Committees, policies and bylaws for the SUNY Plattsburgh Faculty Senate.
Committees & Members
- Executive Committee
- Bridget Haina, Chair
- Lolita Kincade, Vice Chair
- Vacant, Secretary
- Oscar Flores, Additional Member
- Rohit Rampal, Additional Member
- John Locke, Academic Policies Committee Chair
- Kenneth Baldwin, Curricula & Programs Committee Chair
- Ben Medeiros, General Education Committee Chair
- Wanda Carroll, Resources and Planning Committee Chair
- Shatawndra Lister, Student Life Committee Chair
- Vacant, Writing Across the Curriculum Chair
- Sandra Rezac, Presiding Officer
- Lolita Kincade, University Faculty Senator
- Karen Volkman, University Faculty Senator (Alternate)
- Terrence Vance, Bylaws Officer
- Wendy Braje, Supervisor of Faculty Elections
- Academic Policies Committee
- John Locke, Chair
- Iheb Abdellatif
- Samy Garas
- Morgan Hicks
- Michelle Howland
- Cassie Joseph
- Ewa Pater
- Erin Peters
- Maureen Squires
- Luke Tyrrell
- Terrence Vance
- Curricula & Programs Committee
- Kenneth Baldwin, Chair
- Sabah Bushaj
- Sarah Charles
- Cody Dulaney
- Colin Fuss
- Troy Joseph
- Chris Needham
- Suyeon Park
- Michelle St. Onge
- Karen Volkman
- Lauren Zito
- General Education Committee
- Ben Medeiros, Chair
- Teri Deyo
- Cecilia Gregoire
- Erika Guay
- Kirsten Isgro
- Don Maier
- Amy Ryan
- Sut Sakchutchawarn
- Amy Sotherden
- Michelle Toth
- Resources & Planning Committee
- Wanda Carroll, Chair
- Joshua Beatty
- Michelle Bonati
- Andrew Buckser
- Michael Burgess
- Rachel Seeber Conine
- Colin Fuss
- Laurent Josien
- Andrew Lang
- Karen Naaman
- Priyanka Patel
- Janet Puhalla
- Terrence Vance
- Student Life Committee
- Shatawndra Lister, Chair
- Li-Jen (Chase) Chen
- Taj Ellis
- Kelci Henn
- Karin Killough
- Laura-Jean Schwartau
- Writing Across the Curriculum Committee
- Vacant, Chair
- Tonya Baker
- John M. Chambers
- Suzannah Chatlos
- Tom Friedrich
- Wendy Gordon
- Chenaniah Henderson
- Cheryl Kabeli
- Regan Levitte
- Christopher Morales
- John McMahon
- Lee Thorpe
- Chunnan Zhang
Policies & Bylaws
- The Policies of the Board of Trustees
Article X.5(a)(b) provide for the establishment of faculty bylaws:
- The faculty of each college shall prepare and adopt bylaws which shall contain:
- Provisions for committees and their responsibilities;
- Procedures for the calling and conduct of faculty meetings and elections; and
- Provisions for such other matters of organization and procedure as may be necessary for the performance of their responsibilities.
- Bylaws shall be consistent with and subject to the Policies of the Board of Trustees of State University of New York, the laws of the State of New York, and the provisions of agreements between the State of New York and the certified employee organization established pursuant to Article 14 for the Civil Service Law. Provisions of bylaws concerning consultation with the faculty shall be subject to the approval of the chief administrative officer of the college. All actions under bylaws shall be advisory upon the chancellor and the chief administrative officer of the college.
- The faculty of each college shall prepare and adopt bylaws which shall contain:
- Article 1 — The Faculty
The faculty of State University of New York at Plattsburgh State shall consist of the chancellor of the state university, the chief administrative officer of the college, and all members, both full and part time, of the academic staff, administrative staff, and professional staff, including de facto professional staff members who are officially employed by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York and faculty and professional staff members employed on temporary contracts.
1.2 — Voting Faculty
1.2.1 The provisions of this section apply to these Bylaws only; academic departments or other administrative units can use different rules for determining their members' voting status.
1.2.2 For all-college purposes, Voting Faculty shall consist of all persons appearing on the Faculty Roster unless otherwise excluded. Voting Faculty include, but are not limited to: Retired faculty on special term appointment for teaching, research, or administration. Any person having a full-time temporary appointment subsequent to the first year of such appointment. Any person employed full time by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York subsequent to the first year of such appointment. Part-time teaching faculty with term appointments. Full-time or part-time non-teaching faculty with term appointments who are serving in at least the third year of such appointments.
