Richard H. Robbins is Distinguished Teaching Professor at the Department of Anthropology
at SUNY Plattsburgh. His books include Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism (7th edition) with Rachel Dowty, (selected by Choice: Journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries as An Outstanding Academic Title of the Year), Cultural Anthropology: A Problem-Based Approach (8th edition) co-authored with Rachel Dowty Beech, (which received the Text and Academic
Authors Association textbook of the year award for the social sciences), Debt as Power, (runner-up for 2017 Sussex International Theory Prize) and An Anthropology of Money, both co-authored with Tim Di Muzio.
His works have been translated into Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Polish, Italian and Spanish.
He received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and the American
Anthropological Association/McGraw-Hill Teacher of the Year Award. His recent work
convinces him that our economy is driven by the tyranny of the rate of return, its contribution to the continuing maldistribution of wealth, and the impoverishment
of us all.
Robbins, R. H. (2022) “An Opportunity of a Lifetime”: Covid-19 in the Age of Finance. In Tim Di Muzio,
and Matt Dow edited. Covid-19 and the Global Economy. Routledge Publishing.
Robbins, R. H. (2022) Financialization. In The Handbook of Economic Anthropology. 3rd Edition. Edited by James G. Carrier. Berg Publishing
Robbins, R.H. and T. DiMuzio. 2020. Capitalized money, austerity and the math of capitalism. Current Sociology, Volume 68, pages 149–168
Robbins, R. H. (2020). Financialization, Plutocracy, and the Debtor’s Economy: Consequences and
Limits. In Financialization: Relational Approaches. Edited by Chris Hann and Don Kalb.
Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy, Volume 6, pp 65–94.
Robbins, R. H. (2019). The Transcendental Meaning of Organic Food. in Organic Food, Farming and Culture. Edited by Janet Chrzan and Jacqueline Ricotta. Berg Publishers (Bloomsbury Publishers).
Robbins, R. H. (2018). An anthropological contribution to rethinking the relationship between money,
debt, and economic growth. Focaal—Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 81 pp. 99–120
Robbins, R.H. and Rachel Dowty. (2018) Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, 7th Edition (with Rachel Dowty). Pearson Press
Robbins, R. H. and Tim Di Muzio (2017). An Anthropology of Money. New York: Routledge Publishing
Robbins, R. H. (2016). Cultural anthropology: A problem-based approach (7th ed.). Boston, MA, United States: Cengage Learning.
Robbins, R. H., & Di Muzio, T. (2016). Debt as power. United Kingdom: Manchester University Press. Runner up for 2017 Sussex International Theory Prize for the Best Book in International
Relations (
Robbins, R. H. (2015). Global problems and the culture of capitalism. Chinese Translation
Robbins, R. H., & Armstrong, J. (2015). Rites of passage: Male. In Whelehan, P. E., & Bolin, A. (Eds.),
The international encyclopedia of human sexuality (1059-1114). Harlow, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell (an imprint of John Wiley &
Sons Ltd).
Robbins, R. H. (2014). Global problems and the culture of capitalism (6th ed.). Boston, MA, United States: Pearson Education (US).
Robbins, R. H. (2014). Globalne problemy a kultura kapitalizmu. (Dymczyk, S. Trans.). Poznań: Wydawnictwo Pro Publico.
Robbins, R. H. (2014). Global problems and the culture of capitalism (Korean Translation). Korea: Dolbegae Publishing Company.
Robbins, R. H. (2013) Coffee, fair trade, and the Commodification of morality. Reviews in Anthropology, 42(4), 243–263.
Robbins, R. H., & Dowty, R. (2013). Cultural Anthro 2 (2nd ed.). United States: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
Robbins, R. H. (2011). Reflections on Robert Gordon’s going abroad: Traveling like an anthropologist
and international study programs. General Anthropology, 18(1), 1–10. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Robbins, R. H. (2012). Cultural anthropology: A problem-based approach (6th ed.). Boston, MA, United States: Cengage Learning.
Robbins, R. H. (2011). Neoliberalism, Race and Racism. In Mason, P. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of race and racism (2nd ed.) (252-255). Boston, MA, United States: Cengage Learning.
Robbins, R. H. (2011). Cultural Anthro. Boston, MA, United States: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
Robbins, R. H. (2010). Global problems and the culture of capitalism (5th ed.). Boston, MA, United States: Pearson Education.
Robbins, R. H. (2010). Tulip Bulbs and Bursting Bubbles. Anthropology Now, 2(1), 21–31
Runner-up (Honorable Mention) for the best piece of research in International Relations
for 2016 awarded by the Centre for Advanced International Theory at Sussex University
for Debt as Power co-authored with Tim DiMuzio
American Anthroplogical Association Teacher of the Year Award
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence
Selection for Choice (the Journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries) for an Outstanding
Academic Title of the year fro 1999 for Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism
Recipient of the 1994 Textbook and Academic Authors Association Excellence Award for
the outstanding text in the social sciences and humanities Cultural Anthropology: A Problem-Based Approach