Dr. Justin P. Lowry
Associate Professor of Archaeology
Justin Lowry works on the archaeology of trade, exchange, and the development of societies in Mesoamerica and works on immigration issues in modern U.S. communities. His active archaeological work is currently in Clinton County, N.Y., Managua, Nicaragua and Chiapas, Mexico. He teaches a wide range of courses in archaeology, human evolution, and geographic information systems (GIS).
- Education
- Ph.D. — Anthropology, 2013 from State University of New York, Albany
- M.A. — Anthropology, 2007 from State University of New York, Albany
- B.A. — Anthropology, 2005 from University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
- B.S. — Geology, 2005 from University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
- Selected Recent Publications
- 2022 Lowry, Justin. P.; Paling, Jason S. R, Navarro Castillo, M. “Propuesta para el análisis de contextos arqueológicos subacuáticos a partir de su formación deposicional. El caso del proyecto Rancho Ojo de Agua Chiapas, México.” In CLIO – Arqueológica p-ISSN: 0102-6003 vol. 37 no. 2. pps 53-80. http://dx.doi.org/10.51359/2448-2331.2022.257228
- 2022 Terry, R.E., Brown, B.M., Stanton, T.W., Ardren, T., Anaya, T.C., Lowry, J., León, J.F.O., Ruíz, F.P., Camacho, N.M., Magnoni, A. and Munro-Stasiuk, M. “Soil biomarkers of cacao tree cultivation in the sacred cacao groves of the northern Maya lowlands.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 41, #103331.
- 2021 Navarro Castillo, Marx, Jason S.R. Paling and Justin P. Lowry. “Proyecto Arqueológico Rancho Ojo de Agua en la Periferia de Centros Clásicos Mayas Informe Final de Campo” Presentado al Consejo de Arqueología Instituto Nacional de Antropología, e Historia. Número 12, Esq. Donceles, Colonia Centro Código Postal 06060 México, D.F.
- 2020 Navarro Castillo, Marx; Lowry, Justin. P.; & Paling, Jason S. R. “Testing the Waters: Tzeltal Maya Rituals, Reconnaissance, and Survey of Lakes in the Lacanhá Basin, Chiapas, Mexico”. Journal of Maritime Archaeology, 15(4), 451-474.
- 2018 Rivas Romero, Javier, Christopher Götz, Traci Ardren, Alejandra Alonso, Justin Lowry, and T. Kam Manahan “La explotación de recursos faunísticos en el sitio maya yucateco de Xuenkal durante el Clásico Tardío y Terminal” Mexicon 40.6, December 2018.
- 2018 Lowry, Justin and Chris Sabick “Leave only bubbles, take only pictures.” Guest Editorial. Lake Champlain Weekly: May 23 – May 29, 2018.
- 2018 Witte, James C., Lowry, J.P. Buzas, O., David, L., Samba, M.M., Sereke-Brhan, H. & Mane, B. “Diversity in the District: A Report on African Immigrant Communities in Washington D.C.” report published by the Office of the Mayor of Washington D.C.
- 2018 Navarro Castillo, Marx, Jason R.S. Paling and Justin P. Lowry. “Proyecto Arqueológico Rancho Ojo de Agua en la Periferia de Centros Clásicos Mayas Informe de la Segunda Temporada de Campo 2017 Presentado al Consejo de Arqueología Instituto Nacional de Antropología, Argentina Número 12, Esq. Donceles, Colonia Centro Código Postal 06060 México, D.F.
- 2017 Ardren, Traci, Hutson, S., Hixon, D., & Lowry J.P. “Connections beyond Chunchucmil.” Chapter in Ancient Maya Commerce Multidisciplinary Research at Chunchucmil. Editor Scott Hutson. University Press of Colorado. ISBN: 978-1-60732-539-0.
- 2016 Lowry, Justin “Institute for Immigration Research Immigration Data on Demand (iDod) service.” Public service for immigration data requests.