1.2.3 For all-college purposes, the following members of the faculty will be non-voting: Any assistant instructor or other faculty member who has primarily a training status. Any retired member not on special term appointment for teaching, research, or administration.
1.2.3 Any person having a full-time temporary appointment during the first year of appointment. Any person employed full time by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York during the first year of such appointment. Any person having a part-time appointment except as otherwise provided.
1.3 — Powers and Responsibilities of the Faculty
1.3.1 The Faculty shall have the right and the obligation to participate significantly in the initiation, development, and implementation of the educational program of the College; they will be responsible for the conduct of the College's instruction, research, and service programs. The Faculty shall exercise their powers and functions through Faculty Meetings, through the Faculty Senate, and through committees. The Faculty shall consult with and/or make recommendations to the Chief Administrative Officer, or the Chief Administrative Officer's designee, as appropriate, on the administrative organization of the College or its components; the designation of administrative officers; the formulation, interpretation or revision of college policy; and any other matters requiring consultation as called for in the Trustees Policies. The Faculty shall consult with the College Council concerning the appointment of the Chief Administrative Officer of the College. The Faculty shall formulate or review all major statements, existing or proposed, of the philosophy and objectives of the College, wherever such statements appear, as in master plans, budget proposals, etc. In this capacity, appropriate participation The Faculty may be through consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer. The Faculty shall have the obligation to participate significantly in the initiation, development, and implementation of the instructional, research, and service programs of the College. The Faculty shall formulate or review all policies which directly affect the implementation of the instructional programs, such as, but not limited to, admission requirements, general degree and graduation requirements, student affairs policies, and policies relating to support services. The Faculty may make recommendations to the Chief Administrative Officer of the College regarding any matters affecting the Faculty or the College, except matters exclusive to a collective bargaining agent. The Faculty shall formulate and review proposed courses, new programs, and changes in substance or status (including termination) of existing programs of instruction. The Faculty shall have the primary responsibility of making recommendations to the Chief Administrative Officer as described in Trustees Policies Article XI , Title A. The Faculty shall select a Presiding Officer of the Faculty. The Faculty shall elect its State University Senator(s) and Alternate(s), and through them The Faculty shall participate in the University Faculty Senate. The Faculty shall prepare and adopt Bylaws, as required by the Trustees Policies. The Faculty may create committees, as it deems necessary to exercise its powers and responsibilities.
1.4 — Officers and Representatives of the Faculty
1.4.1 A Presiding Officer of the Faculty shall be elected by the Faculty. The Presiding Officer of the Faculty shall preside over meetings of the Faculty and shall serve as the representative of the Faculty to the College Council. The Presiding Officer of the Faculty shall serve a three-year term of office. The Presiding Officer of the Faculty may not concurrently serve as a voting member of the Faculty Senate. A presiding officer who has served a full three-year term, or a major fraction thereof, may be re-elected for a second, consecutive term. After completion of a second term, that person will not be eligible to serve again for at least one year.
1.4.2 A Supervisor of Elections shall be elected by the Faculty. The Supervisor of Elections shall conduct College-wide elections, notify governance units of pending elections, maintain an official faculty roster of voting and non-voting faculty, and carry out additional responsibilities as appropriate. The Chair of the Faculty Senate will act as an observer during the election of the Supervisor of Elections. Individuals excluded from the Faculty Roster may appeal to the Supervisor of Elections, who shall appoint an ad hoc committee of faculty to resolve the appeal. The Supervisor of Elections shall serve a three-year term of office.
1.4.3 A State University Faculty Senator (and Alternate), shall be elected by the Faculty as the representative of the Faculty to the University Faculty Senate in accordance with any procedures which may be specified by the University Faculty Senate.
1.4.4 A Convener shall be elected by the Council of Chairs, to represent the Council of Chairs’ perspective in appropriate meetings, particularly in Academic Affairs. The Chairs’ Convener will periodically convene and preside over meetings of all academic department chairs and center directors (the Council of Chairs). The Chairs’ Convener will serve a two-year term of office, and the election shall be overseen by the Faculty Supervisor of Elections.
