Pottermania Comes to SUNY Plattsburgh
A celebration and examination of literacy, literature and culture based on the Harry Potter series of books and films is coming to the State University College of New York at Plattsburgh, Sunday, Oct. 28 through Sunday, Nov. 4.
To take advantage of the publication of the seventh and final book in the Harry Potter series, by J.K. Rowling, Feinberg Library is coordinating a week of activities designed to engage the college and general community in an examination of the effect this series has had on literacy among young and young adult readers - not to mention adults.
In addition, the event will celebrate the films drawn from the series and such topics as science fiction, fantasy, feminism, censorship, marketing and reading as a learned activity.
Sunday, Oct. 28: "Books to Film: the Good, the Bad and the Commentary," a panel anchored by Jon Chatlos of the English Department. 4 p.m., Feinberg Library foyer.
Sunday, Oct. 28: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," SA Sunday Night Film, 8 p.m., Angell Center, Cardinal Lounge.
Monday, Oct. 29: "Harry Potter as Threat and Enterprise: Explore the World of Books That Are Banned, Censored, Pilfered and Defaced! (It's Horrid!)" A panel featuring local educators and school librarians. Cardinal Lounge, Angell College Center, 7 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 30: "Harry Potter as Literature," a panel featuring Tom Morrissey and Elaine Ostry of the English Department and SUNY Plattsburgh Senior Dana Lutters. Alumni Conference Room, Angell College Center, 7 p.m..
Thursday, Nov. 1: Feinberg/Women's Studies Forum: 12:15 to 1 p.m., Angell Center Cardinal Lounge. "Feminism and Witchcraft in Harry Potter" Moderated by Lynne Schlesinger, Connie Shemo and Patty Bentley. Cardinal Lounge, Angell College Center, 12:15 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 2: Party at Hogsmeade (Or a Reasonable Facsimile)! Butter Beer, Chocolate Frogs, Bertie's All Flavour Beans, and other delectables. Hosted by the Center for Service Learning and Feinberg Library. All Witches and Wizards are invited to march and enjoy. This is particularly directed at young folks in the community, who are invited to come for fun and games. Costumes requested but not required. Alumni Conference Room, Angell College Center, 3 to 5 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 3: Harry Potter Jeopardy! Compete for the House Cup! Teams will be selected to represent the four houses of Hogwarts. Single Elimination. Sponsored by the Learning Center and Feinberg, Representatives of Professors Dumbledore and McGonagle will emcee and judge. Alumni Conference Room, Angell College Center, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Books and other "Potterphernalia" will be available at the College Store and all events. Books are offered at 30% discount, courtesy of the College Store. Special Edition SUNY Plattsburgh POTTERMANIA T-shirts will be available for purchase for $12. If we run out, we'll take orders for more!
Feinberg Library and the Book Nook of the College Store sponsor this and the "Reader's Series " to celebrate area authors and scholars to encourage reading and use of library resources. Other sponsors include Information Outreach, College Auxiliary Services Special Funds, the Deans of Arts and Science, Education, Health and Human Services and Library and Information Services.
For more information, see www.plattsburgh.edu/library or call Patty Bentley at 518-564-5202.

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