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Web Governance Policy

The SUNY Plattsburgh official website is the public face of the college. It mainly serves the marketing and communications needs of the college, and is our primary and most important recruitment and communications tool for our external stakeholders.

Policy Information

Policy Number Policy Owner
3008.3 Strategic Communications/Marketing


  • 4.0 Policy

    Governance and content management of the official SUNY Plattsburgh website is overseen by the Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing. This oversight includes development and implementation of web and content strategy. All pages on the SUNY Plattsburgh official website are maintained on plattsburgh.edu or other approved domains and servers, and must adhere to the website policy. SUNY Plattsburgh is solely responsible for the content, copyright and accessibility of all pages representing the college, and therefore, these pages must adhere to this policy, the Graphic Communications Policy and all legal requirements, including accessibility guidelines. Pages that belong to the Student Association, Athletics, Study Abroad and Institutional Advancement are responsible for ensuring that materials meet legal and college policy requirements. The News & Events section is managed by Strategic Communications and Marketing, which provides content and updates via its communications function. Strategic Communications and Marketing may delegate additional authority to other campus users where deemed in the best interest of the institution.

    External Links
    Occasionally, official Plattsburgh.edu pages include links to external sites. Links from SUNY Plattsburgh pages to commercial organizations and business or for promotional purposes are generally not permitted. Requests for an exception to this policy will be reviewed by the executive director of Strategic Communications and Marketing on a case-by-case basis.

    Online Journals or Blogs
    Online journals or blogs on the SUNY Plattsburgh website are required to comply with accessibility laws. Such online publications are required to adopt the college’s web template and represent a visual connection to the college.

    Social Media and Networks
    Use of social media networks is governed by the SUNY Plattsburgh Social Media Policy.

    Non-Affiliated Associations
    Content Owners are required to ensure that non-affiliated associations linked on official SUNY Plattsburgh web pages be clearly identified as such (i.e. as being entities other than SUNY Plattsburgh). Representations of non-affiliated associations on the website are required to comply with New York State laws concerning accessibility and to follow this policy.

    Faculty Projects
    Faculty-run or faculty-managed web projects shall reside on external hosting sites, not on the official college website. All web pages and materials made available by faculty must be fully accessible and comply with state and federal laws.

    Student Projects
    Student-run web projects shall reside on external hosting sites, if approved by a faculty member, not on the official college website. When working on student projects, the student must provide log in names and passwords to the faculty member they are working with. Students should close blogs and forms when finished with their project.

    External Sites
    To secure a non-plattsburgh.edu domain name or to host web pages off plattsburgh.edu, department heads must submit a written request to the executive director of Strategic Communications and Marketing for review and prior approval. Requests to host student recruitment content on external servers will not be honored.

    For specifics on privacy, please see Appendix.

For additional information about this policy, please contact the policy owner listed above. 

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