1.5 — Election of Officers of the Faculty and Representatives
1.5.1 Only Voting Faculty will be eligible for election as Officers and Representatives of the Faculty unless otherwise specified.
1.5.2 The Supervisor of Elections shall notify the Faculty of impending election(s) by February 7 of the year in which an election is to be conducted. The Supervisor of Elections will invite will invite self-nominations , will then prepare and publish a slate of nominees, and will conduct the election(s) so as to be completed by March 7 . Election shall be by secret ballot and require a majority of those voting. Elections for State University Faculty Senator and Alternate will be conducted according to any procedures specified by the University Faculty Senate and the Alternate State University Faculty Senator will be the runner-up in the election of Senator.
1.5.3 If a position of any Officer of the Faculty or Representative becomes vacant, the Supervisor of Elections shall conduct a new election to fill the unexpired term within three weeks of the date the vacancy occurs. If the position of Supervisor of Elections becomes vacant, the Faculty Senate shall appoint a temporary Supervisor of Elections to conduct an election to fill that position.
1.6 — Faculty Meetings
1.6.1 Meetings of the Faculty may be called by the Chief Administrative Officer of the College, by the Chief Administrative Officer's designee, by the Presiding Officer of the Faculty, by request of the Faculty Senate, or by petition signed by at least twenty members of the Voting Faculty. In all cases, the Presiding Officer of the Faculty shall chair the meetings.
1.6.2 Meetings of the Faculty shall be either Informational Meetings or Business Meetings (involving resolutions, debate, and voting). Business meetings may be called only by the Presiding Officer of the Faculty. The agenda for any meeting shall be prepared and published either by the Chief Administrative Officer of the College or designee or by the Presiding Officer at least one week in advance of the meeting, except in an emergency, and the meeting notice shall specify whether the meeting is an informational or business meeting.
1.6.3 All members of the College Community may attend Faculty meetings and speak before the assembly. Other guests may be invited at the discretion of the convening officer.
1.6.4 Informational Faculty meetings shall have no quorum requirement. For a Business meeting, one-third of the Voting Faculty shall constitute a quorum, and minutes shall be recorded by a Secretary pro-tempore appointed by the Presiding Officer of the Faculty. The latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern Business meetings in all cases in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws or special rules of order of the Faculty.
- Article 2 — Organization & Functions of the Faculty
2.1 — Governance Units
2.1.1 A governance unit is a subdivision of the College in which the Faculty share a community of interest. Typically, in Academic Affairs, a governance unit may be an academic department, but is not limited to be so. The determination of the number and composition of governance units is the responsibility of the Supervisor of Elections, in consultation with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
2.1.2 Each governance unit shall be responsible for the conduct, evaluation, and improvement of those programs under its jurisdiction and for initiating appropriate action within the Faculty Senate.
2.1.3 Full-time or part-time voting faculty who are assigned entirely or primarily to one governance unit shall be entitled to one vote as a member of that governance unit. Full-time or part-time voting faculty with evenly split assignments shall be entitled to one vote as a member of the governance unit they select, from those units in which they have assignments.
2.1.4 Each governance unit shall elect a Faculty Senator and an Alternate Senator. Any governance unit having three or more Faculty members from the official Faculty Voting Roster shall be entitled to one Faculty Senator and one Alternate Senator.
2.1.5 Elections for Faculty Senators and Alternates must be completed six weeks prior to the end of the academic year. A vacancy shall be filled by a new election held within three weeks of the date the vacancy occurs. The term of a governance unit's Faculty Senator and Alternate will end at the time that governance unit is eliminated, merged with another governance unit, or falls below the required three voting members.
2.1.6. The Council of Chairs is not considered a Governance Unit and has no Faculty Senate representation.
2.2 — Academic Divisions
2.2.1 There shall be four Academic Divisions: the School of Arts and Sciences; the School of Education, Health & Human Services; the School of Business and Economics, and the Division of Information Technology Services
2.2.2 Each Academic Division shall elect a Course and Program Review Committee. The Course and Program Review Committee will advise and consult with the appropriate administrative officer(s) regarding all proposed credit-bearing courses and programs as appropriate and will review all proposed divisional credit-bearing courses and programs. Courses and programs generated from within and approved by a governance unit must be submitted to the Course and Program Review Committee representing that governance unit. All other courses and programs not clearly associated with a particular academic division must be submitted to at least one of the Course and Program Review Committees. Any Course and Program Review Committee may refer a proposal to a more appropriate Faculty Course and Program Review Committee(s). The Course and Program Review Committee will consist of at least three members, elected for two-year staggered terms, with elections for the next academic year to be completed and the results reported in writing to the Supervisor of Elections by May 1. The Chair of each Course and Program Review Committee will be elected annually from and by its members. The incumbent Chair will conduct elections as needed, including those to fill vacated seats.