- 2016 Hohn, Marcia D., Witte, J.C., Lowry, J.P., & Fernández-Pena, J.R. “Immigrants in Health Care: Keeping Americans Healthy Through Care and Innovation.” Report published by the Institute for Immigration Research, George Mason University, June.
- 2015 Ardren, Traci, Lowry, J.P., Memory, M., Flanagan, K., & Busot, A. "Prehistoric Human Impact on Tree Island Lifecycles in the Florida Everglades." The Holocene 26(5):772-780.
- 2014 Bonomo, M. F., Lowry, J. P., Tykot, R. H., & Gifford, J. A. “An Exploratory Non‐Destructive Provenance Analysis of Two Middle Archaic Greenstone Pendants from Little Salt Spring, Florida, USA”. Geoarchaeology, 29(2), 121-137.
- 2011 Ardren, Traci, & Lowry, J.P. “The Travels of Maya Merchants in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries AD: Investigations at Xuenkal and the Greater Cupul Province, Yucatan, Mexico.” World Archaeology 43(03):428-443.
- 2009 Maps prepared for: Little, Walter E., and Smith, T.J. eds., (2009) Mayas in Postwar Guatemala: Harvest of Violence Revisited. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press.
- 2009 Lowry, Justin P.: “Capitulo 13: Investigación de la Estructura FN-565” Editors: T. Kam Manahan and Traci Ardren. Informe Global submitted to National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico, pp. 329-342.
News & Releases
Saraceni, Jessica Esther. “Possible Maya Cacao Tree Groves Discovered in Mexico.” Archaeology Magazine, 1 Feb. 2022, https://www.archaeology.org/news/10312-220201-mexico-maya-cacao.
- Brigham Young University. “Locations of ancient Maya sacred groves of cacao trees discovered: Findings show links among cacao cultivation, religion and power in region.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 31 Jan. 2022. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/01/220131095024.htm
- Perrea, Talia. “Highland Cemetery Association seeks help from SUNY to uncover cemetery's past.” The Sun Community News, 23 Nov. 2021. https://suncommunitynews.com/news/93563/highland-cemetery-association-seeks-help-from-suny-to-uncover-cemeterys-past/
Caudell, Robin. “Class to Explore Archaeology Wonders.” Press-Republican, 22 Dec. 2020. https://www.pressrepublican.com/news/class-to-explore-archaeology-wonders/article_5193aafc-4cbd-560f-87ad-072ba7c123bf.html
- Recent Presentations
- 2019 Lowry, Justin P., Skelly Skolnick, and Adam Benfer “Mapping of Ancient Managua, Nicaragua using GIS.” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Albuquerque New Mexico.
- 2018 Flores, Ilona; Lowry, Justin P. “Exploring Migration and Resilience: a Study of Cultural Artifacts in the Context of Immigration Policy Change” Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Meetings in San Jose, CA.
- 2018 Paling, J.S.R., Navarro Castillo, Marx, Lowry, Justin P. ”Underwater Archaeological Survey of Freshwater Lagoons in the Lacanjá Basin, Chiapas, Mexico” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Washington D.C.
- 2017 Paling, J.S.R., Lowry, Justin P., & Dutton, H “Ceramics from Chiquilistagua, a Chemical Analysis” Paper presented at the 50th Chacmool Conference, Calgary, Canada.
- 2017 Lowry, Justin P. “Chiquilistagua, Managua, Nicaragua” Paper presented at the I Coloquio Nacional de Arqueologia Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua.
- 2017 Sternberg, Even, Lowry, J.P., & Paling, J.S.R: “Contemplating Trade Corridors: Cost and Pathway Analysis around Managua, Nicaragua,” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Vancouver, Canada.
- 2016 Hohn, Marcia D., Mohammed, D., Lowry, J.P. “Immigrants in Health Care: Imperatives for Workforce Development” Workshop at the Effective Transitions in Adult Education Conference, Warwick, RI.
