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Internal Control Policy

 Expresses the campus' compliance with New York State's Governmental Accountability Act. 

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
6010.1 VP of Administration


  • 4.0 Policy

    In 1987, The New York State Governmental Accountability Act was enacted to formalize a system of productivity and accountability in all state agencies including SUNY campuses. The Act included provisions for strengthening campus internal controls and for measuring their effectiveness. Agencies received the following mandates: Establish and maintain guidelines for a formal internal control program. Establish internal control reviews for departmental managers to identify risks, weaknesses and corrective actions. Ensure that all employees understand the concept of internal control and their respective roles and responsibilities. Formally state the organization's policies and standards for all employees. Determine the manner of fulfilling the internal audit function. Designate an internal control officer to coordinate the program.

    As required by law, SUNY Plattsburgh must annually certify that its Internal Control Program is in compliance with the Internal Control Act. In addition to the six standard requirements, the state may, from time to time, identify additional activities campuses are expected to complete as part of the on-going internal control program. Since internal control depends on the participation of all employees at every position level, all employees should be aware of the College's goals and their participating roles in attaining those goals. They should routinely exercise judgment and act to protect the institution and its resources from loss, waste, or damage. All employees need to exhibit the personal and professional traits of the responsible and productive person in seeking areas for improvement and acting in the best interests and protection of the institution and the public.


    Ensure the successful achievement of the Campus' mission. Determine that programs and operations are effective, efficient and economical. Ensure that we are in compliance with laws, regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines. Ensure the accurate recording, preservation and reporting of financial and other key data. Ensure that assets are safeguarded including: Preventing or minimizing the waste, loss or unauthorized use of assets. Maintaining a complete inventory of equipment items and verifying the accuracy of this through regular periodic physical inventories.

For additional information about this policy, please contact the Policy Owner listed above.

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