2.2.3 Each Academic Division shall elect a Faculty Affairs Committee. The Faculty Affairs Committee will advise and consult with the appointing officer of the administrative unit concerning candidates for division-wide administrative appointments and reappointment, and will evaluate the dean of that division during every third year of the appointment. The means of evaluation shall be developed jointly between the Dean and the appropriate Faculty Affairs Committee. The Faculty Affairs Committee will consist of at least three members, elected for two-year staggered terms, with elections for the next academic year to be completed and the results reported in writing to the Supervisor of Elections by May 1. The Chair of each Faculty Affairs Committee will be elected annually from and by its members. The incumbent Chair will conduct elections as needed, including those to fill vacated seats.
- Article 3 — The Faculty Senate
3.1 — Powers and Responsibilities of the Faculty Senate
3.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the Faculty Senate shall be the primary means by which the Faculty exercise their rights and responsibilities. Among those is the responsibility to participate significantly in the initiation, development and implementation of the instructional, research, and service programs of the College.
3.1.2 The Faculty Senate may suggest items for the agenda of a Faculty meeting, may propose a referendum by the Faculty on any question, and may propose amendments to these Bylaws.
3.1.3 Certain Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate are prescribed hereinafter. The Faculty Senate may create ad hoc committees. It may refer to any of its committees those matters, which it deems appropriate as presented by the Executive Committee or by action from the floor.
3.2 — Composition of the Faculty Senate
3.2.1 Voting members of the Faculty Senate will consist of elected representatives of governance units and the Chair of the Faculty Senate. The Supervisor of Elections shall designate governance units and their membership; however, no governance unit shall have fewer than three Voting Faculty. Each governance unit shall elect one Faculty Senator and one Alternate Faculty Senator from its membership. Only Voting Faculty shall be eligible for election to the Faculty Senate. Elected Senators and Alternates shall serve three-year terms, one-third being elected each year. Senators and Alternates from the same governance units will serve concurrent terms. Terms of office of all Senators shall begin at the designated commencement of the Senate year. Senators who undertake leaves of absence shall cease to be Senators at the commencement of any such leave. The Chief Administrative Officer of the College shall immediately notify the Supervisor of Elections as soon as such a leave is approved so that the Alternate can replace the Senator for the duration of the leave, and a special election(s) can be held to elect a new Alternate for the duration of the leave. Should a special election be held for a seat, which, due to the cancellation of a leave, does not become vacant, that election shall be null and void. If a Senator is unable to attend a Senate meeting, the Alternate from that governance unit shall attend instead, and will have all the rights and responsibilities of a Senator for that meeting. However, an elected Senator who is absent from three Senate meetings in a Senate year ceases to be a Senator, and the Alternate will replace the Senator for the remainder of the term of office. The Secretary of the Faculty Senate shall notify the Supervisor of Elections, who will in turn notify the governance unit and effect an election for a replacement Alternate Senator. This does not apply to leaves of absence, as described in
3.2.2 Ex-officio, non-voting members of the Faculty Senate will be the Chief Administrative Officer of the College, the Chief Academic Officer, the Chief Student Affairs Officer, the Chief Business Affairs Officer, the Chief Development Officer, the President of the Student Association or designee, the Presiding Officer of the Faculty, the Supervisor of Elections, and the University Faculty Senator.
3.2.3 The Faculty Senate Executive Committee shall annually appoint a Senate Parliamentarian. Members of the Faculty Senate shall be ineligible to hold the position of Parliamentarian.
3.2.4 A Bylaws officer shall be elected by the Faculty for a three year term. The Bylaws Officer will inform members of the faculty and administration on the substance of the Bylaws, and report to the Faculty Senate those instances when Bylaws are not being observed. The Bylaws Officer will be available for consultation on all matters relating to the Bylaws. A Bylaws Officer who has served a full three-year term, or a major fraction thereof, may be re-elected for a second, consecutive term. After completion of a second term, that person will not be eligible to serve again for at least one year.
