many different career paths. Just a few are:

  • Training and development manager
  • Human resource manager
  • Compensation and benefit manager
  • Equal opportunity representatives and officers
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