Gain insight on social inequality, global dynamics & human behavior
What causes a stadium filled with soccer fans to turn into a violent mob? How does society teach its members to obey important social norms? If these are the kinds of questions that you find interesting, you might consider studying sociology.
Sociology Department
Sociology at SUNY Plattsburgh lets you choose from courses on many different topics and you can also study abroad or complete an internship to fulfill part of your requirements. The campus chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta (an international honor society for sociology) and the Sociology Club provide opportunities for you to get to know other students in the program and to find out more about what you can do with your degree.
A major in sociology prepares you for a variety of jobs after graduation. Sociology graduates from SUNY Plattsburgh have gone on to work in social services and helping professions, business, and various public sector positions. Some graduates choose to pursue further education by completing graduate degrees in sociology or other social sciences, or by going to law school.
Learn from Dedicated Faculty with Wide-Ranging Experience
The sociology faculty are dedicated teachers and researchers. They’ve come to Plattsburgh from all over the country and bring with them a wealth of experience and knowledge. They conduct research, and teach courses on various topics such as environment, globalization, families, peace & war, race & ethnicity, social stratification, and women. Some faculty offer students a chance to get even more involved in the program by bringing the students into their work as teaching or research assistants.