Incomplete Grade Policy
The grade of incomplete (I) indicates that a student has been unable to complete a course for reasons which are considered by the instructor of the course to be extenuating and beyond the student’s control and can be documented. An example would be missing the final examination or final paper deadline because of an illness or family emergency.
To be granted a grade of incomplete (I), a student should have completed the following:
- 75% of the work for the course;
- attendance through the course has been otherwise satisfactory; and
- work to date is passing.
The grade of incomplete (I) should not be assigned in circumstances where the student’s performance to date clearly indicates an inability to pass the course as defined in the original syllabus, nor as replacement for a failing grade, nor because the student stopped attending classes. Incomplete grades may not be changed to withdrawals (W) at a later date.
Faculty must complete a Report of “Incomplete” Work form and send a copy to the student and the department chairperson. This form indicates the specific work required and the date by which the work must be completed (not to exceed the end of the following semester).
An incomplete grade not changed by the instructor to an A–E or P grade by the end of the semester after it was given automatically converts to a grade of E. The grade of incomplete (I) is not transferable and is not computed in the student’s grade point average.
Faculty Senate Action #675; adopted May 2, 2008. Approved by the President July 9, 2008.