3.3 — Officers of the Faculty Senate
3.3.1 The officers of the Faculty Senate elected from among its own voting members shall be Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary, and such additional officers as the Senate may designate. The Chair and Vice-Chair must have earned permanent appointment or continuing appointment.
3.3.2 The Chair of the Faculty Senate shall be elected at the February meeting to permit a smooth transition and enable the incoming Chair to seek a course release. All other officers shall be elected at the organizational meeting of the Faculty Senate. If there are multiple nominations, voting shall be by secret ballot. Election shall require a majority of the votes cast. Absentee or proxy nominations and ballots shall not be accepted. If there are more than two candidates and no one receives a majority of votes, the candidate with the fewest votes will be dropped and the election rerun.
3.3.3 The term of elected officers shall coincide with the Faculty Senate year. Any officer who ceases to be a Senator ceases to be an officer. No elected officer shall serve more than three successive terms.
3.3.4 If an office becomes vacant between regular elections, the Faculty Senate shall elect a replacement to complete the term.
3.3.5 The Senator elected Chair shall cede their senate position to the alternate senator to ensure that the governance unit is represented in the Senate. The Chair of the Senate will be eligible to run for re-election for two more consecutive terms.
3.4 — Calendar and Meetings of the Senate
3.4.1 The faculty senate year shall begin on the first day of the fall semester and end on the last day before the beginning of the fall semester of the next academic year.
3.4.2 The newly elected Faculty Senate shall be convened by the incoming Chair within, but not more than three weeks before the end of the spring semester for the purpose of organizing itself and completing necessary elections of remaining officers and committee chairs for the following faculty senate year. The election of the faculty senate chair for the next senate year will take place at the February senate meeting.
3.4.3 Meetings of the Faculty Senate shall normally be held once each month during the regular academic year. Additional meetings may be convened at the discretion of the Executive Committee or the Chair of the Faculty Senate, or upon receipt of a petition to the Chair of the Faculty Senate for a special meeting signed by five Senators.
3.4.4 The Chair of the Faculty Senate, Vice-Chair or an alternate designated by the Chair, or if none has been designated, a chair pro tempore elected by the Faculty Senate, shall preside at meetings of the Faculty Senate.
3.4.5 The Faculty Senate shall keep minutes of all its meetings. The Faculty Senate Secretary shall be responsible for making available copies of these minutes. The Secretary shall keep permanent files of the minutes.
3.4.6 All members of the College Community may attend meetings of the Faculty Senate. The Chair may invite guests to attend a meeting, and may permit any person present to take part in discussions.
3.4.7 Notice and Agenda: The agenda for each meeting of the Faculty Senate shall be made available at least one week prior to the meeting. Agenda items for the Faculty Senate may be suggested by any member of the Faculty or the President of the Student Association. Such suggested items must be submitted in writing to the Chair of the Faculty Senate for proper channeling by the Executive Committee. Informational matters not included on the published agenda may be brought before the Faculty Senate when the Chair determines that their inclusion is in order; all other matters not included on the published agenda shall be in order only upon a two-thirds vote of the Faculty Senators present and voting.
3.4.8 A quorum of the Faculty Senate shall be two-thirds of its voting membership. The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition, shall govern meetings of Faculty Senate in all cases in which they are not in conflict with these Bylaws or special rules of order of the Faculty Senate.
3.5 — Executive Committee of the Senate
3.5.1 The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate shall consist of the Faculty Senate Chair, the Vice-Chair, the Secretary, the Chair of the Senate Standing Committees on Academic Policies, Curricula and Programs, Resources and Planning, General Education, Writing Across the Curriculum , and two additional Senators elected annually by the Senate at its organizational meeting. The Presiding Officer of the Faculty, the Supervisor of Elections, and the University Senator(s) are ex-officio, non-voting members. The Chair of the Faculty Senate shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee.
