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Canadian Studies Fulbright Scholar to Speak at SUNY Plattsburgh

PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. (April 11, 2008) - Dr. Chris Kukucha will deliver the SUNY Plattsburgh Distinguished Fulbright Address at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 22, in the Krinovitz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus.

The Fulbright-SUNY Plattsburgh visiting research chair in Canadian studies and associate professor for the department of political science at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, will give a talk titled "Is New York Relevant? American States and U.S. Foreign Trade Policy." The lecture will address what role states and provinces have in influencing trade policy at the national and international levels. 

Kukucha's research through the Fulbright program focuses on the role of U.S. states in American foreign trade policy.  His objective is to complement his recently completed work reviewing the influence of the provinces on Canadian foreign trade policy.  His work also provides a comparative view of American and Canadian sub-federal governments in the global political economy.

Kukucha's previous research interests include Canadian foreign policy, international political economy and Canadian federalism. His recent publications focus on the relevance of domestic politics and sub-national governments in the formulation of Canada's global trade relations.  His most recent book, "The Provinces and Canadian Foreign Trade Policy" (UBC Press), will be published this fall.  He is also co-editor of "Readings in Canadian Foreign Policy: Classic Debates and New Ideas" (Oxford University Press 2006).

This event free and open to the public.  For more information, contact Amy Sotherden, outreach program activities coordinator, Center for the Study of Canada at SUNY Plattsburgh, 518-564-2385 or [email protected].

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