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Making Calls

On-Campus Calling

  • Dial the 4-digit extension.

Local/Regional Calling (within 518 area code)

  • Dial 8 - number - PBN.

Long-Distance Calling

  • Dial 8 - 1 - number (area code first) - PBN.

Toll-Free Calling

  • Dial 8 - 1 - toll free number - PBN.

There is no charge for toll free calls. Calling cards must have a toll free number (888, 800, 877, etc.) or charges will be double billed. This is typically a problem with international calling cards.

International Calling

  • Dial 8 - 0 1 1 - country code - city code - number - # - PBN.

There may be a brief period of silence while the call is connecting.

Operator-Assisted Calling

  • Dial 8 - 0 - area code - number - PBN.
  • Wait for carrier tone and enter credit card number.

Please note that collect calls, credit card calls and person-to-person calls incur an additional surcharge which is added to toll charges.

Emergency Calling

  • Dial 911. No PBN is required.

If you accidentally dial 911, stay on the line and tell the operator that it was a mistake.

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