3.5.2 Responsibilities - The Executive Committee shall: Review the general functioning of the Faculty Senate and recommend ways to improve its operation. Prepare the agenda for meetings of the Faculty Senate and provide reports of all official actions to the Faculty Senate. Appoint members of the Senate Standing Committees as prescribed in these Bylaws and Ad Hoc Committees as appropriate. Act as the steering committee for the routing of proposals for consideration to the Faculty, the Faculty Senate, or any of its committees, to units of the College, or to the Chief Administrative Officer, as appropriate. Act for the Faculty Senate on urgent matters at such times as it is clearly impractical or impossible to convene the Faculty Senate. Such action shall be reported to the Faculty Senate at its next meeting and shall require the official endorsement of the Senate. Act as the committee of the Faculty to consult with the College Council on the method of selection of the Chief Administrative Officer of the College, and to consult with the Chief Administrative Officer of the College on the method of selection of Vice-Presidents, Deans, and others with similar responsibilities. Such consultation in each case to include both the selection process itself and faculty representation in the process. Meet on a monthly basis, as needed, with the Chief Administrative Officer or designee. Designate faculty representation upon receiving an appropriate request from non-faculty source (e.g. an administrative committee, Student Association, etc.)
3.6 — Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate — General
3.6.1 In order to enable the Faculty Senate to carry out its functions, it shall establish the following standing committees: Academic Policies, Curricula and Programs, Resources and Planning, General Education, and Writing Across the Curriculum.
3.6.2 The Faculty Senate or the Executive Committee may refer to its committees such matters as it deems appropriate. The committees shall be responsible to the Faculty Senate and shall bring their recommendations to the Faculty Senate except where otherwise specified. Except as otherwise provided, approval of a referred issue by a committee is not necessary for consideration by the Faculty Senate.
3.6.3 The Faculty Senate shall elect each Standing Committee chair annually from the Senate's voting membership at the Senate's organization meeting. A Committee Chair may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms, with a one year extension possible if a new chair cannot be found.
3.6.4 The faculty members of Standing Committees, except for the committee Chairs, shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate and may be replaced at that Committee's discretion. Committees may include Senators, members of the Faculty who are not Senators, and students. In the selection of personnel for committees, provisions shall be made, as far as it is practical, for gradual rotation and broad representation of membership among directly interested governance units, and for committees with a strong academic focus to be primarily composed of academic faculty.
3.6.5 The term of office of members of Senate Standing Committees shall be two years unless otherwise specified by these Bylaws. Should a vacancy occur on a Standing Committee, the vacancy shall be filled for the remaining term by Executive Committee appointment within one month of the vacancy.
3.6.6 The Secretary of a committee shall be appointed from among its membership by the committee chair. The Secretary shall provide members of the committee with an agenda at least one day in advance of each meeting and shall maintain records and minutes of its proceedings.
3.6.7 A quorum of a committee shall be a majority of its membership.
3.6.8 Committees may create such subcommittees, as they deem necessary unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws. The personnel of the subcommittee shall be selected by the parent committee, which shall inform the Chair of the Senate of its selections.
3.7 — Standing Committee on Academic Policies
3.7.1 MEMBERSHIP: Voting members of this committee shall consist of a Chair and at least six faculty members appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. Non-voting members of this committee shall consist of the Registrar of the College or designee and the Chief Academic Officer or designee.
3.7.2 RESPONSIBILITIES: This committee shall formulate, review, and make recommendations concerning academic policies of a College-wide nature such as those concerning admissions, graduation requirements, academic standards, and institutional assessment.
3.8 — Standing Committee on Curricula and Programs
3.8 1 MEMBERSHIP: Voting members of this committee shall consist of a Chair and at least six faculty members appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. Non-voting members of this committee shall consist of the Registrar of the College or designee and the Chief Academic Officer or designee.
3.8.2 RESPONSIBILITIES: This committee shall review and make recommendations concerning proposed changes in the substance or status (including termination) of existing programs and proposed new programs of instruction, research, and service offered by the College.
3.9 — Standing Committee on Resources and Planning
3.9.1 MEMBERSHIP: Voting members of this committee shall consist of a Chair and at least nine broadly representative faculty members appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. Non-voting members of this committee shall consist of the Provost and V.P. for Academic Affairs, the V.P. of Student Affairs, the V.P. of Business Affairs; the V.P. of Institutional Advancement, the Assistant Provost, the campus Budget and Financial Reporting Services, the Director of Facilities, one classified staff member, and the Student Association V.P. for Finance.
