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Conditions in Haiti Discussed by SUNY Plattsburgh Alumnus in Sept. 17 Talk

SUNY Plattsburgh sociology alumnus Jonathan LaMare will discuss his experiences as director of a Haitian orphanage Thursday, Sept. 17 beginning at 6 p.m. in Krinivotz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall.

LaMare, a member of the Class of 2010 and former adjunct faculty in the Department of Sociology at SUNY Plattsburgh, has spent the better part of three years as director of an orphanage in Haiti and has done development work in Rwanda. He’ll bring these experiences to his alma mater during his talk, “Haiti: Development (Mis)conceptions.” LaMare’s return to SUNY Plattsburgh is part of the Alumni in the Classroom Experience, or ACE, Program, and is sponsored by the Plattsburgh Alumni Association, Plattsburgh College Foundation and the Department of Sociology. The talk is free and open to the public. 

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