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Student Work ID Card Policy

Establishes the identification required for student workers to gain access to sensitive areas.

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
10012.1 Information Technology Services


  • 4.0 Policy

    The purpose of the student worker ID is to assist departments in verifying that students entering sensitive areas are entitled to access.

    This card will be a distinct style solely used for student office workers, and will not mirror the current SUNY Plattsburgh (i.e. ISO#, Library #,) Cardinal Card.  The magnetic strips on the cards will not be encoded.

    ID cards will be processed by Collage Auxiliary Services (CAS) once a completed Student Worker ID Request form (see Forms) is received.  The card will be mailed back to the requesting department supervisor.  

    The requesting department will have the responsibility for maintaining the student worker ID.  ID should be provided by the department to the student as needed during each shift and collected before the end of student's shift. 

    The card must be destroyed when a student leaves or is terminated from the department.

    Pictures for the card will come from current CAS database.

    The Student work ID should be displayed at all times on a lanyard or ID clip.

    Students will be required to sign the  Student Work I.D. Confidentiality Statement (see Forms) for each department where they are employed.  This confidentiality statement will be kept on file in the department. 

    Card information includes:  First name (only), picture, department name, department telephone number, and department supervisor.

For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.

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