3.9.2 RESPONSIBILITIES: This committee shall be the College-level body through which the Faculty participates significantly in the areas specified below. It is the responsibility of the members of this committee to study the college budget and planning documents and become thoroughly familiar with the structure, provisions and development of these documents. This Committee shall advise or consult with the College President (or his/her designee) directly, or review or formulate policy for Faculty Senate consideration, or both as appropriate to its charge by the Senate and shall provide the Senate matters under consideration. The committee shall provide the Senate with a written report of its advice to or consultation with the College President (or his/her designee) as soon as practical. The specific responsibilities of the committee as follows: Advise, review, and consult on the preparation of the College’s budget requests, master plan, strategic plan, and other similar documents. Advise, review, and consult on the distribution of funds and other resources, including personnel, to departments and other major units. Advise, review, and consult on the administrative organization or reorganization of the College and its components. Advise, review, and consult on the College's philosophy and mission. Advise, review, and consult on development and utilization of the College's physical plant. Advise, review, and consult on budgetary implications of proposed new academic programs or specializations, and of proposed new services, research, or support programs, or proposed changes in all such programs. In this capacity, the committee shall render advice to other appropriate Standing Committees charged with reviewing such proposals. Provide, upon request, information and advice concerning the College's resources, objectives, or plans to any other Committee established or authorized under these Bylaws.
3.10 — Standing Committee on General Education
3.10.1 MEMBERSHIP: Voting members of this committee shall consist of a Chair and at least six faculty members appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. Non-voting members of this committee shall consist of the Chief Academic Officer or designee.
3.10.2 RESPONSIBILITIES: This committee shall be responsible for leadership in developing the General Education curriculum, for implementing policies, monitoring the administration of the General Education curriculum, and recommending policies on General Education in order to realize the goals and objectives of the program. The committee shall supervise the formation of subgroups of faculty offering courses within the same component of the General Education Program to monitor and report on the effectiveness of each category of the curriculum. The committee shall have access to the resources of the Chief Academic Officer's office for support of its work. The specific responsibilities of the committee are to: Formulate and distribute procedures to be followed in receiving and acting upon proposed courses. Sponsor or solicit and select courses suitable for meeting the guidelines of the General Education Program. Designate courses that may be taken to fulfill General Education requirements. Coordinate the development of courses suitable for satisfying the General Education requirements. Recommend modification in the General Education requirements to accommodate transfer and advance standing students. Conduct a periodic evaluation of the General Education Program. Make recommendations to the Senate Executive Committee for significant revisions and changes in the General Education program such as addition or deletion of components, or a change in the credit hour requirements. Consult, when necessary, with the Standing Committee on Resources and Planning to insure the availability of needed resources to staff, fund, and support General Education experiences.
3.11 — Standing Committee on Writing Across the Curriculum
3.11.1 MEMBERSHIP: Voting members of this committee shall consist of a Chair and at least six faculty members appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, and one student member appointed by the Student Association. Non-voting members of this committee shall consist of the Chief Academic Officer or designee.
3.11.2 RESPONSIBILITIES: The committee shall be responsible for leadership in monitoring the administration of this program and recommending policies on Writing Across the Curriculum in order to realize the goals and objectives of the program. The committee shall: Review and approve courses to meet the AWR requirement. Review AWR criteria and make recommendations for any changes. Maintain a list of approved courses, and dates approved. Create and implement a staggered five-year review of all AWR courses. Monitor compliance with approved criteria and policies and remove the AWR designation from courses that fail to comply. Provide pedagogical guidance and collaborate with faculty regarding AWR course development, learning opportunities, and teaching strategies.
3.12 — Standing Committee on Student Life
3.12.1 MEMBERSHIP: Voting members of this committee shall consist of a Chair, at least six faculty members appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, and at least four student members. The student members will be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, based on recommendations by the Executive Committee of the Student Association. Non-voting members of this committee shall consist of the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee and the Chief Academic Officer or designee.
3.12.2 RESPONSIBILITIES: The committee will be concerned with significant educational, developmental, social, cultural and recreational policies, programs, issues and services that affect the quality of student life and the campus environment.
- Article 4 — Provisions For Referenda
4.1 — Referenda
4.1.1 Questions may be submitted to the Voting Faculty for referendum by the Faculty Senate or by ten percent of the Voting Faculty upon submission of a written petition to the Presiding Officer of the Faculty.
