"Meet Your Neighbors" Event Planned for April 1
PLATTSBURGH, NY — The State University of New York College at Plattsburgh and the City of Plattsburgh will host a "Meet Your Neighbors" event for residents and off-campus students living in the Renaissance Village Apartments and South Catherine Street area on Thursday, April 1 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Bazzano's Pizza, 5041 South Catherine Street.
Sponsored by Plattsburgh State Interim President John Clark and Plattsburgh City Mayor Daniel Stewart, the "Meet Your Neighbors" event is an off-campus outreach program designed to improve and foster relations among off-campus students, neighboring community members and college and city officials.
Campus officials, student government leaders and members of FAIR (For All Interested Residents) are expected to attend in addition to Plattsburgh City Common Council members and city department heads.
For more information, contact Gregory McGrath, assistant to the president at Plattsburgh State at 518-564-2010.
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