- 2016 Lowry, Justin P. “Reconstrucciones en 3D, arqueología aplicada en el sitio de Acahualinca, Managua Nicaragua” Paper presented at the Mayor’s Office of Managua’s meeting on the future potential world heritage status of the archaeological site Acahualinca, Managua, Nicaragua.
- 2016 Lowry, Justin P. Invited Participant Forum on the Future of Nicaraguan Archaeology “Encuentro Nacional de Arqueólogos” Hosted by: El Instituto Nicaragüense de Cultura, Director Luís Morales Alonso
- 2016 Sternberg, Even, Lowry, J.P., & Paling, J.S.R. “Trade and inter-community networks around Managua, Nicaragua,” Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Orlando, Florida.
- 2015 Lowry, Justin P., Paling, J.S.R., & Quinn, C.: “Obsidian Trade from the Perspective of Chiquilistagua, Managua, Nicaragua” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, San Francisco, California.
- 2015 Witte, James C., Lowry, J.P., & Mohammed, D. “Mapping Immigrant Populations in the United States” Session at the Immigration History conference. Immigrant America: New Immigration Histories from 1965 to 2015. Minnesota.
- 2014 Lowry, Justin P., & Paling, J.S.R. “Resultados preliminares: Excavaciones arqueológicas en la comunidad de Chiquilistagua 2013.” Conversatorio Arqueológico: Realidades y Retos de la ciencia en Nicaragua. Conference held at the center for archaeology and documentation, University of Nicaragua, Managua (Centro Arqueológico de Documentación e Investigación UNAN, Managua).
- 2014 Lowry, Justin P., Paling, J.S.R., & Quinn, C.: “Chiquilistagua Archaeological Project 2013 Season,” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Austin, Texas.
- 2014 Witte, James C., & Lowry, J.P. “The Contribution of Refugees and Immigrants to the Social and Economic Landscape of the United States.” Presentation given at the Ethiopian Community Development Council ECDC, Washington D.C.
- 2013 Lowry, Justin P., & Ardren, T. “Preclassic Houses: A Study of House Form and Function in the Late Preclassic at Xuenkal,” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meetings, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Grants, Awards & Honors
- Summer 2018 and Spring 2019: SUNY Plattsburgh CP2 Pedagogy in Teaching Common Problem Courses: “Safe Cities” Project in Conjunction with Mustafa Demir, Criminal Justice Department ($1,500); “Field Archaeology” Project in Conjunction with Jerry Isaac, Expeditionary Studies ($1,500).
- Spring, 2016 – Spring, 2018: Extension of Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) Co-PI on grant for project investigating the role of immigrants in community service organizations ($270,000).
- Spring, 2016: Nominee for Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year. This award nomination was given for work guiding, advising, and overseeing undergraduate research grants through Mason’s Office of Undergraduate Scholarship and Research (OSCAR).
- Spring, 2016: Associate Provost’s Recognition for High Student Evaluations in Mason Core Courses.
- Summer, 2016: “Diploma de Agradecimiento Moral y Perpetuo” Certificate of moral and eternal gratitude for rescue archaeological work and advice given in summer, 2015. Award presented by the Director of the Department of History and Cultural Patrimony, Mayor’s Office, Managua, Nicaragua.
- Summer, 2016: “Diploma de Gratitud” Certificate of Thanks for presentation at the Mayor’s Office of Managua’s meeting on the future potential world heritage status of the archaeological site Acahualinca, Managua, Nicaragua.
- Spring, 2015: The Center for a Public Anthropology, Public Anthropology’s Franz Boas Global Citizenship Award “…this award recognizes Dr. Lowry’s exceptionally effective participation in Public Anthropology’s Community Action Online Project as well as his wider activities in the public sphere.”
- Summer, 2013: Kickstarter: Dig It! Chiquilistagua Archaeological Project. Crowdsource grant for excavations and research at Chiquilistagua Archaeological Site, Nicaragua ($5,750).