4.1.2 Proposed questions shall be submitted, in writing, through the Presiding Officer of the Faculty to the Voting Faculty. At least one week but not more than three weeks after the question has been circulated, the Presiding Officer of the Faculty shall convene a meeting of the Faculty to discuss the issue. The Supervisor of Elections shall conduct the referendum. Such balloting shall be carried out within one week of the adjournment of the meeting. A deciding vote on the question shall require either an absolute majority of the total Voting Faculty or a two-thirds majority of those casting ballots.
- Article 5 — Review, Amendment & Minor Changes
5.1 — Review
An Ad Hoc Bylaws Review Committee shall review and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding changes to these Bylaws every fifth year.
5.2 — Amendment
Amendment of these Bylaws may be proposed by the Faculty Senate or by ten percent of the Voting Faculty upon submission of a written petition. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Presiding Officer of the Faculty who shall circulate them to the Voting Faculty. The amendment proposal must include an effective date of implementation. At least one week but not more than three weeks after the proposal has been circulated, the Presiding Officer of the Faculty shall convene an informational meeting of the Voting Faculty, the purpose of such meeting being to inform the Voting Faculty of the rationale and intent of the proposed amendment. If, as a result of this meeting, the Presiding Officer of the Faculty determines that the proposed amendment requires revision before going to a ballot, the Presiding Officer shall so direct the sponsor of the proposed amendment. Such revision must be completed within two weeks and be presented to another informational faculty meeting. The Supervisor of Elections will conduct balloting within one week. A deciding vote on the amendment or its revision shall require either an absolute majority of the total Voting Faculty or a two-thirds majority of those casting ballots.
5.3 — Minor Changes
Minor changes in these Bylaws (see Definition 15) may be recommended by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate for consideration by the Senate. It shall require a three-fourths majority of the total Senate membership to rule that any such proposed change is a minor change, and it shall require a subsequent three-fourths majority of the total Senate membership to adopt the proposed minor change. Such changes are to be reported to the Faculty by the agenda and minutes of the Faculty Senate meetings.
- Article 6 — Interpretation
6.1 — Conflicting Interpretation
It shall be understood that in any matter specifically covered or interpreted to be covered in an agreement between SUNY and a bargaining agent of a negotiating unit, the agreement shall take precedence.
- Definitions & References
- University: State University of New York.
- Trustees: The Board of Trustees of the State University of New York.
- Policies: The Policies of the Board of Trustees, 1987 and/or subsequent revisions.
- Chancellor: The Chancellor of the State University of New York.
- College: The State University of New York College at Plattsburgh
- President: The Chief Administrative Officer at Plattsburgh.
- Faculty: The Chancellor of the State University, Chief Administrative Officer of the College and all members, both full and part-time, of the academic, administrative and professional staff including professional staff members who are officially employed by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York and faculty and professional staff members on temporary contracts.
- Voting Faculty: Refer to appropriate Article.
- Presiding Officer: An individual elected by voting faculty from its membership. Refer to responsibilities of Presiding Officer Article.
- Supervisor of Elections : An individual elected by the Faculty. Refer to responsibilities of Supervisor of Elections.
- Secretary: Refers to a Senator elected by Senate to take minutes of Faculty Senate meetings.
- Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant: Refers to the secretary hired by the Faculty Senate to maintain records, forward Senate paperwork to appropriate individuals, and provide for clerical work for Senate.
- Consultation: The process wherein one party, as a matter of record, seeks, considers and responds to the recommendations of a second party. To advise or consult is to offer information, opinion or recommendations; to exchange attitudes and proposals; to raise questions. The parties are: (1) an individual or group authorized to make a decision, and (2) a group with a legitimate interest in that decision and a perspective deserving consideration. Each party shall have the opportunity and obligation to express its views candidly and have them made as a matter of record, at a time sufficiently prior to decision making to allow the decision to be influenced. The ends sought, although not always achieved, are understanding, agreement, and decisions satisfactory to both parties.
- Ex officio: Serving by virtue of an office held. Ex-officio members may vote unless the Bylaws stipulate otherwise.
- Minor changes in the Bylaws: Changes intended to improve the clarity and consistency of the Bylaws, or to keep the terminology of the Bylaws current in view of the College organization, the Trustees Policies , etc. Excluded from this category are changes that would alter the powers and responsibilities assigned within these Bylaws to the Faculty, the Faculty Senate, or its Committees, or would alter the composition of those groups.